EEEEEE (NOT a new level)

Started by Hilbert, June 21, 2012, 09:36:56 PM

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The full run and  my own called apprentice
Have the gravitron be your hardest room


??? I don't understand well your post. Are those achievements?
Also, did you say you're 10 years old!? And you're already trying to make a sequel (unofficial)!?


The trophys are full run and apprentice: have the gravitron be your hardest room.

My dad will be helping me. (he designed an airplane virtual dashboard for his computer's flight simulator, and it actually works!)


Comment or I weell keeell you! >:D


How about coins and a shop wich sells helpful items? Wasn't there going to be coins in VVVVVV?


Quote from: Vallu on July 14, 2012, 08:34:58 PM
How about coins and a shop wich sells helpful items? Wasn't there going to be coins in VVVVVV?
It was, but Terry decided that it was a bad idea and dropped it. The point was to encourage players to sidetrack, but ultimately wasn't needed.


Quote from: RoskillaHULK!! on June 21, 2012, 09:36:56 PM
A shop and coins. You can buy

  • life restore
  • hats
  • free teleport
  • 10-second combine

And, after you buy any item, can you use them at any moment or you must use them immediately after you buy?
What do the hats do?

Quote from: RoskillaHULK!! on June 26, 2012, 11:53:08 AM
:viridian: flips and can respawn indefinitely.
All the others have life bars that are restored when you return to the ship or when you telesave.

What happens when the life bar of one of the crew members gets empty? A good idea is that you stay in the same place but you may not switch to that crew member.
EDIT: If so, when you get to a room in which you'll need that crew member. You get stuck. Perhaps adding a "return to ship" button is a good idea. END EDIT.

Quote from: RoskillaHULK!! on June 21, 2012, 09:36:56 PM
VVVVVV as a custom level

Do you mean that the sequel will have an level editor too?


Bump! I wasn't very interested in this, but, I still want to ask this: Why has this stopped? I didn't even get replies for my last post here.
You probably don't have time to continue this, though.


what about a cracked block with basicly telling the dimension is old

also what about no death mode?

and ice blocks that make you slip!


Quote from: Hacker3443 on September 10, 2012, 05:46:04 PM
what about a cracked block with basicly telling the dimension is old

also what about no death mode?

and ice blocks that make you slip!

Good ideas, but the project may not go on. I had no idea what program I'd be using until that day. Go to www.gamestarmechanicand sign up to see what I mean.