Making a level editor is not that easy ^^
There are a lot of constraint to add in order to comply with the physic engine of the game.
When you first create a level editor, it's just for you to quickly create new maps. You know the limit of the game so you never create buggy maps. You just have to pay attention not to create them.
But when people start asking for this same level editor, you can't just release it and say "hey, pay attention, don't do this - this - this - this and that cause that will make a buggy map".
You have to change a huge amount of things so that people don't make weird and buggy maps.
So in this case, either you create the level editor keeping in mind that you want to release it and create something clean from the beginning, which requires more time, either you create something messy and quick that will be a pain to update later on (like Terry did if I understood well) but work for you.
For example, I created the level editor of my remake called VVVVVVDS (working title) with the attention to release it so I have to spend some time restricting actions when adding new components to the game (no more than 5 platforms per map, 5 enemies of each type etc.)
I can't imagine the work to do if you have to add all the restrictions at the same time in the end of the project (in fact, I can ... it's an awful lot of time).
So, I just wanted to show you how hard it can be to create or adapt a level editor, it's not simple drag and drop stuffs.
As Terry said, "it's not that it's impossible, it's just that it's a huge amount of work at this point."
My advice is just wait & see, and don't put too much pressure on Terry ^^
There are a lot of constraint to add in order to comply with the physic engine of the game.
When you first create a level editor, it's just for you to quickly create new maps. You know the limit of the game so you never create buggy maps. You just have to pay attention not to create them.
But when people start asking for this same level editor, you can't just release it and say "hey, pay attention, don't do this - this - this - this and that cause that will make a buggy map".
You have to change a huge amount of things so that people don't make weird and buggy maps.
So in this case, either you create the level editor keeping in mind that you want to release it and create something clean from the beginning, which requires more time, either you create something messy and quick that will be a pain to update later on (like Terry did if I understood well) but work for you.
For example, I created the level editor of my remake called VVVVVVDS (working title) with the attention to release it so I have to spend some time restricting actions when adding new components to the game (no more than 5 platforms per map, 5 enemies of each type etc.)
I can't imagine the work to do if you have to add all the restrictions at the same time in the end of the project (in fact, I can ... it's an awful lot of time).
So, I just wanted to show you how hard it can be to create or adapt a level editor, it's not simple drag and drop stuffs.
As Terry said, "it's not that it's impossible, it's just that it's a huge amount of work at this point."
My advice is just wait & see, and don't put too much pressure on Terry ^^