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Topics - Antimony

OK, first off, the level editor is awesome.  I also realize that it's still in its early stages and more features will be added in the future.  That said, there's some stuff that I would like to see in the editor (and custom level support in general.)  It's mostly stuff that's used in the main map but not possible in custom ones yet.


Teleporters - The big ones that let you select your destination.  Right now, it's possible to use a complicated system of flags, warp tiles and hub rooms to replicate it, but it's not pretty.
World map - As an option.  Right now, it's disabled, making it hard to navigate larger levels.
Multiple maps in a level - The main game has the main map and the grey dimension, which is on another map entirely.
Scrolling rooms - Vertical (The Tower, among others) and possibly horizontal.
Endgame - After rescuing all crewmates.  Doable with flags and an extra crewmate now, but it's a kludge.  Should be easy to implement.
Postgame - After winning the level, reloading a save allows the player to explore and collect anything they missed.
Coins - The secondary collectible from the prototype. 

Scripting stuff:

"ifcrewmates" script condition - Like iftrinkets, but for crewmates.
AND, OR, XOR operators in scripts - Self-explanatory.

Not editor requests per se, but custom level ones:

Saving the best time, trinket count and death count for custom levels.
No Death Mode and Flip Mode for custom levels.  (yes, I know Golden Spiral + No Death Mode = abject horror, but still.)

Ideally, the level editor, scripting and custom level support would be like DROD, which doesn't even differentiate between the official campaign and custom levels.