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Topics - Betaworld Team (Chara)

VVVVVV Levels / There is No Level (Upcoming)
December 31, 2020, 02:17:22 PM
So, I recently heard that "There is No Game" got a sequel, called "There is No Game: Wrong Dimension." I figured I may as well make a level to:

* Celebrate the new year
* Say how thankful I am for TING: Wrong Dimension

Not that there is gonna be a level, obviously. Introducing "There is No Level!"
VVVVVV Levels / what i think of "ATMOSFEAR"
September 22, 2020, 12:16:41 PM
hey, so i watched the video (and played the level), and i could tell that this level was gonna be awesome. you know what i would have appreciated? i would have appreciated if all the other crew members were as harsh and critical as verdigris.

but apart from that, the level wasn't that bad. i do have a suggestion, though. the murderer looks more female or non-binary than male, so maybe can we have that corrected by having verdigris call the edgy person a "they/them", rather than a "he/him"?

but again, apart from that, the level's fine. i just have a shit-ton of suggestions, that's all. i'd modify the level to include those suggestions myself, if i had permission.

words can not describe how hilarious i thought this level was. sure, it had obscene language and gore, but the humor and irony really pays off.
Back in 2014, a guy named Bruce Michez started a series of levels which came to be known as the "Bracketed Saga." It started with [\], and ended with [X] (I prefer to call the finale "Bracketed Cross"). But... just because a saga is over doesn't mean the story itself is over. The saga has ended on a cliffhanger. What happens after the Abyss collapses, and Viridian and Vincent become one again?

That is the question, which is why I am planning on making an unofficial continuation of Bruce's bracketed saga.

This is not permitted by the original level creator...yet, and there are no levels in this unofficial continuation as of yet. I do not have the level editor and maker, so you can not harass me for making bad levels. You can criticize the bad levels, just don't harass me for making them, alright? Harassment is generally illegal, and can easily lead to either a jail or prison sentence, depending on the severity of the offence. Also, not all of these ideas are gonna be original. Some of these ideas will take other level rooms and use them as either flashbacks or similar challenges faced in previous levels.

With that disclaimer out of the way, let's get started.

[V] (aka Bracketed Verve) - A recent experiment has been tested on the remains of Commander Indigo's body, causing her to be revived and remember everything... She wanted to change for the better, but will the crew believe her when she finally does...?
Everything else / I'm being hacked on Discord
June 26, 2020, 08:29:27 PM
Some jive-ass hacker decided to steal my account. I hate hackers :'(
VVVVVV Levels / Collab on BW Chapter 2
March 06, 2020, 10:11:38 PM
So, I'm currently in the works of doing Chapter 2 of my most recent level, Betaworld. I want some collaboration, and I'll be using VVVVVV: Community Edition.

NOTE: I want there to be swearing, but not too much! (Words like bitch, ass, shit, etc. are fine.)

Also, send me PMs of what you want the characters to say or do. I'll mostly be doing the level parts.
Anyone have levels? Give them to me, I'll gladly make Time Trials out of them!...unless they're crappy.

You might be wondering how I'm gonna do it. I'll be using this bad boy.
Everything else / Finally back
November 11, 2019, 11:40:43 PM
Took me a while to figure out the password, but I'm back. Ship-shape. :viridian:

Now who wants me to make a level for them? I'm all ideas. :D
I just realized it's been a while since I experimented with VVVVVV: Make and Play edition. Am I taking a hiatus from VVVVVV without realizing it?
Everything else / The "News:" section
August 25, 2019, 04:10:46 PM
You know that "News:" section below the search bar? Terry hasn't updated that in years. That surprises me, actually.
Everything else / I have returned
August 17, 2019, 05:30:05 PM
I know I said I would leave, but I didn't have the heart to never return to this forum again. So I have decided I would return to this forum. Hopefully I don't encounter any chaos that goes on at this forum. I'll try not to cause any either. ;)