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Started by FIQ, May 28, 2012, 08:41:51 PM

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Quote from: FIQ on June 13, 2012, 05:46:29 PM
I don't know if Terry would like this but I guess that I can do some kind of documentation as many people ask questions about this.

Saves us messing up the thread, I suppose.  :P


There you go


Incredible idea, Incredible scripting. BUT WAY TOO HARD  :'(

Took about 5000 attempts on the arena, and literally rage-quitted after my 200th attempt at spike pit with a prize.


Whoa, 5000 times :O

I'll nerf Platform Arena with the coming release, as most people found it too hard. Not so sure about Spike Pit (after all, it's a trinket challenge, and it was already nerfed) and Narrow Path.

I'll release a second beta with included fourth level soon ("Inversed Floors", bonus points for understanding what kind of challenge it has), and maybe include the real ending. That, or I'll just include the level and nerf.

I think the problem people has with making levels too hard is that they've probably succeed in the main game already, and make the challenges much harder due to that. Because, before, when I just won the game fully, w/all trinkets, etc, I still had problems with the featured levels, but they got easier by the time I play VVVVVV more.
I intended this to be easier, and tried to make it "too easy" for myself (I died 72 times on my first full play on this level, with all the trinkets), but maybe it wasn't enough?

Also, none complained about the spikes in the overworld, so I guess they're OK (I was afraid they would be frustrating).


That's some INSANE scripting power.


Ok, second beta close to being finished!
Just going to fix two teleporter destinations that doesn't work at the moment.

* Nerfed Platform Arena
* Included fourth level (Inversed Floors)
* Included true ending (harder to achieve!)
* Now, the easter egg doesn't introduce glitches in various places (most, if not everyone of you, will most likely not find this out until someone does, and tell people in this thread! My only hint is that it's in the Platform Arena, and will reward you (you WILL know when you stumble upon it))

Things missing from the release:
* Two teleporters (have to figure out suitable positions for them)
* Maybe I need to balance more things

Other than that, the level is pretty much finished!


Back to VVVVVV second beta has been released.
Check the first post for the new update.

Please give feedback and bug reports!


I read your document about scripts. How did you learn those?
Also, what glitches occur if you use those scripts?


Quote from: blue626 on June 16, 2012, 07:19:20 PM
I read your document about scripts. How did you learn those?
Also, what glitches occur if you use those scripts?
I opened up the binary in a text editor and found strings from the scripting of the real game (how Terry did the dialogs, mostly). If Terry didn't use it in an internal script, I don't know how it work, simple as that.

The only thing that this uses that I didn't found was the gamestate numbers (like for the gravitron, and the gamecomplete thingy), I had to bruteforce for these (testing gamestate 1, gamestate 2, 3, 4, ..., a list would be more practical but I can't really get that w/o the source).

Depending on how "well" (correct) you use them, you can do everything from getting it to work perfectly, throw in a small bug that forces you to restart VVVVVV, get VVVVVV to segfault (most common), get funny dialogs, or destroy your save.

Happy with that answer? :p

Also IMO it's better to take this to PM rather than messing up a thread that is about something else.


This was pretty interesting with your "Game Completed!" thing. I can GUESS I'm better than SaltyBarcode in this, and I got all the trinkets EXCEPT! the ones in the tower-thing with enemy-spike narrow shaft falling.

:shiny: I am a trinket!


Quote from: manofperson on June 17, 2012, 02:12:42 AM
This was pretty interesting with your "Game Completed!" thing. I can GUESS I'm better than SaltyBarcode in this, and I got all the trinkets EXCEPT! the ones in the tower-thing with enemy-spike narrow shaft falling.

:shiny: I am a trinket!
Great! And thanks for the feedback.

Not a single one? Aww :p (Actually, in my buggy prerelease that I gave to a close friend, you *had* to go in chronological order for the trinkets in Dimension Tunnel, which I fixed after that). You haven't truly completed the level before all the trinkets. ;)


Ok, for some reason the PS in the polar dimension has decided to just not work at all post-"main" game (It worked for me the first time when I playtested, when releasing beta 2 D: ). I'll have to run tests and release a beta 2c with a fixed PS (If you're stuck due to this, wait until then).


Quote from: manofperson on June 17, 2012, 02:12:42 AM
I can GUESS I'm better than SaltyBarcode in this



I fixed the PS!

Check the first post if you want to complete the level for real (99% of the times, you will fail to activate the PS in the polar dimension for a second time with beta 2b).

I also fixed stability issues regarding saving in places where you usually isn't able to, now you can escape if you saved in a "bad" place.


I checked the document and tried to do some of them... None worked. How did you, for an example teleport the player somewhere else? I also checked your level and after the beginning I was like: :o. Awesome scripting. I checked the level in level editor mode too and saw some scripts. After one script I was like: :o. Can you please tell me how did you teleport the player somewhere else with the flash effects? I'd like to know more about scripting since I'm going to make a lot levels... :victoria: