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Topics - Desgracias

November 05, 2024, 04:46:02 PM
ok now I know I said in a post that my next level would be about glitches this one kind of is as one of the zones is based around glitches?

anyways this isn't the one

Hey guys! I made another level in about a week or so. Unlike my previous one, this was originally a level made by someone else (that is FIQ), with his Dimension VVVVVV remake. However, since that one is meant for remodifying, I have decided to do so. Credit to FIQ by the way. This level also requires
CE, apparently.


Town Hall: a small building, the zone that you start the level in, plays predestined fate

Space Station: same as the space station from the main game, plays pushing onwards (although its not really meant to be a zone)

Gravity Arena: an arena of gravity lines, plays potential for anything

Platform Palace: a place full of disappearing platforms, conveyors, and moving platforms, plays pushing onwards

Glitch Ship: a ship requiring you to pull off several of the games glitches, plays pressure cooker

Warp City: like a warp zone, but it plays paced energy instead of pressure cooker

Dimension Tunnel: a tower like tunnel that leads to the polar dimension, plays positive force

Polar Dimension: similar to the polar dimension from the main game or VVVVVVTTF, plays predestined fate

Bipolar Dimension: a short polar dimension thats all purple, plays predestined fate

Requirements: CE, 18 trinkets before you can enter the Dimension Tunnel.



Town Hall: TRDJN
Space Station: FIQ and Terry
Gravity Arena: FIQ
Platform Palace: FIQ
Glitch Ship: switchplacecorner
Warp City: Terry
Dimension Tunnel: FIQ
Polar Dimension: Terry
Bipolar Dimension: tOLP people, VC7 and BCGAMING2017


tOLP people
and you!

Enjoy!  :vermillion:  :vitellary:  :verdigris:  :viridian:  :victoria:  :violet:

From Uli, 11 years old. Thanks for reading.
VVVVVV Levels / VVVVVV To The Future
October 19, 2024, 09:18:07 PM
Hello. It's about time I made my first "large, adventure like" level. All the ones before that were just basic levels I posted for fun. Dimension Vexture was my first posted level, VVVVVV In Real Life was my attempt at trying to recreate the main game, I am Back To The Forums was to show I was back to the forums, The LU Level was a collab level I made with a friend, and well designed rooms was like a little activity I made to keep you guys busy (nobody has replied yet  :victoria:  :victoria:  :victoria: )

Anyways, this level was something I have been working on for a week or so. I managed to beat it in 17-18 minutes with all 20 trinkets and around 70-80 deaths. I put all my heart in this, and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did while making it. It also requires CE, apparently.

Story: You start off in a new dimension, wondering where your crewmates are. Then you enter the Tower of Power, and in the second room, there is a terminal that says "01" on top. This means that you need one trinket to proceed, which is collectable by going down, and then going back. When you go up, you arrive at the first floor, and there is another terminal here, this time saying "02", requiring 2 trinkets. You already have 1, so the next one is collected by going to the right, and when collected, destroys all gravity lines in the previous 2 rooms, and because one of them required gravity lines, it is impossible to go back (unless you use invincibility). So, you have to go down, bypassing what you just did. When at floor 2, there is a terminal that says "03", requiring 3 trinkets. You need to go left to find the 3rd one, so you go up, then left again to collect it, which will destroy the warp wall. Next is floor 3, which has a 4 trinket gate. To collect the 4th trinket, you need to go through a path of spikes, and at the turnaround, you will find the trinket. Floor 4 has 2 gates: The first one requiring 5 trinkets, which allows you to complete the tower, and the second one requiring all 20, accessing a secret lab with a Super Gravitron. Anyways, to get trinket 5, you need to go through this warp zone like shaft and then turn back again. Then you reach the top of the tower, which houses the blue keycard. To get it, go to the left, turn back, and then open the gate to the right, which should take you to a teleporter that allows you to finish the Tower of Power. You then get teleported to a warp station, with a terminal teleporter that takes you back to the overworld. Once you have the blue keycard, you can enter the Space Station, a place with enemies, platforms, and conveyors. At the end, you collect the red keycard, and you find another teleporter that takes you to the warp station room as well. When you have the red keycard, you open the gate to the time machine, which send you back in time to 2005. Back then, the dimension looked very different. The Tower of Power was under construction, and there was no Space Station but rather a tower like dimensional tunnel that takes you to the polar dimension, with 2 trinkets. When you arrive at the polar dimension, you have the option to go to the Gravitron, or use the warp token above to skip it. After that, you disable the dimension by using the stabilizer. At the end, you find another time machine that takes you to 2010. It also restabilizes the dimension. At the end, there is a warp token that takes you to The Tests of Courage, 6 challenges of different gimmicks. At the end of the last test you find a warp token that sends you back to the main dimension. Things are now very different from 2005. The Tower of Power is complete, but the dimension tunnel is completely corrupted and broken. If you go up you will find a lab with enemies and gravity lines. At the end of the lab, there is a terminal that deploys a space station, completely turning the lab into a space station somewhat similar to that of the main game. At the end of the station, you get teleported to the ship, where you get alerted from Vermillion that Victoria is trapped in the lab. Violet tried rescuing her, but she gets nausea from the gravity lines. The lab is rather short, with a trinket similar to that of the last trinket from the main game's lab. The teleporting fuzz at the end that takes you to an overworld. There is, however another one that can take you back to the ship. There is also a trinket. Anyways, there is another dimension tunnel somewhat similar to Space Station 2 from the main game. Like the first one, it has 2 trinkets. It also features a DTTHW challenge. At the end, there is a warp token that takes you to another polar dimension with another stabilizer. At the end, (have I said that too much?) you collect the final trinket, and then you go to outer space. You then shortly get teleported to the ending room, with me as the crewmate.


Anyways, Levels:

Tower of Power: A tower with four floors and a blue keycard at the very top, plays Positive Force. The main gimmick is trinket gates.

Space Station: A simple space station that is 3x3. It has what space stations would normally have, conveyors, platforms, and enemies, plays Pushing Onwards. The main gimmicks are platforms and conveyors.

Dimension Tunnel: A very tall tunnel with a variety of tilesets and colors, plays Positive Force. Its main gimmick is autoscrolling.

Polar Dimension: An alternate dimension that looks like a grey warp zone, and has a stablizer that controls the dimension's stability, plays Predestined Fate. The main gimmicks are platforms and gravity lines.

Tests of Courage: Six tests of different gimmicks and tilesets, plays different themes. The main gimmick is a bit of everything.

Laboratory: A rather quick lab with enemies and gravity lines, plays Potential for Anything. The main gimmick is gravity lines.

Space Station 2: A second space station that somewhat resembles SS1 from the main game, plays Pushing Onwards. The main gimmicks are platforms and enemies.

Laboratory 2: A second and shorter laboratory with a gravitron and a trinket, plays Potential for Anything. The main gimmick is gravity lines.

Dimension Tunnel 2: A second dimension tunnel that somewhat resembles SS2 from the main game. It features a DTTHW challenge, plays Positive Force. The main gimmicks are platforms and conveyors.

Polar Dimension 2: A second polar dimension that is the key to finishing the level, plays Predestined Fate remix. The main gimmick is gravity lines.


Tower of Power: randomnine
Space Station: Terry and tOLP people
Dimension Tunnel: FIQ
Polar Dimension: Terry, FIQ and yoshifan101
Tests of Courage: tOLP people
Laboratory: Terry and tOLP people
Space Station 2: Terry
Laboratory 2: Terry
Dimension Tunnel 2: Terry and FIQ
Polar Dimension 2: Terry

tOLP people
and you!

tOLP people, Ally, FIQ, Dav, and Terry, thank you for the inspiration.

Enjoy!  :vermillion:  :vitellary:  :verdigris:  :viridian:  :victoria:  :violet:

From Uli, 11 years old. Thanks for reading
Everything else / Maths Quiz (Round 3)
October 14, 2024, 07:50:41 PM
hello again my friends  :viridian:  :viridian:  :viridian:

Round 3 to my maths quiz is finally here, and it will be all about number bases and conversion. If you don't get what I mean in the questions, the number on the left will be the number in decimal and the number in brackets means what base the number will be converted to (for example if (12) is at the end, it means the number will be converted into dozenal, or base 12). Also, you don't have to do all of them at once, and try not to use the Argam Converter.

Good luck!  :viridian:

1. 71 (12)
2. 21 (2)
3. 54 (16)
4. 195 (16)
5. 89 (12)
6. 110 (12)
7. 170 (12)
8. 79 (12)
9. 28 (3)
10. 91 (60)

From Uli, 11 years old. Thanks for reading.
VVVVVV / some graphics I made
October 07, 2024, 08:04:07 PM
hey guys! I made these graphics for you to use in your levels, but please credit me. hope you like them! (by the way I made these in scratch)

From Uli, 11 years old. Thanks for reading.

Everything else / Maths Quiz (Round 2)
September 30, 2024, 07:09:11 PM
yayaya its here

The sequel to my previous post on this section. Everything here will be about numerical sequences, such as squares, cubes, triangular numbers, and 4D cubes (n^4). Anyways, here we go!

1. What is the 19th triangular number?
2. 27^2
3. 21^2
4. 7^3
5. What is the 13th triangular number?
6. 29^2
7. 9^4
8. 5^4
9. What is the 16th triangular number?
10. 23^2

You don't have to do all of them at once, and try not to use a calculator. Anyways, good luck!  :viridian:

From Uli, 11 years old. Thank you for reading.
VVVVVV Levels / well designed rooms
September 22, 2024, 07:32:27 PM
Hello! This is my first time making a collab level. Anyways, I created this 5x5 level called well designed rooms. It's about going into the editor and designing well made rooms like the ones in the level I have made. Feel free to tweak the already made rooms, and maybe give them some roomnames. Also, room (5,5) is the map of the level. It also has a legend. I'm really looking forward to see what you guys come up with, and you don't have to fill out the whole level all at once. A good collab requires a good team, and feel free to create your own areas too!

From Uli, 11 years old. Also, here's the level:
Everything else / Maths Quiz (Round 1)
September 13, 2024, 08:01:56 PM
So, kids can be a bit of a struggle to deal with. I mean, they're immature, whiny, and rather annoying. I'm a kid too, but not just any kid; I'm actually a master of multiplication. I can calculate rather difficult questions off the top of my head, such as 19x16. (The answer is 304 for your information). I know my times tables up to 20 (400), squares up to 30 (900), triangular numbers up to 20 (210), cubes up to 10 (1000), and hypercubes up to 10 (10 000, hypercubes are what I call numbers that are a 4th power or a square squared). I know this is rather unrelated to what this forum is for...

but hey this is the everything else section we can talk about whatever we want here

Anyways, I'm also good with number bases and conversion, too. This is why I have prepared a maths quiz for you guys to see how good you are when it comes to my interests. This is only round 1, which is about multiplication. Round 2 will be about numerical sequences (such as squares and cubes), and round 3 will be about number bases and conversion. Anyways, you have 10 math questions to answer. I have given you all the time needed, and remember this: you don't have to do all of them at once.

Try not to do them with a calculator.

Without further ado, here are the questions!

1. 19x16=
2. 16x17=
3. 15x14=
4. 17x13=
5. 11x19=
6. 16x18=
7. 19x18=
8. 19x7=
9. 15x19=
10. 17x19=

Good luck!  :viridian:

From Uli, 11 years old. Thank you for reading.
VVVVVV Levels / The LU Level (collab level with Loong Ly)
September 03, 2024, 07:00:15 PM
This is the first level that Loong and Uli has made together. This is a room full of traps! If you pass this level be prepared for an even harder challenge.

- From Loong Ly, 32 years old.

This level may look bad because my friend Loong isn't as experienced that much with the level editor.
I modified it and added a trinket for those who want a hard challenge. Enjoy, though it may look bad. If so, I am very sorry.

- From Uli, 11 years old. Thank you for reading.

UPDATE: The full version is out now! (the demo is on the left, the full is on the right)

It has 2 secrets, a secret area with a trinket and a bonus room that allows you to go out of bounds at the end.

Enjoy!  :viridian:

From Uli, 11 years old. Thanks for reading.

Hope you eggys enjoy this level. My friend Uli did most of the work, he is the main man!
don't forget to look out for the secret area.


Loong, 33
Now for those who have ever played TRDJN's Contest Level aka ARPNR, you might or might not know about the level's secret rooms if extended to 15x11.

Now the level is 10x5 meaning it normally has 50 rooms. However, one of the terminals in the level said "I started with a 5x5 map and copied it multiple times for different parts of the story" or something like that, meaning the level originally could have been bigger.

If you extend the map to be 15x10 (150 rooms in total) you will see 4 of the left 25 rooms of the level but with no walls, backing, spikes or anything that counts as a tile, and the first column of 5 rooms has each room named (e.g the second room is called Bank). It's possible that these rooms originally had names but got removed for some reason.

It's also possible that the right 25 rooms were originally a copy of the left 25. Anyways, there appears to be 6 copies of the left 25 rooms.

Now if you add another row of 15 rooms at the bottom by extending the map to 15x11 (165 rooms in total), you will find 15 more hidden rooms being what appears to be copies of the rooms in the bottom row of the 25 rooms placed randomly.

Rooms (11,6) to (15,6) appear to be the same rooms as I just mentioned but not placed randomly. Anyways, rooms (7,11) to (10,11) are hidden rooms not related to the 5x5 map at all. Instead they are hidden ending rooms that were scrapped.

If TRDJN replies to this, please show me a screenshot of the original rooms if you have one.

Anyways, that's all I have to say for now, From Uli, 11 years old. Thank you for reading.
VVVVVV Levels / I am back to the forums!
August 22, 2024, 08:39:17 PM
Hello. You might, or might not remember me from last year when I posted the topic "The Lost Levels Of VVVVVV". I have made the third level, and it's to show I am back to DWare.

Sadly, the level has 25 rooms because I wanted to keep it simple. It also uses 3 tilesets only: The Space Station, Outside, and Warp Zone tilesets. The first three rooms are basically modified versions of 3 of the main game's rooms as a reference to the main game. Huge credit to FIQ for making them originally by the way. After that, you enter the Space Station which has 2 paths: The bottom one leading to a trinket and the top one leading to an open area of 6 rooms. After that, you go to the right to find yourself in the overworld again. There are 2 paths here too, the bottom one leading to another trinket while the top one leads to the Warp Zone. It is very easy to get through, as it is made up of 6 rooms with not much challenge. At the end, you rescue Verdigris and finish the level.

Unlike my other levels, which require CE, this one does not which is a good thing. Really sorry if you don't like how it turned out but anyways, I hope you like it. From Uli, 11 years old. Thank you for reading.
VVVVVV Levels / The Lost Levels Of VVVVVV
July 19, 2023, 07:53:37 PM
There are over dozens of VVVVVV levels out there, but with so many levels,
there's bound to be a treasure cove of deleted, unreleased or unfinished
levels. There are three of these levels out there:

1. TAS Trials.
This is supposedly the hardest VVVVVV level of all time. It's unreleased, but
it looks really cool! This level was created by Elomavi, and I would like to play
part of the level because as I said, it looks really cool.

2. MIRA-VIU Now, this level was created about three years ago by Nicholas and it was
deleted because there was someone who didn't really like it. But since the level's
creator left the forum after creating "Simulation", hopefully some of you guys have
a free copy of the level, so you could probably put it into a .ZIP file so I can
download it and test it myself.

3. + by VVVVVVCrewmate7 and here's another level that was created three years ago.
The creator of this level posted that he would release a level fragment around December
2020, so I would really love to test that out too.

From Uli (10 yrs. old)
VVVVVV Levels / VVVVVV In Real Life!
August 20, 2022, 04:32:49 PM
Hello. I have made a custom level nearly accurate to the main game!

I started from FIQ's famous remake and I have added gamestates to it, (only in SS1) but some
terminals are not implemented yet!

It would be really helpful if you would give me some references for the terminals!

This one also features time trials!

This level is for the CE version of the game.


- Added ending cutscene for Vitellary, Vermillion, Verdigris, and Victoria.
- Removed script "ship_1"

Hope you enjoy!  :viridian: :violet: :vitellary: :vermillion: :verdigris: :victoria:
VVVVVV Levels / Dimension Vexture
February 05, 2022, 06:35:19 PM

I'm 9 years old and this is a level I made.

Hope you like it!
