Level editor needs autosave

Started by Pyrite, June 12, 2012, 10:14:11 PM

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I had JUST finished writing the longest dialouge scene EVER, when I try to run it and forgot to save  it says "What's up Verdigris" and closes. MUST HAVE AN AUTOSAVE FEATURE because it prevents me from making scripts.


Been there, done that.

Did you try my custom level? The beginning? That long (maybe even *too* long) dialogs that starts everything? I created it all, in about 20min. What happens when I run it? "Segmentation fault." Turns out, having too long scripts makes VVVVVV segfault for some reason (I had to split it in 5 parts when recreating the whole thing...). Since that, *every single time* I write a script, I automatically presses "s", "enter" after doing it. Always. And it has saved me many times :p

Anyway, this has been up before, but hasn't been done sadly (making the level, don't autosave before you save for the first time, then save every 5min or so).