Polar dimension

Started by Rapidgame, December 21, 2012, 08:33:04 PM

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Quote from: blue626 on December 26, 2012, 01:19:25 PM
Quote from: Dav999 on December 26, 2012, 11:07:13 AM
The game would have to run REALLY fast though, at normal speed, it would take... Around 90 years or so?
I just checked the time with a converter. 232 seconds is ≈136 years.

Quote from: FIQ on December 26, 2012, 11:22:35 AM
Quote from: Dav999 on December 26, 2012, 11:07:13 AM
Someone should leave VVVVVV running with speedhack or something like that, and look what happens. The game would have to run REALLY fast though, at normal speed, it would take... Around 90 years or so? (And I had a file recovery program once which said that the remaining time to recover one folder was something like 1,440,000 hours! That's around 165 years! :o)
There's a much easier way to check if outer space wraps.. It involves using finalmode() in custom levels, a very long delay and setcheckpoint() and see where you ended up by looking at the created tsave.

Very long? Couldn't you just use delay(30) so that you would go one room up if Outer Space doesn't warp.
Also, you could just check if the Tower rooms are really there, by using finalmode(x,y) and comparing 46,54 (1st room of the Final Level) with the room V's coordinates (you would flip from V) and with those.
Also, like Rapidgame said earlier, some rooms we rap and some not. He seemed to say that, on his 1st attempt he fell various rooms upwards, but after force-flippimg reached VVVVVV, which was the room below. I'm going to read his post again...
EDIT: Yes, I was right. Also in other post, he said that other room had vertical wrapping too, so that he couldn't go down. Like I said before, that is strange.
I already know tower rooms are there, I checked with finalmode().


Quote from: FIQ on December 26, 2012, 02:56:47 PM
Quote from: blue626 on December 26, 2012, 01:19:25 PM
Quote from: FIQ on December 26, 2012, 11:22:35 AM
Quote from: Dav999 on December 26, 2012, 11:07:13 AM
Someone should leave VVVVVV running with speedhack or something like that, and look what happens. The game would have to run REALLY fast though, at normal speed, it would take... Around 90 years or so? (And I had a file recovery program once which said that the remaining time to recover one folder was something like 1,440,000 hours! That's around 165 years! :o)
There's a much easier way to check if outer space wraps.. It involves using finalmode() in custom levels, a very long delay and setcheckpoint() and see where you ended up by looking at the created tsave.

Very long? Couldn't you just use delay(30) so that you would go one room up if Outer Space doesn't warp.
Also, you could just check if the Tower rooms are really there, by using finalmode(x,y) and comparing 46,54 (1st room of the Final Level) with the room V's coordinates (you would flip from V) and with those.
I already know tower rooms are there, I checked with finalmode().

I forgot to say the important part: if you do reach the Tower rooms, then Outer Space doesn't wrap.
Or, did I misunderstood your post? Like I said, if you do the method you mentioned, you only need 30 for delay.
Also, even if I believe you, I want to see the rooms for myself, flipping in V and going x rooms left/right and y rooms up. I think it's possible, considering the coordinates and my estimations.
If so, then it would be a glitch that would be possible to reproduce in 1.2. (unless differences between C++ and Flash affect this) and without knowing about the "Escape the Gravitron" glitch. Why would the rooms be in there anyway?


Quote from: blue626 on December 26, 2012, 01:19:25 PM
Quote from: Dav999 on December 26, 2012, 11:07:13 AM
The game would have to run REALLY fast though, at normal speed, it would take... Around 90 years or so?
I just checked the time with a converter. 232 seconds is ≈136 years.

Falling the length of one room takes less than a second, so it's less than 136 years.


I forgot that the y coordinate raises when going down and not up, so it's impossible to get to the Tower rooms without the editor and the glitch that lets you execute int. scripting (or a force-flip)!

The tower rooms aren't equal to the normal tower rooms. Every type of tile changes to a different type, except the spikes in "Teleporter Divot". Every tile is a background tile, except the one-way-left (right?) tiles (which are like wallls) and the spikes (which are like spikes). The one-way-down tiles make :viridian:'s sprite to flip (but not the gravity), IIRC.

Here's a strange glitch:
Create a level with a terminal, which is somewhere near the middle of the room and its script (called script1, for example), contains this:


Then create a terminal/script box containing a script called script2 (can be called anything, as long as it's the same as the one in script1, obviously), containing this:


Delete the terminal/script box containing script2 then save the level.
After that, play the level from the "play levels" menu.
Activate the terminal with script1, so that you'll end at "Building Apport" in the Polar dimension. Hold left a bit after you activate the terminal so that you'll stand above the one-way-left tile. Now, activate the teleporter (by pressing Enter once). You'll see a select teleporter map, in which only two rooms are shown, "Buiding Apport" and the top-left room of Dim. VVVVVV. You'll see the map even with 2.0. Select the teleporter in the last room mentioned and press Enter. You'll end in Outer Space (I don't know the coordinates). Press R. You'll disappear form the screen. Press esc and quit. It will show a black screen, the 1st message from :violet: while in "Comms Relay" will appear and disappear repeatedly, with Postive Force playing and dying sounds playing repeatedly (about once in every 3 seconds). I don't if you can control :viridian: or not, if you can, then the time between dying sounds probably isn't always the same.

Strange glitch!

Some other things I discovered:
The moving platforms in Int 1 are invisible, while enemies aren't. The tiles are all normal. Neither crewmates nor dialogs appear, but the notes like "You can't leave unil he leaves the room" appear, even if you go through the bottom path. Quicksand blocks seem to turn invisible too (they didn't show in "V").


Polar dimension entities gets messed up if polar dimension is accessed by custom levels.

The weird positive force/dying repeatily glitch happens if you exit the game at what in the main game is The Tower.


I haven't understanded NOTHING.

I tried to check the Y-coord. and the X-coord. via a custom level.
First, I've resized the level to 3x3 (9), because 5x5 = 25 and I will not make 25 things in one day.
Now, I inserted roomtext on 1x1 and I've writed
On room 1,2:
And so on. On map 1,3 i will put 1,3 - and on 2,1 I will put 2,1. Moar things and that story.

I cannot check the Y-coords. because... Well... I don't know!!!
Quote from: Dav999 on December 25, 2012, 10:45:54 PM
Who will solve The Mystery of Outer Space? ;)

Off-topic: The Outer Space is an airless area where you can stand 0.000000(and about 900 "0")00001 seconds before exploding because lack of air.
And worm holes are scattered on this area. Some guys say that the entire area is a 2D AREA that, really, is "∞"x"∞" rooms.
Total worm holes: ∞∞

Sorry if I cannot answer everything, this isn't my computer.