Yeah, it would loop around perfectly. I hadn't considered using an animated gif at all... quite tempting. Although now that I finished the map (except for Tower) I'm finding that it's already at 303 distinct colors. I find this surprising, but, just looking at it you can see a distinctive kind of primary coloring on the left of the tower and a pastel coloring on the right.
Just to keep it all together, maybe just a [sinful] change and double the tower width. Already, some of the levels are pretty much impossible to literally follow via map alone (like Warp Zone) the without knowing the flow anyway since each room appears to have multiple exits, plus the teleporting around, so, maybe it wouldn't be such a terrible loss. However, this does bring with it a problem since I shaved pixels off each screen (as mentioned before) so that 26 screen high tower MIGHT wind up taller than 26 trimmed screens. Since, so far, though, the shaved pixels don't have hidden geometry I'm tempted to just put the gaps back in and fill them in. Still don't want the room names, though, since it breaks up the vertical flow a lot, I find, from the full beta maps. I'd definitely give the full file so Terry could consider setting up a Zazzle account so huge posters can be bought. Mwa ha ha.
I already sliced together The Tower though. Normally I 'shop Viridian out so you can appreciate the level itself, but it's SO cute seeing so many of them crawling all around The Tower all at once.
Just to keep it all together, maybe just a [sinful] change and double the tower width. Already, some of the levels are pretty much impossible to literally follow via map alone (like Warp Zone) the without knowing the flow anyway since each room appears to have multiple exits, plus the teleporting around, so, maybe it wouldn't be such a terrible loss. However, this does bring with it a problem since I shaved pixels off each screen (as mentioned before) so that 26 screen high tower MIGHT wind up taller than 26 trimmed screens. Since, so far, though, the shaved pixels don't have hidden geometry I'm tempted to just put the gaps back in and fill them in. Still don't want the room names, though, since it breaks up the vertical flow a lot, I find, from the full beta maps. I'd definitely give the full file so Terry could consider setting up a Zazzle account so huge posters can be bought. Mwa ha ha.
I already sliced together The Tower though. Normally I 'shop Viridian out so you can appreciate the level itself, but it's SO cute seeing so many of them crawling all around The Tower all at once.