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Messages - Martze

VVVVVV Levels / Re: Soul Searching (v1.4)
August 30, 2011, 05:11:23 AM
bah. easy enough to fix, but I hate the number of revisions I've already made to this level.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Soul Searching (v1.4)
August 26, 2011, 12:13:11 AM
Look for an edge doesn't have backing and therefore isn't a warp line. There's the one you came in, which is in Vice. Can you find any others?
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Soul Searching (v1.4)
August 25, 2011, 10:58:04 PM
It's not a custom song. Paced Energy is one of the two new songs in VVVVVV 2.0, which were originally written for SoulEye's "A New Dimension." It's on the song selection screen, with the others. I, myself, would very much like to download it.

PJBottomz, did you figure out how to get past Vice and Virtue? I can hint more strongly if I need to.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Soul Searching (v1.3)
August 22, 2011, 04:56:04 AM
I had a stupid bug in Midgardsormr because I didn't test it. At all. It's gone now.

Also my changelog for 1.3 was incomplete, so I went back and fixed it.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: DSS Ideal X (v2)
August 22, 2011, 02:39:51 AM
This was an excellent level. Very creative, balanced, and funny. Excellent work. You deserve to be featured.
Okay. I beat this.

This level was extremely frustrating. I shudder to think what Hard Mode is like. That is the sort of level where every time I clear a challenge, I say, "Well, I'm glad I don't have to do THAT ever again in my life."

Fortunately, your design was so good that it managed to keep me playing. It was close, though.

I got 19/20 trinkets. I missed the Lover's Leap one, because I said, "well, this is obviously the sea of chaos, but I guess I had to do something in the Green Area to unlock this."

After clearing the game, I decided to edit your level and add a few warp tokens so that I could easily return to Lover's Leap, get the trinket I missed, go to the heart room, and then warp back to the end of the game. I hope you don't mind. The alternative was replaying multiple areas, including the Final Area, and see above for my feelings on that.

The whole "Hello I'm from Earth and I created this" schtick seemed a bit self-indulgent to me.

EDIT: Janky Walk-in Trepanning Machine is the best name of any room, ever.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Soul Searching (v1.3)
August 19, 2011, 06:50:53 PM
Quote from: PJBottomz on August 19, 2011, 03:19:14 PM
Played version 1.3

Thanks for fixing Tenderized Veal! But, I hate an issue with a room...

If you go all the way to the left side of Vice and Virtue, and end up back at the beginning of Vice, you are going too far.

There are two rooms. There are four edges in each room. Anything marked with backing is a warp. Going down from Vice takes you to Virtue, going up from Virtue takes you to Vice. Going right from Vice takes you back to Security Sweep. So...
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Soul Searching (v1.3)
August 19, 2011, 06:12:22 AM
I have released version 1.3, which is hopefully the last version. I didn't playtest it as extensively as any of the previous versions, though, so it probably shipped with a new batch of careless bugs. Bah.

I wasn't planning to do it at all until I started on my new level and realized that roomtext would have been the PERFECT way to indicate those checkpoints instead of the ugly Cs I made out of backing. I wasn't thinking straight when I came up with that one. So while I was going to the trouble of making a new version, I decided to round it out with the other requested features.

Tenderized Veal and Demon Wall have been made far easier.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Soul Searching (v1.2)
August 10, 2011, 05:35:12 AM
@wally2069: "Tenderized Veal" isn't making everyone furious like the old "Emergency Exit" did, but I suppose everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and anyone whose weak point is timing will struggle with that one. I don't want anyone to get hung up on a single screen and find themselves unable to clear it, though, so I'll think about it for the next release.

@Psychopath: Not really something I could avoid, apart from spacing the shocks in a way that it is impossible to hit two at once. I call this a bug in VVVVVV itself, though not a major one. Thank you for your input, though.

@dinoquark: I suggest you try deleting the room name. The spikes and walls are hidden under there, just like in "You Can't Explain That."

I did not notice the oddity with those blocks. I can look into it in the next release.

Thanks to everyone else for their comments.


v1.1 and v1.2 were emergency fixes. I'll keep listening to your feedback, and as long as there are no major issues, I'm going to take it slow and make sure my next version is as good as I can make it before I release it.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Soul Searching
August 09, 2011, 09:04:25 AM
All right. I've come to a decision.

I have released Version 1.2.

"Emergency Exit" has been reduced in difficulty. The wave is now two enemies shorter, and the shocks have been moved.

It isn't because anybody asked me to. Actually, nobody asked me. The thing is, I had no idea how hard the room was. I designed it, playtested it, and after moving a few shocks around, got it to the point where I could beat it maybe one of every three attempts, which seemed fair to me. I had no idea that it was nearly impossible unless it was approached in exactly the same way.

Dinoquark, you are a crazy good bugtester. I'm really glad for your help. I couldn't reproduce either of these, but I made some "invisible" changes that might help with them anyway.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Soul Searching
August 09, 2011, 04:14:02 AM
v1.1 added a checkpoint after Emergency Exit that shouldn't be that hard to reach.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Soul Searching
August 09, 2011, 03:27:21 AM
Quote from: TheoX on August 09, 2011, 02:26:38 AM
This level is AWESOME but I'm stuck... how in the holy motherload of ASS are you supposed to get through Emergency Exit?  My god that room is a friggin' nightmare.  I might have to come back to this later...

This is one of the rooms I was worried about the difficulty of. I may make this easier, if I receive more complaints about it. It is the second-to-last room, though, so I don't want to make it too easy.

It's a bit tricky to describe how I do it. I tried to record a video, but fraps didn't pick up the game for whatever reason. If someone knows how to record this game properly, please let me know. But I'll try to describe it in text, for now.

Start at the checkpoint in "Ventus" and hold right until you reach "Emergency Exit." If you do that, I can guarantee the exact pixel Viridian will enter the screen at, and your timing will be the same as my timing.

After that, you bounce three times at the left edge of the screen, avoiding the shocks. You bounce off the top, the bottom, and then the top. It is after you make this last bounce and begin falling downwards that you make your attack. Not so fast that you hit the front of the wave of enemies, but fast enough that you go clear the upper-left-most shock and the end of the wave. It's tricky even like this, though, and usually takes me a couple of tries!
VVVVVV Levels / Re: level: Revenge
August 09, 2011, 02:49:10 AM
Decent level. You should probably aim for quality over quantity.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: Soul Searching
August 09, 2011, 01:51:53 AM
I have released Version 1.1. I want to thank everyone who played my level and gave me feedback.

Terry, your praise fills my heart with joy.

I didn't come up with the joke myself. I don't remember exactly where I heard it, but TV Tropes claims that it is "a common joke." It was the first thing I thought of when I noticed that it was possible to place a rescuable Viridian. In fact, the joke at the end was the inspiration for the title.

@Stampy: Though others were able to explain the bug clearly, I am grateful that you went the extra mile to record yourself triggering the bug. It would be nice if all of my bug reports had videos attached.

@CHz: Your feedback is appreciated. I added a line of dialogue to "Looking into the Mirror" to indicate more clearly that the warp token would take the player far away.
VVVVVV Levels / Re: level: Revenge
August 08, 2011, 07:21:57 PM
You should be able to attach your level to a post if you compress it.

If you're using Windows, I recommend installing 7zip. If that doesn't work for you for whatever reason, lots of people use WinRAR.

Either of these will give you several different compression options. I'd say .zip is a safe bet. Linux people hate it, but they're used to dealing with it by now. It's certainly a better choice than .rar (Linux people hate this even more) or .7z (most Windows users have WinRAR which doesn't do .7z)