
Started by Hilbert, September 07, 2012, 11:42:23 AM

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We're getting pretty off topic.


well your off topics are offtopics

super hexigon


On the iPad if you get to the part where you just swirl the cursor around and stop before you get hit by a big block when you get hit by that block(or any block in that formation  ) it will stop moving until the block has passed. Major. Major.

actually, you can run into the side of any block, just not the bottom :viridian:


A real bug (maybe): I got the "congratulations game complete" screen after beating hexagonest. That is only the first half of the game.


Quote from: Scorpion008 on September 21, 2012, 11:20:00 PM
A real bug (maybe): I got the "congratulations game complete" screen after beating hexagonest. That is only the first half of the game.

Well, you unlocked everything in the game, didn't you? So you completed the game. Hyper mode is just an extra.


This is only an important bump as of android version

in android, it can also do this on my systems

Touchpad 7(1,0,2)
Nexus 7 (1.0.3)
Samsung Galaxy S3(1,0,1)

Still happends. please help. also don't
report this as this is broken.