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Messages - Iceman-iac

Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
May 14, 2013, 06:14:54 PM
BTW for the original topic:
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
April 30, 2013, 03:07:20 PM
if you pass 120 seconds on a level does it go into a hyper hyper mode or can only get that on 60 seconds on a hyper mode?
I think you have to survive for a certain amount of time (or die a certain amount of times) before it moves to the next starting point. The time is probably the difference in time between the two starting points.
Super Hexagon / Re: I CAN'T DO IT (Helpful tips)
April 30, 2013, 03:00:20 PM
What ever you do don't act like me or the first time you play the first hyper mode you will die within 5 seconds 10TIMES!!! :violet:
Super Hexagon / Re: Open Hexagon?
April 29, 2013, 12:33:06 PM
Quote from: Super Chillius03 on April 20, 2013, 07:33:21 AM
a yellow person you faker :victoria: anyway i'm better than all of YOU!!!!!!!!!

I thought they stopped robots from creating an account thats just insane.
Super Hexagon / Re: I CAN'T DO IT (Helpful tips)
April 29, 2013, 12:28:00 PM
I'm can't even unlock the last level(only by 5 seconds so close dam it!) Its so addictive though I've played 10 hours in a week. I'm so sad.