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Messages - PidgeonRat

VVVVVV / Re: No Death Mode
February 20, 2011, 05:58:58 PM
Here is the victory screen!
VVVVVV / Re: No Death Mode
February 20, 2011, 01:32:00 AM
After playing VVVVVV for 55.7 hours (according to STEAM) I finally managed to beat No Death Mode! If you don't believe me I can provide a screenshot of the victory screen, though I realize even that might not be enough to convince all of you. My time for the run was 16:23 and I flipped 787 times (though I didn't screencap the part that says that). Such a feat IS possible! I only got one trinket in the run. Perhaps in the future I'll try a No Death Run getting all the trinkets available.