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Topics - NoelYoshi

I tried to reinstall the VVVVVV 2.1 patch for access to direct mode, and I extracted and replaced the executable. Now, when I boot it up however, instead of seeing the loading screen all I am able to see if a white screen. Controls are responsive though and the music will play, I'm just stuck with a white screen. Help is appreciated!
VVVVVV Tech Support / Intermission 1 Recreation?
July 06, 2012, 01:16:45 AM
I think this would be the appropriate place.

Hello. I've been lurking and creating my own levels and was wondering something: Is it possible, through regular or internal scripting, to recreate Intermission 1 (how Viridian had a companion following him and if it was hit by enemies or spikes, would treat it as a Viridian death.)? Thanks in advance for any information. I was able to get a crewmate to follow Viridian, but it wouldn't be affected by anything like in Intermission 1.