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Topics - ecsdaowzwpjlvn

VVVVVV / Dead hat -- another clone?
March 23, 2010, 12:32:55 PM
Dead Hat

Platofrmer with gravity flips, ... and jumping.... And you can flip while you're in air too.

To quit the game press Esc and Y

Download (mirrors):

Author claims to he started working on this before VVVVVV released.
VVVVVV / "Not as i do" -- the most annoying room?
January 19, 2010, 06:30:50 AM
Not as in the most hard (though it is hard, but not harder than "Doing things the hard way" and "Edge games"), but as in the most intense and maddening.

It was also the most time consuming (for me at least).

"Doing things the hard way" -- if you lose in a split of a second you start again, it's all very calm, just rinse and repeat.

"Not as i do" -- rrrrRRRRRR!!!..