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Messages - QwertymanO07

VVVVVV / Re: Really Bad Jokes
March 18, 2017, 08:58:21 PM
Well then why are we all flaming about Undertale?

What desert planet is famous for its bodyart?

VVVVVV / Re: Really Bad Jokes
March 18, 2017, 01:59:46 AM
I'm more a fan of Algebra Dash.
VVVVVV Help / Re: Let's Brainstorm Room Names!
March 17, 2017, 02:19:01 AM
I hope you have some spare time
Because this is just muscle memory
For a Doing Things the Hard Way clone.
VVVVVV Help / Re: VVVVVV Scripting Help
March 16, 2017, 05:56:25 AM
Can you just send the level?  Because I'm just confused now.
Everything else / Re: Monotone - Coming Soon
March 16, 2017, 05:54:15 AM
Quote from: Vultarix on March 15, 2017, 10:58:55 PM
NOTE: This game has some content that may be shocking to unwarned public.
-Infrequent language
I'm pretty excited for this bullet point here, because I know a lot of RPGs tend to get really wordy; so this could be a really interesting challenge.  Like, what if you have to tell a coherent story with only five speaking characters in the whole game?
VVVVVV Help / Re: VVVVVV Scripting Help
March 14, 2017, 09:32:20 PM
By "teleporter", I just mean anything that can teleport you, like a warp token or another gotoroom() script.
March 14, 2017, 09:29:20 PM
Well, you see, Distractionware just likes having scapegoats.
VVVVVV Help / Re: VVVVVV Dimension Planning Sheet
March 13, 2017, 09:40:25 PM
I usually just use Ved for planning.
VVVVVV / Re: Really Bad Jokes
March 12, 2017, 08:47:29 PM
Even worse joke:  Info Teddy's existence.
VVVVVV / Re: Trinket Hints
March 12, 2017, 08:46:53 PM
Horse, but hole.
VVVVVV Help / Re: VVVVVV Scripting Help
March 12, 2017, 08:45:50 PM
gotoroom() only changes your room, so if your position correlates to a solid tile in the room you're going to, you'll just end up inside of it.  You need gotoposition(x,y,0) just after gotoroom() to teleport within a room.  As for how you're ending up in (2,3), check if there's another teleporter in (8,18).
VVVVVV / Re: Soooo, why do you hate Vermilion*?
March 12, 2017, 08:21:18 AM
To be perfectly honest, I sometimes forget that Verdigris exists.
VVVVVV / Re: Really Bad Jokes
March 12, 2017, 02:38:18 AM
A group of crows is called a murder.  It was named that because it was originally believed that crows were the only cause of death; in fact, old death certificates will actually list it.  It wasn't until the four humors theory lost traction that scientists started to doubt this, as crows were thought to be one of the humors.
Everything else / Re: Character Guessing Game
March 12, 2017, 02:32:32 AM
I'm actually an alt of pattoo.

Not the other way around, mind you; I'm an alt of him, he's not an alt of me.