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Topics - pixelator

VVVVVV Levels / A Night to Forget (v. 1.1)
November 10, 2020, 11:44:10 PM
Here's my entry for the VVVVVV Discord server's 2020 Halloween levelmaking contest. It got third place, scoring 16.83 out of 20 possible points.

Each participant was given two spooky words/phrases to incorporate into their level.
This level's phrases were Lock him in! DO IT! and the ceiling crumbles.

"Whoever this Doctor Violet is, I need to find them and reunite them with their crew!"

Download here!

If installing manually, remember to remove any existing custom graphics and sounds you may have installed previously. In version 2.3 and later, you can just drop the entire zip file in your levels folder, and the game will load its custom assets automatically when you play the level.

also, have a playlist of music used in the level here!

also, have a changelog:
Version 1.0 - submitted Oct 30, 2020
* Initial contest submission.

Version 1.1 - posted Nov 10, 2020
+ Added a few more rooms to the final zone, plus one lollipop.
  Expect more updates in the future that add even more rooms,
  because I'm out of ideas in this update
* Rewrote Verda's character to make her less of a jerkass, and
  accidentally tied together the story better in the process
+ Added more dialogue exchanges for every time you die
  in the forest area
* Moved the unfair lollipop in "Rat Race" to a new room, (15,5)
* Moved the checkpoint in "Elevator Shaft" one tile to the left.
  You're gonna have to try a little harder than THAT, tas
* Buffed "The Ceiling Isn't Jelly"
* Nerfed "DOOR STUCK" by adding a second moving platform and
  reducing the speed of both of the platforms
+ Added a one-way gate to the entrance of "Exercise Hall" so
  the player can't try to go back down and instantly die
+ Added the "Ooh! A lollipop!" cutscene to "Gape" next to
  its lollipop, and added a flag that prevents Violet from
  repeating the cutscene if you miss either lollipop
* Scrunched the enemies closer together in "The Tumble-Thing",
  creating more clear openings for the player to fall through
+ Added a checkpoint to "Training Hall", and extended the
  platform to fit it. I have no idea why there wasn't one here
+ Added a lollipop to the unused top part of "Exercise Hall"
- Ensmallened the trolly spiked platform in "Scrap Pit"
+ Added an Inspiration section to the credits. This should've
  been there to begin with, but I was an idiot and forgot it
* Changed the description from a meme to an actual description
  of the level, which actually reveals the dimension name
VVVVVV Levels / Recovery
September 12, 2019, 12:56:32 AM
Here's the finale to the Victoria short trilogy. In this one, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS

any screenshots would be spoilers

VVVVVV Levels / Confession
August 08, 2019, 04:37:32 AM
victoria confesses to viridian. uh oh. shits gettin spicy now

this is by far the short I put the most work into
VVVVVV Levels / Heats
August 07, 2019, 03:39:48 AM
oh no. viridian's ship has suffered from a loss of  h e a t s. whatever shall he do?

hey yeah i put a lot less effort into this one, sorry
VVVVVV Levels / victoria takes out the trash
August 06, 2019, 05:31:37 AM
not kidding; she does

p.s. try talking to everyone at least three times
VVVVVV Levels / ATMOSFEAR (v1.1 update)
August 04, 2019, 02:33:07 AM
Here's the level made by Team Verdigris (uugr, me, and vernal-equinox) for the summer 2019 VVVVVV Discord level contest. It got second place. The level was based around the adjectives scattered, tacky, and flippant.

WARNING: This level contains an absurd amount of profanity. It just kinda fit, I guess??


VERSION 1.1: I guess this could count as the forum release of the level? maybe??

  • Compressed the level into a (slightly) smaller map
  • Modified the final puzzle room in area 4 so you can't just skip part of it by turning off the yellow switch
  • Added much more to the area 4 cutscene with Violet
  • Added a few completely new, shorter dialogue spots
  • Updated the credits for allison's name/info teddy's youtube channel
  • There's an extra secret or two...
(the update has new versions of sprites.png and tiles2.png so use those if you downloaded the level before)

Download (v1.1, about revision 45)


Video (for lazy people) (outdated)
VVVVVV / epic gamer texture pack (beta)
March 04, 2019, 02:43:28 AM



Viridian sprites made by shiny
Font made by doormat



download below
VVVVVV Levels / Discordance
February 19, 2019, 07:02:35 PM
The VVVVVV Discord has been attacked by pings. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the Discord?



  • Original contest release.

  • Original forum release.
  • literally unchanged from 1.0 just to piss people off and because I'm lazy


you get none, it's a SURPRISE

oh wait i have to post some


buy it today
VVVVVV Levels / The Cuest (contest round 3, v1.0)
December 11, 2018, 09:19:47 PM
This fantastic level here is what I made for round 3 of the VVVVVV Discord level contest. It got fourth place, scoring 7.2/10. The custom track in the level was composed by alek, and end sfx was used with his permission.
I did not have time to update/bugfix the level before posting it here, so it may be a bit dumb
if you hold action too long when advancing text, you may skip some of it

have a slice of review

Quote from: the land beyondFeedback from Alexia - 8.0
I... don't know what to say.
Your levels arent really my style, I feel like the humor doesn't really work that well?

Like your other levels, this was hard as fuck.
For no real reason.
The roomnames were cut off, too.
Still a nice level.

Feedback from Dav999 - 7.0
This level is pretty
difficult (to me), and
I don't really want to
have to edit a level
because I can't proceed.

A cutscene suggests that
getting stuck in platforms
is used as a mechanic,
which doesn't work in my

Some roomnames are partially

The rooms look
pretty good!

Feedback from Lithium - 6.5
nice level, but 2hard4me (had to turn invincibility on and off several times during the playthrough

and a sprinkle of skrensht

and lastly, a pinch of download here!bPx1VAja!EBeKT7ZuuvIU-m1CtCnyeaxMY2dVb5VOMTu77MbHofQ
VVVVVV Levels / Slime Simulator [v1.0]
December 03, 2018, 04:40:12 AM
my best level yet

play it sometime in your life
the earlier the better

also please don't press 'r' it will break the level
VVVVVV Levels / Don't eat yellow snow (v1.1)
August 05, 2018, 04:29:55 AM
This is my level that I made for round 2 of the VVVVVV Discord 100 member event contest. It got second place, scoring a total of 8.73/10.

This specific forum version has some changes, including:
  • fixing the player becoming cyan in the first lava room
  • making the outside area at the end a lot less difficult
  • expanding on the ending to make the level end less abruptly
  • removing the flash from the shield spike protection
  • adding an intermediate "shield breaking" sprite for more aesthetic
  • adding as many tofloor commands as freakin' possible to the ending cutscene and making the trigger smaller to avoid glitching
  • Modified tiles3 so the bg colors more accurately match the text colors


Update 1.1:
  • Fixed the trinket vanishing in "Corner"
  • Added back some MIA corner tiles to "Corner"
  • Changed the sound effect for the shield activating in the opening cutscene to match all its later activations
  • Slightly modified the ringing phone sound to match the one from Mission Polar
  • Added the bottom-left corner of the ship to "First Blood"
  • Added icy overworld tiles to the tops of the first three ice cave rooms
  • Made the lava at the top left of "It's Extremely Unsafe" not suddenly become a wall when transitioning into "Corner"
  • Added special wall tiles to avoid cutoff in "Magma Cube Cavern" and "Ice Block Cavern"
  • Added "wall with lava upside down edge" tiles and lava corner tiles to fix minor cutoff
  • Fixed the player becoming light blue man if they died right after the opening cutscene
  • Censored the opening cutscene (lol)
  • Made the two rooms from the opening cutscene hidden when you gain control
  • Actually added the shield breaking graphics to the download, whoops

just not on the vvvvvv discord

it's my own discord

that I created months ago but was too paranoid to let people join because I thought it would become chaos

it's pretty boring there right now anyway

help me not be boring

I hope I don't get in trouble
April 01, 2018, 02:36:06 AM
i dont care if it's not april first yet
VVVVVV / Cooler Texture Pack
March 26, 2018, 01:14:52 AM
Check out this cool texture pack for VVVVVV!
...oh yeah you have to scroll all the way to the bottom to download it
for idiots: there should be a folder in your "documents" called VVVVVV, dump the stuff there

VVVVVV Levels / Dimension NORMAL
October 16, 2017, 07:07:10 PM
This is the story of a villi named Viridian. Viridian worked at the controls in a big ship where he was the captain. The captain's job was simple: he sat at his desk at the front of the ship and he pushed buttons on a control panel. Orders came to him through his crew mates, telling him what buttons to push, how long to push them, and in what order. This is what the captain did every day of every month of every year, and although others might have considered it soul rending, Viridian relished every moment the orders came in, as though he had been made exactly for this job. And Viridian was happy.

And then one day, something very peculiar happened. Something that would forever change Viridian, something he would never quite forget.

you crashed again now find your crew hooray

take this for now because I'm nowhere near finishing it
VVVVVV Levels / Stuff
April 11, 2017, 09:59:00 PM
crap I forgot to release this on april 1st

oh well
September 26, 2016, 09:58:15 PM
NOTE: Version 1.3.1 includes new graphics files, so if you have an old version of the level, download that attachment again.

Hi again! I didn't like the way Dimension Pixel was going, so this time I've started on a completely new level called Dimension RRRRRR.

Anyway, the story for this level is: :viridian: and his crew crash in yet ANOTHER dimension. :viridian: seems to be in the middle of nowhere when he receives a transmission from :vitellary: saying the crew is okay and the first thing :viridian: should do is find the Souleye.

Once :viridian: finds the ship, :vitellary: gathers everyone and then (after a LOT of interruptions from the crew) states the problem: the Hyper Drive appears to be busted, and you need 20 :shiny: to repair it. For some reason, all the trinkets from previous adventures are gone. I won't go into detail on why that happened.

However, once all the trinkets have been collected, :viridian: returns to the ship and finds something strange...

More areas!
Trinket collecting!
A more expansive overworld than in D. Pixel!
A functioning trinket room on the Ship! Nope. Not happening.

Trinket Map:

Overworld: Three
Mystery Dungeon: One
Space Station: Five
Warp Zone: Two
The Lab: Two
The Tower: Four
Bizarro World: Three
Final Level: None, because you need all twenty to reach it. Duh.

Release 1.3.1:

  • Actually added Vermilion to the ship at the end, whoops

Release 1.3.0:

  • Optimized all the scripts
  • Added Level Complete screens to all the areas
  • Added a Game Complete screen to the end
  • Extended the ending cutscene to make it end less abruptly
  • Modified some room names and cutscenes
  • Changed some tile designs in the Lab
  • Added back the transparency to the Lab spikes (seriously why were they black)
  • Modified the bottom left Ship room
  • Added more to the ship at the end
  • Tried to make collected trinkets appear on the ship, but no

Release 1.0.1:

  • Fixed a game-crashing bug in the cutscene that warps you to the Final Level, because I forgot to change the say() number after adding the command that disables the map
  • Renamed "(9)" to "Oddly Familiar"
  • Changed "Oddly Familiar" a bit
  • Renamed "Super VVVVVV Odyssey" to "#2 MORTON'S PLAINS"
  • Renamed "Breath of the VVVVVV" to "Fake Spikes Are Fake"
  • Modified the ending cutscene a tiny bit

First Full Release (Version 1.0.0):

+ Added The Final Level
+ Added Nintendo Switch Wrapswitch terminals
+ Added The Gravitron
+ Added spikes
+ Added an alarm system
+ Added prison
+ Added random terminal that you activate to break the final level and stuff
+ Added yellow ink
+ Added the oc crew I mentioned earlier
+ Added YET ANOTHER oc as a villain
+ Added crewmates
+ Added dialogue with crewmates
+ Added The Ship Cutscene
+ Added a ton of references
+ Added a small amount of humor
+ Added the Stanley Parable Adventure Lineā„¢
+ Added lots of gravity lines
+ Added covfefe
+ Added myself
- Removed cringe
- Removed most of Captain Vilanzo's intelligence
- Removed Verisix from the ending due to... scripting issues


So that's all for now. Nice.
(Apparently the name is already taken. I don't care anymore.)
VVVVVV Levels / Dimension Pixel [WIP]
July 12, 2016, 12:40:50 AM
Hello, my name is Mr. Pixelator, and I will now present to you...

Dimension Pixel!

...Even though it's not done yet.

Anyway, this level will be 20 by 20, and features the amazing and completely original plot of you going around rescuing crewmates! Yay!
All the areas are finished except the Final Level, which will probably be huge if i want to fill the entire map.
The overworld is sorta finished, and there is one small secret for you to find.

Current Version: Alpha 0.4

Alpha 0.4:

  • Continued the Final Level. Includes the Gravitron, plus a bit of when the Polar Dimension goes all bonkers.

Alpha 0.3:

  • Finished the Tower.
  • Remapped the warps in the second Warp Zone so it's actually completable.
  • Started the Final Level, with an unlocking sequence and everything!

Alpha 0.2.1:

  • Fixed a HUGE bug where the warp lines from the first room somehow disappeared.

Alpha 0.2:

  • Removed a LOT of spikes in Streaks.
  • Removed the "Out of Order" gravity line in the Tower, but you won't get very far anyway.
  • Renamed some rooms.
  • Made Precision easier.
  • Made the trinket two screens to the left of Cavern a bit harder to get.
  • Added a new terminal that explains how the terminal in Cavern is a jerk.
  • Fixed a lot of clipping bugs in This Place Again!.

Alpha 0.1: Initial release.

Trinkets: 18 so far

This level uses Internal Scripting.

Be sure to inform me about anything I can tweak/fix/nerf/any of that stuff for future versions.  :viridian:  :vitellary:  :vermillion:  :violet:  :verdigris: