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Messages - Franz24

-didn't get it- :c
*gives a half-hour*
I think I'll just create some levels without a story  :viridian:
(couldn't think of a good short story)  :victoria:
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Zany Protocol TWO (WIP level)
August 28, 2011, 11:01:39 PM
Looks good, need a beta-tester?  ;)
Could I (except for level-creator) become the official fixer for this level? ^^
(Well fixer sounds boring, but you are better in coming up with awesome titles)
Just like I did now, fixing stuff and making other stuff more awesome?
You two already made this a 3-page forum thread.
And you know what a 3-page forum thread means.
That means this level is awesome.
And that I'm going to make a level for it :D
As you may know in my levels the story is very important, but I'll try creating something without a story  :victoria:
(it will be hard for me)   :verdigris:
Still, I'll have it done before Wednesday :)
VVVVVV Levels / Re: "Seasons"
August 28, 2011, 10:50:10 PM
Quote from: GLaDOS V.3 on August 19, 2011, 05:43:02 PM
how you play it?
clicked the link but it shows numbers.

right-click the link, click 'save as...' (depends on your webbrowser) and save it in the My Documents/VVVVVV/ folder.
Now you start VVVVVV and you go to 'Player Levels' and 'Play a Level'
Here you choose 'Seasons' and you play it! ;D
Sorry for the double-post but this is to make sure everyone who knows the level sees it:
If you don't have a version number in the level selection screen, please update!
There are a lot of changes, language corrections and bugfixes in the game,
and I want to make sure everyone has the newest version!


Have fun!

ps. terry should make an auto-updater for the user-created levels
VVVVVV Levels / Re: "Jail Break" (v1.2.2) by YouKnow
August 28, 2011, 10:32:55 PM
Just played it and it was fantastic!

Loved the puzzles,
loved the keypad,
loved the scripting (and I agree with all your Requests for scripting)
loved the non-talking friends!

One small bug in the final frontier level (well bug, just a mistake), there is a background piece in one of the gravitylines ;)

The difficulty was just like Terry said just right, the hardest level was in my opinion The Clouds, The Cacti, and Cobra
and the last challenge until I found the easy (right) way to do it  ::) (won't spoil it :))

Terry should definitely feature this,
Why? Because it's old-school VVVVVV-fun!
Quote from: FlamingBanana on August 26, 2011, 07:52:02 PM
I dont like this smiley:  :D It looks like your mocking me  :victoria: Use  ;D instead ok?  ;)

But seriously, thanks!  :viridian:

It's terry's fault, when I'm happy I type : D and that gets the evil smiley D: to get the happy one you have to type ; D. (why did he do that?)
By the way, I'm working on your level now ;D

Before I make any levels a few things:  :viridian:

1. Is the second level impossible or am I just stupid?
2. The third level has a lot of bugs because of the warp.
3. You should make the level size 20x20 in case this gets really really popular and featured by Terry! ^^

I couldn't resist trying to fix the bugs ^^

1. in the second level it's now more possible to get it (first it was just luck)
2. fixed a room alignment error in the level with the disappearing platforms
3. fixed a lot of weird bugs in the red level
4. That was it I think.. :)

here's the download link:
I'm working op 'The Mission' a lot at the moment, but I promise I'll create a/some screen(s) for this one too! ;D
Quote from: TheoX on August 24, 2011, 12:13:25 AM
Let me start off by saying I actually thought this whole idea was something different: I thought it was one level made by different people, but each person would design a few rooms.  I didn't realize that it was a hub of smaller levels, which I think is also a cool idea, but in a different way.
Actually, I also thought that was the idea, and to be honest I think that would be even better.
Making a whole level costs a lot of time, while making one screen is quicker to do.
I also think more people will join this project if they only have to make 1/2 screens ;)
That way we can make a very big and fun level together!
But of course, it's your idea so if you want it the way it is, I'll still join the project :)
Anyway, take it into consideration!
I'll be joining this project for sure, but first I'll have to celebrate my birthday (tomorrow) ^^
when I've got some free time again I'll join!
Hello everybody, I'm back!
Tomorrow is my birthday, and ten days later is my girlfriends birthday, so I'm really busy at the moment.
But of course I won't let you guys down, I'm working on a new version now with a lot of fixed language errors.
I'm Dutch so English is not my first language, and if you spot any other errors,
Please tell me!

Thanks in advance, and the next version will be up in about 30 minutes if everything goes right.

Quote from: dinoquark on August 11, 2011, 11:27:39 PM
Ahahaha bug-hunting!  :vermillion:

I saw your post after making this reply, but of course your hard work won't go unnoticed!
It's great to see that somebody did the hard work while I was on holiday ^^
I'll try to fix as much bugs as possible and include them in the next update!
Thanks alot!  ;D

detailed bug-fixing!

Quote from: dinoquark on August 11, 2011, 11:27:39 PM
There are a couple places where you can jump past gravity lines
Fixed the two that you showed in the video :)
Quote from: dinoquark on August 11, 2011, 11:27:39 PM
In the area with the first friend, it's possible to accidently be jumping up to try and hit the first moving platform when you trigger the dialog sequence, leading to death and respawning in the middle of talking (which is weird).
Don't see how I could fix that, but it's not a really important bug, it's just weird ^^
Quote from: dinoquark on August 11, 2011, 11:27:39 PM
It's still possible to get stuck if you go back into Mario's room after freeing him, which xOnixic reported on page 1.
Went back down and somehow triggered a dialog ("Welcome back! How was it?") that wouldn't go away or advance (so I couldn't flip).
It should be fixed now, although I couldn't get the bug myself...
Quote from: dinoquark on August 11, 2011, 11:27:39 PM
It's possible to get stuck in the princess room by dying instead of taking the warp exit after collecting the shiny, additionally the first warp intersects you slightly with the wall, which can be used to clip into the room above.
You can still enable it by going past the place where the trinket was located.
Still, it's really stupid if you die there ^^
Quote from: dinoquark on August 11, 2011, 11:27:39 PM
There are several places where you can trigger dialog again and again and again by going back or dying which can be a little annoying.
Yup I had the same problem, but that's just the way these levels are designed
the story element also has its disadvantages.. ;)

Anyway, thanks a lot for reporting the bugs, the new version is done now and I'll update the dropbox link and the first post now!
Quote from: mint301 on August 10, 2011, 07:49:41 PM

Part 2

I've just watched both of them, it was a lot of fun to see someone playing my level!
I'm Dutch so please forgive my mistakes in the English language ;)
As soon as I'm back from holiday I'll fix them! :)
Quote from: mint301 on August 09, 2011, 07:57:43 PM
I Let's Played this level. Here's part 1:

Part 2 should be up tomorrow!  :viridian:

Awesome, I'm honoured!