No active mods?!

Started by blue626, September 15, 2012, 11:16:31 AM

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A bit more on topic, there are two users, '------' and '---------' who are spambots, I believe. They're online 24 hours a day and they made a profile just to link to a website, so I think those users should be deleted.


Quote from: Dav999 on September 15, 2012, 05:23:15 PM
Quote from: Bearboy on September 15, 2012, 05:02:02 PM
i think that mods should have at least 1000 posts.
get going  :viridian:

Don't encourage others to post useless messages to get to 1000 posts! :victoria:

Also, I just calculated that with my current rate, I will get to 1000 posts in about 100 days.
I guess you're really attatched to this forum XD


Quote from: Bearboy on September 16, 2012, 02:48:18 PM
Quote from: Dav999 on September 15, 2012, 05:23:15 PM
Quote from: Bearboy on September 15, 2012, 05:02:02 PM
i think that mods should have at least 1000 posts.
get going  :viridian:

Don't encourage others to post useless messages to get to 1000 posts! :victoria:

Also, I just calculated that with my current rate, I will get to 1000 posts in about 100 days.
I guess you're really attatched to this forum XD

Hacker3443 has more posts per day than I have! I have 5.917 posts per day, Hacker has 7.500 posts per day! And the day after he signed up, he had 20 posts per day! :o Still, he won't get 1000 posts earlier than me.



Quote from: Dav999 on September 16, 2012, 01:45:05 PM

Which is why I personally can't see (most) people in here as mods.


Guys, a high postcount is really not a good argument for why you should be a mod! :verdigris:

We're fine for mods right now, anyway. If spam ever becomes a bigger problem I'll look into something else.


Quote from: Terry on September 16, 2012, 06:43:49 PM
Guys, a high postcount is really not a good argument for why you should be a mod! :verdigris:

We're fine for mods right now, anyway. If spam ever becomes a bigger problem I'll look into something else.

and then suddenly spam everywhere  :vitellary:


Did nobody else notice those two bots which are online 24 hours a day? ??? They are called '------' and '---------', and they link to other sites. I don't want to encourage others to go to one of those sites, but I think those accounts should be banned.


I totally agree...them bastards are stupid!



Quote from: Bearboy on September 16, 2012, 02:48:18 PM
Quote from: Dav999 on September 15, 2012, 05:23:15 PM
Quote from: Bearboy on September 15, 2012, 05:02:02 PM
i think that mods should have at least 1000 posts.
get going  :viridian:

Don't encourage others to post useless messages to get to 1000 posts! :victoria:

Also, I just calculated that with my current rate, I will get to 1000 posts in about 100 days.
I guess you're really attatched to this forum XD

That means you will get 1000 posts in 24 Dec.! What a coincidence (week, at least to me)!

Quote from: Dav999 on September 16, 2012, 02:56:53 PM
Quote from: Bearboy on September 16, 2012, 02:48:18 PM
Quote from: Dav999 on September 15, 2012, 05:23:15 PM
Quote from: Bearboy on September 15, 2012, 05:02:02 PM
i think that mods should have at least 1000 posts.
get going  :viridian:

Don't encourage others to post useless messages to get to 1000 posts! :victoria:

Also, I just calculated that with my current rate, I will get to 1000 posts in about 100 days.
I guess you're really attatched to this forum XD

Hacker3443 has more posts per day than I have! I have 5.917 posts per day, Hacker has 7.500 posts per day! And the day after he signed up, he had 20 posts per day! :o Still, he won't get 1000 posts earlier than me.

He had, after 4 days, 12.75 posts/day average! :o I wonder fi anyone else had an average like that several days after that person registered...
Also, if I remember right, Piplup1122 made 17 posts on the day he/she registered, but the average decreased fast.

To avoid staying off-topic, do not reply to what I've written before this, unless, it's important or something.

Btw: what does the 1st value (besides the color) when creating a glow do?


I totally disagree with Bearboy and agree almost completely with Terry. Almost completely, because I wouldn't let someone with 11 posts, for example, be a mod, if I were the admin. In my opinion, you have to know the person's behavior. I believe that 30 posts is enough for that. However, consider person A, that is online 6 hours per day and has 43 posts and another person, B, that is online 5 hours per day and has 847 posts. In opinion, A is a better mod.
Bearboy: Do you know the # (number) of members that have 1000 posts or more in this forum?

Quote from: Dav999 on September 16, 2012, 09:21:40 PM
Did nobody else notice those two bots which are online 24 hours a day? ??? They are called 'Jocuri' and 'cartonito', and they link to other sites. I don't want to encourage others to go to one of those sites, but I think those accounts should be banned.

Around May 2012, there was one member that was online every time I checked the forum. That person didn't post anything. I, by curiosity, checked that person's profile. I noticed it only had 34 minutes online! Well, at lest, that's what its profile said... I also noticed it had a site's address in its personal text. I didn't want to check that site, but I only realized that it could be a spambot some days later!
Also, why did you say they were online 24 hours/day? Nobody knows. They could have stopped at 2 a.m. and log in again at 6 a.m., both times at your time zone.
I have checked their profiles and didn't see any address. Jocuri's personal text, as well as the fact that he was online almost every time I went here made me think that it was a spambot, though. cartonito had an avatar! I think that this is one of the things spambots do to make others believe they're normal members...


Quote from: blue626 on September 17, 2012, 07:33:05 PM
I have checked their profiles and didn't see any address. Jocuri's personal text, as well as the fact that he was online almost every time I went here made me think that it was a spambot, though. cartonito had an avatar! I think that this is one of the things spambots do to make others believe they're normal members...

The website was in the .


:shiny:      :vermillion:  I think Dav999 should be a mod!


First spam has to become a bigger problem!

* le fast reply


Let's go search for some spambots then.


I just found one: '--------'.
I'm reporting both of his posts.

EDIT: If you were wondering why I remove the names each time: I do it because their name may be advertising as well.