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Messages - ThePaSch

Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
November 06, 2012, 04:40:40 PM
Quote from: PyNe on November 06, 2012, 06:32:23 AM
My favorite level is Hyper Hexagonest because its fast paced and the "bonus part" is awesome!
That's the only mode I ever play anymore, apart from the occasional Hexagoner/Hyper Hexagoner.
Also, the bonus part makes me feel very very tense, making me very very prone to mistakes, causing me to, well, make mistakes. I hate it. Yet, I love it.  :victoria:
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
November 06, 2012, 12:07:45 AM
New scoreboard:
Hexagon - 89:21 (don't really play that anymore, lol)
Hexagoner - 182:13
Hexagonest - 84:37
Hyper Hexagon - 69:10
Hyper Hexagoner - 185:32
Hyper Hexagonest - 74:37 82:37
The Final Hexagon - as you can see from my Hyper Hexagoner and Hyper Hexagonest scores, I rarely stand more than 6 or 7 seconds (measured from as soon as the walls start coming in). x[
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
November 05, 2012, 09:36:59 PM
Just got 187 seconds on Hyper Hexagoner. #15 on the High Score list! Yay!  :viridian:

Oh, and Terry should TOTALLY add a shortcut to The Final Hexagon. Come on, at least for those who have reached it, like, 10 times or so. It's so freaking awesome.
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
November 04, 2012, 11:32:11 PM
When I got my 182 seconds on Hexagoner, it was because I really didn't expect the game to just jump to Hyper Hexagonest after that, heh.  :viridian:
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
October 02, 2012, 02:45:45 PM
Well, there's a little epic treat before it says that!
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
October 01, 2012, 08:33:10 PM
Quote from: Dav999 on October 01, 2012, 05:01:21 PM
It said it was...
It'll say that again once you beat Hyper Hexagonest.  :viridian:
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
October 01, 2012, 04:17:27 PM
Not quite. :D
Super Hexagon / Hexagonest 3D
October 01, 2012, 12:59:25 AM
Is there any reason to why Hexagonest (and Hyper Hexagonest) doesn't get the cool 3D effects like Hexagoner and Hexagon do?  :vitellary:
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
October 01, 2012, 12:29:10 AM
Quote from: Whirligig on September 29, 2012, 02:25:30 PM
1) What does Hyper Hyper Hexagonest look like?
2) What happens after then?

1) Pretty much the opposite of Hyper Hexagonest. Just beat Hyper Hexagonest today - thanks again, Scorpion. :D
2) You'll have to see for yourself.  :viridian:

If you think about it, each Hyper Mode is the opposite of its respective normal mode. Hexagon - Red, warm color. Hyper Hexagon - Blue, cold color. Hexagoner - black, neonish borders. Hyper Hexagoner - white, neonish borders. Hexagonest - Colorful, changes constantly. Hyper Hexagonest - Colorless, constant white. I like that motif.  :)

My new Scoreboard:

Hexagon: 88:47
Hexagoner: 64:11
Hexagonest: 84:47
Hyper Hexagon: 64:14
Hyper Hexagoner: 90:19
Hyper Hexagonest: 67:07
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
September 28, 2012, 02:26:49 PM
Quote from: Scorpion008 on September 27, 2012, 08:49:31 PM
Always right, right, left, left, left.. Don't switch directions (the ...right, left... part) quickly, leave a tiny pause. You will get the hang of it..
I love you.

It works.
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
September 27, 2012, 05:11:13 AM
DAMN IT! I finally get past that wave, and then, of course, the game throws two of them at me. HNNGGNNHNHHNNNNGGGNNHNGG

Also, new Hyper Hexagoner record!
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
September 19, 2012, 11:33:22 AM
Quote from: Dav999 on September 18, 2012, 05:33:42 PM
Man! Hexagonest is IMPOSSIBRU! >:D
Don't get me started on Hyper Hexagonest. That one wave still kills me EVERY SINGLE TIME. I even tried to study and practice it in the slower Hyper Hexagon mode (where they also appear), but they kill me there as well. My Hyper Hexagonest score is basically a matter of when these suckers appear to kill me.  :'(
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
September 16, 2012, 08:56:11 PM

Man, these things always get me. Literally. Haven't got past one ONCE.  :violet:
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
September 16, 2012, 05:32:02 PM
Just beat Hexagonest! I'm now at Rank 23 on the High Score Board, with a time of 64:13.
Hyper Hexagonest, well, I'm at 13:33 right now, and, well, DAMN, THAT'S HARD.
Super Hexagon / Re: Super Hexagon Scores?
September 13, 2012, 01:52:31 PM
Hexagon: 69:30
Hexagoner: 59:02 (DAMN IT) 64:11 (HELL YEAH!)
Hexagonest: 27:41 32:37 64:13
Hyper Hexagon: 19:09 32:57
Hyper Hexagoner: 19:04 34:05
Hyper Hexagonest: 13:33


Gotcha.  :vermillion: