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Messages - FunkyDarkKnight

Super Hexagon / Re: Game Center achievements
February 12, 2013, 11:10:41 PM
Bumping because I'm getting too. Though for me Game Center only registered the "Point" and "Hexagon" achievements.
Good thing it logged that last one.
Super Hexagon / Re: Map of Hexagons
February 12, 2013, 08:44:42 PM
I changed it so that Hyper Hexagoner leads to Bonus Hexagoner, the lines have arrowheads (makes them easier to follow) and I removed the annoying white border around the hexagon in the background.
Three gruelling hours. I probably spent more time on regular hexagonest than hyper hexagonest.
Super Hexagon / Re: Help With One Small Thing
January 07, 2013, 10:17:50 AM
Finally beat it, thanks again for the help dude!
Super Hexagon / Re: Help With One Small Thing
December 30, 2012, 06:38:43 PM
Quote from: Dav999 on December 30, 2012, 06:23:22 PM
Right right left left left.
It works, thanks so much man! I should have this game finished within the next few days or so.
Super Hexagon / Help With One Small Thing
December 30, 2012, 06:21:40 PM
Hey guys,

As you can guess by the title, I need help with one thing related with Super Hexagon. I've managed to successfully complete the first five difficulties (Hexagon, Hexagoner, Hexagonest, Hyper Hexagon and Hyper Hexagoner) with only Hyper Hexagonest left to beat. I can surpass every obstacle (when I don't twitch uncontrollably) and my highest score is 29:03. I got this score because until the 29 second mark, I hadn't encountered this (massive image incoming):

This is the one and only obstacle I can't get past, and I've tried to figure out how to do it as I did with all the others. By the time I come across it again I've already forgotten how to get past it. Could I please have any hints or techniques on how to get past this one small problem? I know the point of the game is to figure it out for yourself, but I want to at least complete it in my lifetime.  ;)


P.S. I am well aware that each obstacle has a name (a series of letters I believe) but sadly I do not know any of these, so can't Google it and look for help that way.