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Messages - avengah

Sorry for late reply, yeah it's fine overall, I can't think of anything that badly needs changing except for one thing. Why are people going to bother using the warp back from the Just A Lousy Trinket and navigate the spikes all the way back, when death does the job? Put a checkpoint somewhere near the actual trinket (maybe by the teleporter back) so people have an incentive not to die, maybe.
At the start, go to the info screens. There's a checkpoint in the final one before you're sent back to the Insert Coin room. It didn't used to be there.

EDIT: I've replicated the glitch that warps you from the Abandoned Worksite to the top left or bottom left corner. It's not guaranteed to happen but I find it's most likely to happen if you fall up through several screens and hit the leftmost warp token (or two leftmost tokens together). I think it may be to do with the speed you're travelling; if you're partially off the top of the screen when you warp maybe? Solution: lower the warps by one square. Maybe.

Something else you might want to fix: the final trinket and checkpoint should be swapped. Put the checkpoint before the trinket, if you don't want people to press R before hitting it so they don't have to get back.
Yeah, sure. Just out of interest and curiosity, why is there a checkpoint in the Chapter 3 part of the introductory screens? It's weird being put back there again if you press R during the initial cutscene.
Thanks! I'd just thought of a way to fix glitches related to pressing R in cutscenes, if you feel it's necessary. Consider it a minor fix, though, so don't bother with it until the next update. Although thinking about it, you might have already done this!

I was just thinking that you should set the current checkpoint every time a room transition or some other movement occurs in a cutscene. That way, if you press R, you'll just reappear in the same spot.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: My level: The Jaunt, Version 2.1.
November 25, 2012, 07:54:10 PM
I see the second trinket is easier now, but the first - arrgh! I had to do it THREE TIMES because I overshot and went through the one-way wall! Those precision bounces are not easy at all... The graphics is much improved in both your levels, so well done there!
You obviously know where to go first. Secondly, head right, up and left to reach the Starship Enterprise. After that, you will be told where to go - each area has a terminal telling you what's there, except for Chapter 2, but you'll find that easily enough when you get to it. On the way, you'll pass through two red rooms, one with two vertical inversion planes. Then you'll reach a yellow room with warp lines at the sides and a warp token to get back. Head up from there and you'll find what you're looking for, if you're where I think you are.
Two things. Firstly, DIY III Repair isn't fixed. If you press R (or die to the spikes in the next room), you are placed at the terminal. I think you set the checkpoint early, before the room warp.

Secondly, it's possible to get on top of Vertigo's cage if you inch left, forcing an R. This means having to play through the previous several rooms again without music.

This is really good so far; I like it a lot. There are other issues caused by pressing R during cutscenes, but I don't think you should worry about them - they don't break the game. For instance, pressing it repeatedly when you first save Vermilion causes you to reappear at the Crossroads, but you aren't stuck  when you go left, you save Vermilion again, fixing the problem.

If you re-enter the Abandoned Facility, it plays out (almost) exactly as before, with Vermilion, even though he's supposed to be otherwise incapacitated at this point.

EDIT: There are two differences: the warp gate at the bottom is already open, and you already have Vertigo's ID card. But that doesn't stop you picking it up again. I guess you used two different flags - one to say you've got it, and one to say you've picked it up from that spot. Personally I'd just use one flag for that, but whatever. In any case, something needs to be done about re-entering the AF; I'm not sure of a suitable solution at this time. I'm sure you'll think of something. Maybe something happens before you reach the Vertigo fight that sends you back outside?

The second S C room has the C in the wrong place, one square left. And the entrance to Abandoned Facility is missing a block in the top left, no doubt caused by deleting a script. Other than that, it's very good, and I like the use of the Yes Men!

Amusement time: At the start of the Vertigo fight, or whenever he's on screen, die or press R and he becomes sad, as if he's a friend, but there's nothing you can do about that.

Finally, in the part where you play as Vermilion, I think there should be a fail-safe so that if you do press R, there's a script at (a) the start point of the section that turns you red again, and another one at (b) the start of the next room. These are the only two places where it matters, since you'll go back to (a) normally, but if you're still in that room, then (b) will fix the problem for you.

Final great amusement - press R when Vertigo catches you saving Viridian, and since Vermilion is no longer on the screen, it'll be Viridian that becomes flashing colours - permanently! (At least until the next death.)

EDIT: Sorry, a major glitch has presented itself. After doing three Gravitrons, I was moving very fast from left to right across the screen automatically. Luckily I'd hit a checkpoint. I had to save, quit VVVVVV and reload to continue. I tried playing a different level and it randomly flicked between screens at a rapid pace. I've seen this glitch before in Dimension Piplup after several Gravitrons, but I don't know the cause - I avoided it last time by doing the easiest one last. It could just be luck, though, that the glitch didn't occur that time.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: My level: The Jaunt. Tough but fair.
November 22, 2012, 09:05:33 PM
So as not to hijack the other thread, was the checkpoint after the second trinket deliberately designed so that you can't go back up? Or was that an accident?

Also, the challenge for the second trinket has two solutions. I think the intended solution is to go down, hit the narrow gravline at the bottom, then hit the one on the right to go to the lower screen. The alternative solution is to completely skip both inversion planes by going right and down so that you enter the lower screen just to the right of the vertical line. I wouldn't bother changing it, though; that second solution is much harder than the intended route - you're left with much less time to react and I often hit the spikes on the right if I attempt this method.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: My 2nd Level: Survivor Type
November 22, 2012, 06:37:45 PM
I like it. I've just played both versions back-to-back and the improvements are great! I notice you made Upvote harder, too. Overall, I think it's a great level. Finally, you should change the description slightly (add a v2 or something) so we know which version we're playing. The second versioin appears below the first version in my menu.

I think this is how it works: in v2.0, they appear in alphabetical order of filenames. In v2.1, they appear in alphabetical order of titles, and if titles match (e.g. I've got several "untitled level"s, it goes in order of filename.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: (V2.9) Dimension Switchback
November 22, 2012, 04:24:18 AM
Yeah, that room is hard, but once you reach the circled point, you should not die. Those enemies are smooth and easy to pass.

Just move forwards at a steady pace. The enemies aren't a threat at all, and there's a checkpoint in the next room. There's an inversion plane which bounces you to the checkpoint - and if you miss, you land on safe ground and can try again. See the bit just above the hole? No spikes or enemies can reach that bit. There's really no challenge in that particular part, at least compared to earlier parts in the very same room.

I played the Jaunt. I thought the second trinket was unbelievably pixel-perfect hard (it took several hundred tries... maybe a checkpoint half way through the challenge would have been good, but I'm pleased to say I did it as it is... eventually...), and as for the third? Glitch abuse is not recommended. Yeah, I know warp lines cancel out warp backgrounds, but it's a glitch and the editor's supposed to not let you use both... unfortunately, the functionality's broken and it sometimes stops you using any kind of warp when you've got none in the room! Still, it was obvious with the map.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: (V2.9) Dimension Switchback
November 22, 2012, 03:21:22 AM
I second the praise. The level is great.

Seriously, a checkpoint there, of all places? That's one of the easiest parts!
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Script commands index and tips
November 21, 2012, 06:18:52 AM
Now, something important about the say command. Do not assume that if you use no argument, you will get grey. We already know that it defaults to the previous colour used, but I've just discovered that it defaults to the NEXT colour used if no argument is specified! This is... strange.

So, the following script:


will produce 1, 3 and 4 all in pink, with 2 in cyan. Let's say you're using a terminal and you want output from the terminal, but you also want commentary from Violet. Then you must specify an unrecognised argument.


That will do the trick. Now, it'll be grey, cyan, grey, pink in that order. I honestly don't know why the scripting system works like that - surely, if your third or fourth say command specifies a colour, then you want that command to be that colour; not all the commands before it too! Still, it is how it is, and we must use workarounds.

If anyone's had their text appear the wrong colour in custom levels, this could be why.

EDIT: New discovery about happy and sad - if you specify an individual number, colour or name, no matter what it is, the player will be affected if there is no crewman of that colour on the screen. Even if there is, say, a red crewmember over somewhere else in the level, if you do sad(red) then the player will become sad if there's no red crew on the current screen. The red crew elsewhere will also become sad.

So therefore, the fact that specifying cyan prioritises NPCs, then the player if no cyan NPCs are on screen, is not exclusive to the cyan argument. It applies to every colour; in addition to the matching NPCs elsewhere in the level, the player will be affected if there isn't a matching NPC on the current screen.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Script commands index and tips
November 21, 2012, 04:13:25 AM
Quote from: blue626 on November 19, 2012, 07:49:43 PM
Quote from: avengah on November 19, 2012, 07:16:05 PM
Also, "all" works too. It affects everyone on screen, player and NPCs alike.

:o I think that nobody mentioned that before, which makes me think that nobody discovered that before!

Oh, and FIQ, you still didn't wrote about squeak(on/off/crewmate). I wonder if squeak(all) works.

Yes, it was already known - check the featured level "Quantum Tunnel". The script "intro2" uses happy(all). Now that you mention "squeak", I'll test it out a bit.

OK, so squeak commands are local to the current script; that we know. Now then, squeak(off) disables ALL text box noises caused by say and reply for the current script. squeak(on) reverses this and is the normal behaviour.

The only other arguments that are accepted are 1-6, colours, crew names, player and sad. Not terminal, and not all. The numbers are the same as above, and both pink and purple work for Violet. So squeak(sad) makes the sad/death noise without making anyone actually sad, and player = cyan = viridian = 1; there's no difference this time.

Any other arguments are completely ignored. For example,

If anyone forgets the numbers, there are two ways to remember - when you create a crewman in the editor, start at cyan; this is 1. Every click to change its colour increases its number by 1, up to 6.

The second way, which I forgot to mention before, is to look at the order of the crew in the main game. When you pause the game and check the crew roster (saved, missing etc.) they're numbered like this:


Finally, squeak without an argument defaults to cyan / player. squeak(off) disables automatic squeaks from terminals and characters, but does not disable manual squeaks created with the squeak command. And squeak(off) only lasts as long as the current script.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Level: Dimension Dimension
November 21, 2012, 01:39:39 AM
I've had an idea. Since createentity is a conditional command, are there any entities you can create that act as either moving or still obstacles, either deadly or simply obstructions? You see, you can create a coin with an entity ID of whatever, and create an obstacle with the same entity ID. It has to be in a different room - I tried creating two coins with the same ID in one room, and collecting the first does not make the second disappear. So, you could collect a coin in one room, and an obstacle in another room would fail to spawn. Am I on to something?

Alternatively, it could be the same room but you'd have to leave and re-enter. This is just a general query; not specifically for this level but the coin thing has given me the idea.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: (V2.9) Dimension Switchback
November 20, 2012, 10:59:25 PM
It's still v2.8 in the menu, but don't worry about that until the next update.

If you use the terminal in DIY III Repair then press R, you go back to the grey screen. Set checkpoint position? Again, it's minor though so leave it till the next update. And that top left block's still absent from Abandoned Facility entrance. I know how that happened! It's when you removed the script, isn't it. It also removed the block that was there.