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Topics - SolarOddity

Hello. Over the past month and a half or so I've been working on a very large custom level that is planned to be 14 stages long. It is currently almost halfway done, and as a nice little break from it, I decided to make this 4x4 mini level. This is a tough 16 screen long deathless challenge set to a Caretaker song, and I personally really like it. I have beaten this myself and it is pretty difficult but I think it's both fun and a fair challenge (my completion can be found here:
I believe that's about it, good luck and have fun!

Custom music:
The Caretaker - The great hidden sea of the unconscious (An Empty Bliss Beyond This World)
(10/21/23 EDIT) Hello. Over the past couple of months or so I've been working on a huge update of this level that polishes, changes, and completely reworks a few things. Like SDKLC, I will be keeping the original version up here for purposes of preserving history, but it is ESPECIALLY not recommended to play the original version of this level (2/24/24 EDIT - Not anymore; the old version of this level has been deleted along with the old version of SDKLC. The old version of this level I find really embarrassing in particular, and I don't really think it or old SDKLC are levels that need to or even really deserve to be preserved.) Updated version is the new and official version of the level.

Changes include:
-Most if not all frame perfect jumps have been removed and either nerfed/replaced with better obstacles, level is overall much easier now
-Screens 3 and 5 have been completely remade from the ground up, the original screens were not very good to put it lightly
-A separate practice area with each individual screen has been created
-Fixed all single tile walls as well as got rid of all ugly backing, level looks much cleaner now
-Got rid of all the memey shit, this includes most of the terminals and the entirety of the break and "secret ending" rooms. As I've been making plans for a third level in this series I've realized that it is absolutely not the direction I wanted to go in with these levels at all. Additionally, none of it is funny in the slightest.
-Like SDKLC, custom music has also been added here! I compiled a small playlist of all the songs I used in this level which can be found here:
Death Grips - I want it I need it (Death Heated) (Instrumental)
Exmilitary (2011)
Death Grips - Hunger Games (Instrumental)
No Love Deep Web (2012)
Death Grips - Lil Boy (Instrumental)
No Love Deep Web (2012)
Death Grips - 5D (Loop)
Exmilitary (2011)

It looks like the vvvvvvmusic.vvv file is far too big for distractionware, so I had to upload the updated version of the level to Mega, here's the download:

I believe that's about it, have fun!

Hello all. This is the third custom level I have created for VVVVVV. This custom is the official sequel to my first level, Somewhat Difficult Kinda Long Checkpoint (or SDKLC for short). While SDKLC only had three screens, this custom has double the amount; it has six screens that include difficult gameplay. The first three screens of this level start off difficult but not too hard, and the last three screens spike in difficulty more. Once again, as the title suggests, this level is just one difficult pretty long checkpoint. It is much harder than the prequel, hence the "Actually" in the title instead of "Somewhat". Unlike SDKLC, this level actually includes a practice area located underneath the first screen that allows you to practice any of the six screens in the level. Use it if you would like.

That's about it, and just so you know, touching the warp token at the winroom is inadvisable. Also, terminals are your friends.

Good luck to everyone who tries this, and I'm sorry Balneor.

Edit: Made small nerfs to screen 5 due to some stuff being way too hard.

Edit 2: Fixed an issue with the teleporter that leads to the first screen in the practice area + made one more nerf to screen 5 + fixed an issue with the warp at the end of screen 5 that leads to screen 6.
(8/5/2023 EDIT) Hello. Today I updated this level to fix a few things I didn't like and overall polish it up a bit. I will still keep the old version of this level up here just for purposes of preserving history but I highly recommend playing the updated version as I now consider it the official (and better) version (2/24/24 EDIT - Not anymore, the old version of this level has been deleted along with the old version of ADPLC; for reasons why, see the ADPLC thread). I will most likely give my two other current levels the same treatment in the near future.

Changes include:
-Small nerfs/buffs to a few obstacles (This includes the nasty enemy drop at the end of screen 2, still tricky but infinitely less bullshit now)
-A couple small obstacles changed completely
-Trinket removed as getting it was much easier than the intended route and it didn't really have a reason to exist to begin with
-Fixed all single-tile walls
-Changed tileset of the winroom to Outside to fit with the rest of the screens, also changed mapsize to 4x1 to fit the level (both small changes but still changes nonetheless)
-Custom music added! For those who want to listen to the song on its own, here it is
Death Grips
Fashion Week (2015)
Runway Y

I believe that's about it! Have fun!

Hello. This is my first VVVVVV custom level. This is a very short level being only 3 screens long (4 if you include the clear screen), but it does have difficult gameplay. As the title suggests, this entire level is just one kinda long checkpoint. Even though the gameplay is difficult, I did try to make it fun and as least cheap as possible. This level is also heavily inspired by IWBTG needle fangames. Let me know what you think of this level. Criticism is always welcome.