Allows users to utilize many simplied scripting commands in internal scripting.
The following few paragraphs are for the say() command, as it is by far the most confusing and versatile of the commands. When editing a script and internal mode is on, simply type a say() command like this:
say(lines,colour,x,y,speak,bgtext,squeak) and hit enter. The plugin will handle the rest.
you can use only the first 2 parameters, in which case the plugin will use 'colour' to position a text box, or you can use the first 4 parameters, or you can specify all 7. If you only use the first 4 parameters, the last 3 will default to 1 (see below).
What each parameter means:
lines - do i need to explain this one?
colour - supports the basic 7 AND the 6 special colours.
x - x coordinate of the text box; can also be centerx or a createcrewman colour.
y - y coordinate of the text box; can also be centery or if a crewman colour was specified in x, then it takes either 'above' or 'below'.
speak - 0 for speak, 1 for speak_active (if you enter a value that is not 0 or 1, it will default to 1.)
bgtext - 0 for background text, 1 for not background text.
squeak - 0 for no squeak, 1 for squeak.
This plugin also supports:
flash -> flash(5) playef(9) shake(20)
map() -> custommap()
music() -> play() or stopmusic() if it's music(0)
1.1 - Renamed to Simplified Internal and added support for more commands.
if something breaks, u can either leave a reply here or bother me on discord