Here is a list of Simplified Commands!
say(n,c) Makes text appear on screen (If a crewmate of that colour is there, the text will appear near them.) n = Number of lines, and c = Colour.
sad(colour) Makes the Crewmate(s) of the colour sad
happy(colour) Makes the Crewmate(s) of the colour happy
map(on/off) Turns the Map on/off.
reply(n) Same as say(n,c) but only for the player.
music(n) Plays a song. here's a list:
flash - Flashes the screen, makes a noise, and shakes the screen.
flag(n,on/off) Turns a flag on and off, n = what flag you want to turn on/off
ifflag(n,script) If flag n is on, go to script
destroy(o) o = object, as in gravitylines, warptokens, and platforms. (keep in mind that destroy(platforms) only destroys moving platforms, and even then it is a little buggy.)
iftrinkets(n,script) If you have n trinkets, go to script.
iftrinketsless(n,script) same as iftrinkets(n,script) but it's if you have less than n trinkets, you go to script.
Let me know if I miss any
say(n,c) Makes text appear on screen (If a crewmate of that colour is there, the text will appear near them.) n = Number of lines, and c = Colour.
sad(colour) Makes the Crewmate(s) of the colour sad
happy(colour) Makes the Crewmate(s) of the colour happy
map(on/off) Turns the Map on/off.
reply(n) Same as say(n,c) but only for the player.
music(n) Plays a song. here's a list:
Quotedelay(n) n = Amount of seconds of a delay (1 second would be delay(30)
0 - Pending Silence
1 - Pushing Onwards
2 - Positive Force
3 - Potential For Anything
4 - Passion For Exploring
5 - Presenting VVVVVV
6 - Predestined Fate
7 - Popular Potpourri
8 - Pipe Dream
9 - Pressure Cooker
10 - Paced Energy
11 - Piercing The Sky
0a - Path Complete
5a - Pause
7a - Plenary
9a - ecroF evitisoP
15a - Predestined Fate Remix
flash - Flashes the screen, makes a noise, and shakes the screen.
flag(n,on/off) Turns a flag on and off, n = what flag you want to turn on/off
ifflag(n,script) If flag n is on, go to script
destroy(o) o = object, as in gravitylines, warptokens, and platforms. (keep in mind that destroy(platforms) only destroys moving platforms, and even then it is a little buggy.)
iftrinkets(n,script) If you have n trinkets, go to script.
iftrinketsless(n,script) same as iftrinkets(n,script) but it's if you have less than n trinkets, you go to script.
Let me know if I miss any