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Messages - I am Ry

I assure you I've done the whole thing through, keep at it! :)

Spoiler for answer:
If you leave the room and come back down into it hanging a right, you should get right through!
It sounds pretty cool, I'm thinking about it c:

(Nothing will ever come close to the original "Pushing Onwards" in my opinion)
Double post is necessary here  :victoria:

I updated the first post with a link to a beta! Test it out, guys, tell me what you think! (It should be final quality, just sans the trinket level. I have yet to build that. BUT, it's temporarily replaced by a friend of Notch's.)
VVVVVV Levels / Re: "Golden Spiral" by Rox
July 31, 2011, 03:30:40 AM
I'm really starting to question whether Swing on the Spiral is actually possible. I always end up going faster than the platform :victoria:
Well it does have "Work in progress" in the title, so I don't see anything wrong with it. :)
Nice and detailed! I like this tutorial :) Can't wait for part three. I wanted to wait till scripting was thoroughly covered to start messing with it. I'm having fun with this level editor so far :viridian:
UPDATE: Here's the beta! (It should be final quality, just no trinket stage yet.)

EDIT 1: Fixed the creeper face in the trinket level placeholder.

Well, I'm getting how the level editor works, and I've been wasting--I mean using the past few hours or so on making my first level! The title will stay as is unless otherwise stated.


Funnies aside, I'm putting a lot of work into it!
Haha, I actually, just found it but thank you!  :)

(I actually rather like the room text idea as well)
Quote from: TheoXYeah one of the tools is room name I believe, you just click somewhere and type in a name.  It actually doesn't have to be at the bottom of the screen, it can be anywhere.
Is that how it works? I put text in and when I tested, it showed up exactly where I put it in the editor. Also, it allows you to place more than one, so I'm not sure if that works :victoria:

Quote from: TheoX on July 29, 2011, 02:08:23 AMEDIT: What I want is to be able to put in my own music and/or enemy sprites.  Or if that's unfeasible, at least have access to more enemies.  That way I can put in cloud puffers :D 
This!  :vitellary:
This made me join the forum. c: Messing with it now. Also, hi, everyone!

On topic: Quick question, is there a way to give each room it's own title like in the game?