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Messages - Scorpion008

The red mode was a racing mode that was faster that usual but gave the player a better view of what was coming. I think it was too hard or something because he decided to scrap it.
Super Hexagon / Re: Endings
March 16, 2013, 02:16:01 PM
Just after installing the app I beat hexagonest and then hyper hexagonest and got the regular ending. Nothing happened after beating the other levels. This was of course after I learned how to play on a different device.
Super Hexagon / Re: Game Center achievements
February 26, 2013, 11:22:24 PM
They didn't work for me either (some). None where gotten with wifi on. The fix was reachieve them on another idevice with wifi enabled (logged into gamecenter).
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
January 07, 2013, 10:16:07 PM
Wow. Your gamecenter status is "Wrinkly is gay." (That's the other top player.) You need to lose the over competitiveness.
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
January 05, 2013, 02:26:46 PM
I hate to say it but, I'm pretty sure they are legit.
Super Hexagon / Re: Help With One Small Thing
December 30, 2012, 11:43:22 PM
I think he's saying right, right, hold right. That works.
Super Hexagon / Re: The Power of Six?
December 21, 2012, 05:08:47 PM
 ??? Yes, I suppose there's that too.
Super Hexagon / Re: IPad 4 performance problems
December 17, 2012, 09:41:17 PM
Its actually a semi-little know thing, the ipad 4. The ipad 3 was "the new ipad" and the four was a three with a better processor (and retina, but this was in earlier versions i think).
Kando we must be blood brothers or something. I always start on top right, die on top/bottom gaps, and my score before 138 was 104. I'm not making anything up.
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
December 17, 2012, 04:17:55 AM
Close man. I have 138 as you can see on the leaderboards. Very close!
Super Hexagon / Re: Hexagonest Difficulty
December 14, 2012, 03:13:47 PM
weeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllll before.
Super Hexagon / Re: Hexagon Scores?
December 14, 2012, 03:32:41 AM
seconded. Gamecenter should be a PC download or add on so we could check stats there.
Super Hexagon / Re: Hexagonest Difficulty
December 14, 2012, 03:30:29 AM
the most standard feelings ever. i was there. put the time in , and hexagonest will be completed. I may seem weird that its so hard but it is that way.
Super Hexagon / Re: Hexagon Scores?
December 13, 2012, 08:50:01 PM
mtomato you re awesome bro. If ur on Gamecenter could I friend you? I'm pretty high myself on the leaderboard but you seem to top that.
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
December 11, 2012, 05:00:36 PM
No it's a valid question. You have like a one second window to take a death screenshot before the score screen.