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Messages - Kevinmonitor

VVVVVV Levels / Re: Dimension V
June 03, 2016, 10:51:15 AM
please don't tell me this is our collab because i finished green zone
VVVVVV Levels / Re: First levels EVER?
May 31, 2016, 12:12:49 PM


First level I made was Spikeland.

It was shitty until SJMistery came and turned ịt into a less shitty level.

I owe him so much.  :viridian:
Everything else / Re: Sup
May 22, 2016, 01:44:29 PM
Welcome to the world of happiness, friendliness, non-hellness, and VVVVVV!

Enjoy your stay!

If you be cool then you get the honor of being called awesome by ShinyKitten07!

And even get a cameo!
Everything else / Re: Finally.
May 21, 2016, 01:07:17 PM
ok srsly who's roskilla

are they a forum apocalypsist

(no that is not a real word don't look it up)
Quote from: ShinyKitten07 on May 20, 2016, 10:26:38 PM
no distractionware has a friendlier community with more users than tOLP
therefore it is superior
also Kevinmonitor isn't on tOLP and he's awesome



also how is tolp less friendly than dware?
Everything else / Re: Finally.
May 20, 2016, 08:54:09 AM
who's rosekilla
Everything else / Re: Terry
May 20, 2016, 08:31:12 AM
I agree.

VVVVVV and its fanbase are too cool to die out

btw jump mode will completely destroy the purpose of ye almighty venividivici

and make many parts impossible

VVVVVV Levels / Re: at worlds end
May 19, 2016, 11:51:59 AM
Quote from: ShinyKitten07 on May 18, 2016, 04:48:35 PM
Quote from: Kevinmonitor on May 18, 2016, 04:42:39 PM
Quote from: Luigi master on May 17, 2016, 11:07:02 AM
Time to make alts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

he has revealed his plan to spread the luigimaster virus, or as known as the internal scripting virus
why does everyone think she does internal scripting? That's me! 

wait, luigimaster is a she?

well shit. so sorry.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: at worlds end
May 18, 2016, 04:42:39 PM
Quote from: Luigi master on May 17, 2016, 11:07:02 AM
Time to make alts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

he has revealed his plan to spread the luigimaster virus, or as known as the internal scripting virus
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Trapped
May 16, 2016, 04:24:36 PM
if its by luigimaster then there's gonna be internal scripting everywhere

don't fool me i saw the second screenshot/gif
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Trapped
May 16, 2016, 03:52:55 PM
I can smell the internal scripting.

Looks like this level will be exciting!  :viridian:
VVVVVV / Re: Featured Levels
May 16, 2016, 03:48:23 PM
Quote from: Luigi master on May 16, 2016, 03:34:02 PM

Drugs - Yes

Just those two words are already enough to describe Overdose.

Really expecting a new featured levels folder! Keep up the good work!

it almost feels like you are Terry's heirs
VVVVVV Levels / Re: at worlds end
May 16, 2016, 03:17:31 PM
you spelled my name wrong and therefore it does not count

what have i ever done to deserve a cameo
VVVVVV Levels / Re: at worlds end
May 16, 2016, 03:11:57 PM
Quote from: ShinyKitten07 on May 15, 2016, 09:02:14 PM
it's actually not bad, for one of your levels!
Also, the kevinmonitor cameo was funny

VVVVVV Levels / Re: Dimension Blast
May 16, 2016, 12:37:15 PM
You know how much work this level needs when I need invincibility to beat it.

Blastr, did you, by any chance, playtest your level?

Seriously, I tested my level 10+ times and there are still some parts that need work. (Thank god for SJMistery)

I know its your first level, and it is prone to some mistakes, but I would appreciate it more if you spent more time on it, fixing things and testing the level, preferably a few times.

Quote from: TehBlastrX on May 15, 2016, 05:25:43 PM
Quote from: 5tr4 on May 15, 2016, 05:18:43 PM
And there are typos everywhere.


you don't like typos?

Well, most people don't.
They're kinda unsettling, don't you think?

Quote from: TehBlastrX on May 15, 2016, 05:17:37 PM
Quote from: 5tr4 on May 15, 2016, 05:14:16 PM
Also , every single script repeats!

too lazy to add flags

"Too lazy"?

Adding flags isn't hard and/or long!

Seriously, like SJMistery said, this thing needs some DAMN HEAVY work.

Well, hope to see a bugfix update!