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Messages - Dynaboom4

For one, you need an intricate knowledge of the game in order to get realistically close to beating it. Do you notice my small movements I often do before heading forward ? Well, if you don t do any of that, this level is basically unplayable and you shall suffer greatly for it.
- Some bits of the level require to be on specific pixel positions to be beatable. If you do NOT take your time to find which positions are the good ones, and set them up, and choose instead to recklessly head forward, you shall suffer, as you will simply not be able to get past certain parts realistically.
( Edit from Dynaboom4 : That's really strange, because this message feels like my writting and doesn't feel like me at all, sorry if i could hurt you)
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Microwave Meals & Building i
September 26, 2022, 07:53:52 AM
I've played Microwave and this level is a life improvement
The plateforming sections are well made, the difficulty is fair. The design of the rooms are gorgeous, and the story is what keeps me most interested with the level, fantastic job.
Hello everyone, this level is part of a series of levels based on the music tempo, enemies comes from all sides of the screen and you have to dodge them all! This third level is harder than the first and the second one, and it's starts to get really hard. The arena here is completely different from
the 2 first levels what makes this level really hard, the song is more organic by that i mean repetitive but with always littles change what has made this level really hard to make.
The level is really short, i know, and i haven't done any challenge room for this one because i don't have any ideas and i have to make more levels for the birthday of a friend.

There is the link to the google drive level :

With all that being said i hope you enjoy my level and take a nice time beating this level  :-*
Hello everyone, this level is part of a series of levels based on the music tempo, enemies comes from all sides of the screen and you have to dodge them all! This second level is harder than the first and is meant not an impossible challenge but an difficult level.

The level is really short but has some challenge rooms that can increase the time spent on the level and the difficulty of this level.

There is the link to the google drive level :

With all that being said i hope you enjoy my level and take a nice time beating this level  :-*
Hello everyone, this level is part of a new series of levels i started that are based on the music tempo, enemies comes from all sides of the screen and you have to dodge them all! This first level is really chill and is meant to be really easy, so no much of push ups there.

The level is really short but has some challenge rooms that can increase the time spent on the level and the difficulty of this first level.

There is the link to the google drive level :

And you can vote the next song i will use for my next music level with the link down below

With all that being said i hope you enjoy my level and take a nice time beating it  :-*
VVVVVV Levels / Temps carte francais
June 21, 2022, 12:28:31 PM
Bonjour tout le monde, voici une carte sur laquelle je travailles depuis un petit moment deja et que j'ai decide de partager avec
la communaute

Pour la decrire dans ces grandes lignes, cette map est un monde ouvert, ou seulement les 2 plus grosses zones de la cartes sont
necessaires pour la terminer.
J'ai melange dans ce niveau des phases d'exploration, de plateformes, et d'histoire meme si elle est plus optionnelle.
La taille de la carte est plutot massive du 20 x 15 et le nombre de scripts aussi, aux alentours des 200.
Et elle comporte des sons et musiques personnalises

J'ai passe enormement de temps sur cette carte donc j'espere qu'elle vous plaira ! Je remercie au passage Balneor pour avoir teste la carte et Allison et BlastkinS pour m'accorder le droit d'utiliser leurs musiques.

Aussi ! Je previens cette carte n'est pas tres dur mais pas simple non plus ! Donc soyez sur vos garde pour quelques defis epices

Finalement si vous avez un retour positif ou negatif sur la carte je suis ouvert
(Et pour ceux allergiques aux 1-tiles il y en a pleins !)

Sorry English people but my map is not yet translated I have to wait a friend that will help me doing that, it will probably come next month

(Oui il y a une fin secrete  :) )

Voici le lien de la carte :

Mises a jour

Temps 1.0.1 : Quelques salles ont ete simplifies, et j'ai mis de nouveau noms de salles dans les souterrains
Temps 1.0.2 : Quelques salles ont ete completement modifies dans l'etoile, + legeres modifs
Temps 1.0.3 : Version finale avant DLC, comprends plein de problemes fixes ! Et une grosse faute dans un des screenshot !