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Messages - avengah

VVVVVV Levels / Re: Back to VVVVVV
November 09, 2012, 08:02:13 PM
So if you're going to make sure Flag 99 is off if you teleport to TA from the hub, does this mean that the bonus trinket MUST be collected at the first possible opportunity? There must be a better solution.

My solution would be to set a permanent flag upon collecting the bonus trinket, and check this flag before awarding this bonus trinket.

Incidentally, why do you end up with four lines of internal script in a visible text box if you collect 21 trinkets before going to the Polar Dimension PS for the first time? What causes the internal script to end up being displayed?

Oh yeah, don't forget about that thing where if you do Platform Arena third and Life Factory fourth, you'll see Vitellary and Vita together, then if you warp out and back in you'll see Vita again before being automatically sent to T1. I don't know whether this is because it saves the Platform Arena congratulatory message or not, but it could be part of the reason.

EDIT: Unfortunately I can only upload ZIP files. So anyway, here's a zip containing a picture of the glitch along with a save so you can trigger it yourself. Simply go up to the PS and use it. I've got 21 trinkets with the glitch, and this is my first visit to the Polar Dimension; I've skipped the whole destabilisation thing. I want to know why this text box appears!



Ah. I think I've got it! The script "diyvirepair_done" has a customifflag(41,diyvirepair_done2) command, but if flag 41 isn't set then the script ends. Since it's still in internal scripting mode, those four commands (which aren't in any script in the game) are displayed as text due to the lack of a loadscript(stop) command, I think. Is that right?
Most people agree that you should always save before testing, just in case of crashes and control failures. That way, even if it does crash, you've not lost anything.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Back to VVVVVV
November 07, 2012, 11:19:06 PM
I've encountered another couple of bugs, I'm afraid. Firstly, a minor bug - if you do Platform Arena third, go back without using a teleporter and then do the Smart People level fourth, you'll get the congratulatory message for the Smart People level, along with "One remains", and then you'll speak to Vita and Vitellary. If you then use any teleporter and come back, you'll get the congratulatory message for Platform Arena along with "One remains" again, Vita will still be there and you'll have the normal conversation with Vita (which is mostly the same as the conversation with Vita and Vitellary, except it automatically sends you to T1).

Now, the slightly more major bug. I did Plaform Arena third and Smart People fourth but didn't use an extra teleporter, thus skipping the congratulatory message for Platform Arena. After the Polar Dimension and secret area, I went back to TA and back through the Platform Arena again - and ended up with 22 trinkets. So for some reason the game allowed me to get the bonus trinket for a second time. I haven't looked at the scripts to determine a cause. I'll try a couple more things now.

Having 22 trinkets means two things - firstly you can skip one of the existing trinkets, and secondly your unlock file will say your highest number of collected trinkets will be 22. (In case anyone didn't know, collecting trinkets in a player level counts towards unlocking jukebox songs in the main game, as it saves the highest number you collect.)

EDIT: After a brief test, I seem to have found out that Life Factory makes the Platform Arena bonus trinket available again. I did Platform Arena first, then the Maze, then warped to TA and couldn't get it. Then I did Life Factory, warped to TA and did get it. I'll try a few more things. Maybe a flag is set in Life Factory that makes this trinket re-collectible?

EDIT 2: OK, the bonus trinket can be collected INFINITE times. Simply set the teleporter to T3, warp there ("There We Go!"), warp back, warp to TA and go back through Platform Arena. Every time you do this, you get an extra trinket.

EDIT 3: More fun. If you manage to get 21 trinkets before going to the Polar Dimension PS for the first time (get 19 before entering the Dimensional Tunnel), it skips the whole destabilising thing, and you end up back at the ship with a glitchy text box showing four lines of internal script, then the script stops leaving you on the ship. (Skipping the bit where you'd normally speak to your crew then go back to read a letter from Vita.) I'm also thinking that a side effect of the glitch may be that using T3 after collecting this trinket makes the game think you've not collected the bonus trinket, therefore it would only expect you to need 20, not 21 at the final PS. I've not confirmed that, though. A cursory look through the scripts makes me think this isn't the case, but I'm not sure. It's worth checking, though. I think the possible cause is that using T3 from Life Factory sets flag 99, which in turn allows you to get that bonus trinket since that's the flag checked when deciding whether to award it. I'm also assuming that the normal check inside the Platform Arena which decides whether to set flag 99 won't normally set it if you've already collected the trinket - but T3 sets flag 99 unconditionally.

Oh, and Tunnel T8 sets 99 too. I think you need to make sure that the trinket can still be collected if you don't get it straight away - let's say you come back later to Platform Arena, you should still be able to get it - but only once. So another flag might be required to ensure it's only collected once. And it's clear that Flag 99 is being used for two different things.
VVVVVV Tech Support / Re: Pause screen
October 25, 2012, 06:26:22 PM
Alt+Printscreen is your friend.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Dimension Switchback (Beta)
October 25, 2012, 02:49:39 AM
As long as I changed that play(15) command, it didn't crash for me.
VVVVVV Help / Re: Internal commands
October 20, 2012, 12:34:07 AM
Don't forget the other way of executing internal commands; using say(12+). At least that way you don't need to keep putting extra say and text commands in. V2.1 only, of course, but I'm sure most of us are using that now.
October 18, 2012, 09:45:42 PM
Well, I remember there being a couple that were only about 4 KB in size - one of which was in Part 1, but there was a file with the same name in Part 2 that was complete. I forget the names... let's see, escape1, rescueprison1 in Part 1 seem to be empty.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Level: Dimension Dimension
October 18, 2012, 09:43:42 PM
Can you use a Windows emulator?
VVVVVV Help / Re: Internal commands
October 16, 2012, 08:19:03 PM
Have you tried just say(-)? Or even say(-0)? Or even simply say(0)?
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Extra Zone
October 16, 2012, 01:43:44 PM
Yeah, I know that, but the glitch is caused because a text box is active and then the game tries to run another script at the start point. It only happens if your current checkpoint is Crash Site I think, because there's another script box there to make Viridian happy and play Pressure Cooker.

The other glitch I was talking about in the final room is being able to activate the "I am me" script in midair. This shouldn't happen, so if you shrink the script box to one square and put it on the right of the platform it should be fixed.
Capn Muffin: You can fix it the way I said. Go into the script labelled boss2defeat, change say(46) to say(45) and change play(16) to musicfadeout or stopmusic. There, fixed.
VVVVVV Help / Re: Internal commands
October 15, 2012, 08:12:42 PM
Instead of wasting a flag (not that it really matters), you could use iftrinkets(0,script2) etc. Of course, you could set the flag at the start of the level and leave it set, but that would cause problems when testing specific rooms.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Extra Zone
October 15, 2012, 04:10:12 PM
It seems that glitch in the final room has been fixed in the version in the seven pack. I still suggest making that script box smaller, though...

However, that version introduces a new glitch. If you enter the teleporter to the Final Zone without enough trinkets, a gravity line bounces you into spikes with a message. However, dying during this message prevents you from flipping until you exit. Normally it wouldn't be a problem I think, but since another script activates at the start point, it causes the new script to start immediately, removing the text boxes but not removing the "Press Action to continue" thing; this prevents you flipping permanently until you exit.

And in "Mobile Trinket Storage Device", if you use the upper checkpoint it can cause you to die repeatedly until the enemy moves off the checkpoint - and if you leave the room then die, respawning there, it's guaranteed to happen because you can't get out in time.

There is a minor glitch going down from the snake room due to walls being there, and a similar thing happens when going from the east of the Promethean lab to the west. If you flip at just the right time you can even go through the floor into the CONDEMNED tunnel.

Finally, go east from Ominous Crater and you might end up in the wall, floating up or down again. Maybe make that entrance two squares wide in the snake room instead of one.
VVVVVV Help / Re: Internal commands
October 15, 2012, 03:53:49 PM
It only detects one internal command, but you see an empty text box as well.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Steriodimensional
October 15, 2012, 01:30:31 PM
That's not bad. There's a small scripting error; there's an extra "say (1)" in the l1notconfirmed script. It ends up displaying "l1confirmed:" on the screen. Also, you should fix the spelling; it makes it look more professional.