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Topics - Josiah Tobin


"Test Subject" promo teaser for the curious

This album has been stewing, fermenting, and gradually mutating over the past year of development...  and it's finally emerged as a diverse, upbeat, unpredictable and exciting mix of chiptunes, electric guitars, and assorted guest appearances from the likes of Shawn Phase, Norrin Radd, and MC Fen. May you be rawked!

01. Bait Thief
02. Moving Sidewalk
03. Honeydew (Feat. Shawn Phase)
04. Durian II
05. Who Can Stop Us? (Feat. MC Fen & Norrin Radd)
06. No Reason (Feat. MC Fen)
07. Cheque, Please
08. Teal (Letting Go)
09. Ultramarine (Free)
10. Test Subject



Original post:

Figured I'd share this here. :) This is a silly little teaser clip for my new chiptune album "Test Subject," probably going to see release in the next week or two.

Test Subject album teaser

That's all for now!
