(V5.4) Dimension Switchback

Started by ToasterApocalypse, November 09, 2012, 11:35:19 PM

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It took me months to finish this level, mainly the scripting. It's finished now. I first made Switchback as an attempt to make the longest VVVVVV level. That's my goal, to do what I enjoy for you guys who (should) enjoy this.

STORY: Chapter 1 is similar to VVVVVV, with the stuff getting lost. The story changes as you get further into the level!
Chapter 1: Similar to VVVVVV
Chapter 2: hunting down a gray person and saving Vermillion (Viridian in the final part)
Chapter 3: Find an artifact thing for Vitellary.
Chapter 4: Stop the dimension from getting destroyed.

Internal scripting (everyone does it now, so it's nothing special. This is actually my first major IS level.)
The big round teleporter (again, everyone should know how to do that now.)
The Yes Men! (Dav999 did this in his level Dimension Dimension)
A weird grey person I accidentally found while messing with createcrewman!
Gravitrons (Even people who don't know how to internal script do this, so it's pretty darn unoriginal. These are just harder.  :vermillion: )
Playing as  :vermillion: (I think only Dav999 has done that with  :verdigris: in Dimension A. Click to play Dimension A by Dav999!)
Use of the A)Say method of Internal Scripting.
2 New game mechanics: Gravitron Squares and portals.

MUSIC USED: All of it. (Except Plenary)

VVVVVV 2.1 only.
There is a bug, at the very end of the epilogue that might freeze the game. Save at the checkpoint before triggering it, otherwise you may lose things!


Anyone deciding to record themselves playing this, very appreciated, but seriously. You'll get bored pretty quickly.

Bluh i dont know i fixed some bug in ch. 2 and now people can progress
No changelog for 5.2 don't know why. anyway...
Improved scripting in the end of chapter 1 areas.
Tweaks to the warpzone to make it easier/less dickmove-ish

It was impossible to proceed in the semi-final room of the Titan. Fixed.

Epilogue! One new area, and it involves backtracking. Requires 19 trinkets to start though, otherwise you'll get sent back to the title screen.
Fixed the missing block at the entrance to the Abandoned Facility.
Modifications to the Titan boss. The rooms after 4 are red, and 6 has been made much harder. You get a setcheckpoint in 5, though!
Nerfed one of the trinkets. Not saying which one, but it is NOT trinketeer.

New trinket in the Warp Zone. I need to stop cramming all of them in there.  :verdigris:
Fixed visual bug in something like room 5/6 in the Titan boss.
Fixed a wallglitch in Lutsk.
Nerfed a few parts in the Titan boss. In return, I made some bits harder!  :vermillion:

Removed a testing checkpoint at the very end (after the final boss.) It was never supposed to be there.
Fixed sequence break (Glitch city before anywhere)
Fixed floating spikes in "Chaotic Conveyors" (Glitch City)
An EXTREMELY minor visual inprovement to one of the rooms in the Abandoned Facility (after the boss). You won't even notice!

For some weird-ass reason, the platform that gives access to a trinket in the overworld just vanished! Fixed now.

The most major update in Switchback yet!
Chapter 4! New areas!
-Glitch City
-Dimension Lutsk
-Ship Training Tracks
-(BOSS) Titan of Destruction!
Terminals are dotted around the dimension now, like VVVVVV.
Minor visual upgrades to the Warp Zone area.
2 more trinkets added to the Warp Zone.
Mark I/II/III in Polar Passageway work differently now. Mark II is now a little bit nastier...  :vermillion:
The Artifact collected in Ch.3 will be in Victoria's room after beating Chapter 3. It only has 1 set of dialogue, though! This is subject to change.
And, bugfixes!
-Fixed a spelling error in Chapter 3: The Yes House
-Fixed the terminal in Oblivious Entry. It now says "4 gravitrons" instead of "5 consecutive"
And credits at the end! There's still a lot of space left on the map, so don't think I won't extend this! But this is the end for now.

Fixed text positioning in the S-C room of Rotary II.
Rooms 'TRENKET YEEEEEEE' and 'hurr' in the Polar Dimension now display the lab background.
Fixed pressing R after the cutscene in DIY III repair, I promise this time.
After completing the Abandoned Facility, (Chapter 2) it will lock permanently. When chapter 4 is released, the same will happen to Spike Cavern.
Fixed getting on top of Vertigo's cage AGAIN. Arrg... I hate it when I get a bug report about that!  :violet:
Probably other stuff... Not sure!
-Gravitron fling, I cannot fix. Save after touching a checkpoint after a XXXXtron, so you lose minimal progress.

Chapter 3! Many new areas!
-Spike Cavern
-Ancient Laboratory
-Gravicomplex (you should know what this part is about...  :vermillion: )
-The Yes House (Cutscene area.)
-Vertigo II, the boss!
New NPC characters!
I also made these things called 'portals' that go one way.
Fixed the cutscene resetting after pressing R in 'DIY III Repair'

Fixed Viridian's dialogue repeating in Ch.2
Fixed getting trapped in Polar Passageway if completed already.

This one is mainly just changes to the Polar Dimension. Not a very big one, really.
The rooms  after "DIY III REPAIR" now display the lab background.
Replaced 'customifflag' with 'ifflag' to get rid of cutscene bars.
Nerfed 'you cannot surVVVVV' or whatever.
Removed a script in 'oAo'
Modified the script in 'Teh Ginirator' to talk to a terminal and not  :vermillion:

Bugfixes, bugfixes and more bugfixes!
-Edited the script where Vermillion warps.
-Set a bunch more flags to prevent text from being repeated in Ch.1
-Fixed getting on top of the cage and glitching out before the maze area in Ch.2
You may notice even more content and scripts in the level editor. I'm working on Chapter 3!  :viridian:
I may have also fixed other things, but I can't remember what.
Not everything may be fixed! Don't forget, I'm not the greatest with flags...  :victoria:

The previous update broke destroying the warps for Enterprise. Fixed! I hope... I'm not very good with flags!  :victoria:
Graphical fixes/improvements to the room directly south-west of the Warp Zone.

Fixed skipping Phase 3 of the Vertigo boss, I promise!
Fixed saving  :verdigris: ,   :vitellary: or  :vermillion: more than once. No need to watch those cutscenes anymore!
Fixed spelling error in Surprise Inversion Plane.
Changed the description of the level a little for a bit more backstory.
And you may notice some new content near the Warp Zone, protected by warp tokens. In the level editor, some scripts too. It's only Chapter 3. It's still under construction!

Pretty big one, here!
Fixed cutscene bars in 'Crossroads'
Fixed map failing to appear after Polar Dimension
Changed location of the script where Vermillion warps home in ch.2
Set a few flags for Ch.2, some scripts don't repeat now.
Changed the flag of Vermillion's warp from 30 to 8. 8 gets turned off afterwards.
Fixed skipping Phase 3 in the Vertigo boss. EDIT: It still happens. I'll fix it!
Slightly better scripting!
-Instead of talking to Vermillion in 'DIY III Repair' you talk to a terminal.
-Verdigris follows you into the warp at the end of the Warp Zone.
-Extended the script that activates after rescuing Vitellary.

Added version number to the description, so you know which version you're playing.
Fixed the start script stopping halfway through.
Removed a test script which could allow players to skip a room in Chapter 2.
There were two different files to download. 2.1 and 2.2. Fixed!

Fixed getting stuck in the Trinketeer room.

The script at the start of the level was missing. Fixed!
Removed the credits at the end of Chapter 1. They'll be back at the VERY END of the level. As in when all the chapters are done.

Chapter 2 released! 3 new levels and a boss fight!
-Abandoned Facility
-something that's like intermission 1
-A maze
-The gray crewmate as a boss.
Fixed a couple of text errors (go left when you need to go right, dimension flips, not rotates)
ABDUCTION AT THE END: Replaced  :violet: with  :vermillion: for the second part of Chapter 2 (after the boss)

Courtsey of Dav999, the level is now compatible with 2.0 until Chapter Two is finished!  :viridian:
(And as a tiny fix, I actually put something in the .ZIP this time.

-Fixed getting stuck in the new challenge. The challenge ended up nerfed.

Bugfixes, bugfixes, and a new room.
-Fixed Viridian saying 'jukebox4' when playing Presenting VVVVVV
-Fixed 4 lines of gibberish when trying to enter Enterprise before Warp Zone
-Fixed the single tile in 'Surprise Inversion plane'
-Added a trinket challenge for the trinket in 'Sickening Squares'. Do you have what it takes to obtain it? (By far the hardest trinket in the level)

-Quick bugfix! Fixed the issue where music would stop after refining the trinket in the Polar Dimension. Shouldn't be a problem, nobody should have made it that far yet.
EDIT: Nevermind. I'll have that fixed with chapter 2. Just walk slowly into the trinket, collect it, and then activate the script.

Chapter 1 released!
-Bugfixes for rescuing Verdigris.
-Gray backgrounds for Polar Dimensions.

First three levels released, 47 downloads.

oops i lost the download


Cool ending :P

S.S. Enterpise warp lock (before clearing Warp Zone) glitches if you approach it before you can unlock it.


Quote from: FIQ on November 10, 2012, 01:50:17 AM
Cool ending :P

S.S. Enterpise warp lock (before clearing Warp Zone) glitches if you approach it before you can unlock it.

In detail? Game crashes? Warps destroy?

SomniRespiratory Flux

Quote from: ToasterApocalypse on November 10, 2012, 02:06:28 AM
Quote from: FIQ on November 10, 2012, 01:50:17 AM
Cool ending :P

S.S. Enterpise warp lock (before clearing Warp Zone) glitches if you approach it before you can unlock it.

In detail? Game crashes? Warps destroy?
I think I saw the same thing he mentioned. If you go to the second area before you have the first area completed, the script that would run there makes some scripting appear as text. The same thing happened when I played Pushing Onwards on the jukebox. It doesn't crash or do anything to affect gameplay. It just shows some scripting lines in the game.

EDIT: Not Pushing Onwards. Presenting VVVVVV. Playing it on the ship makes  :viridian: say "jukebox4" or something like that.


Off-topic: Why did you create a new thread for this? ??? Editing the 1st post in the other one and bumping it would be better.


Quote from: blue626 on November 10, 2012, 11:54:47 AM
Off-topic: Why did you create a new thread for this? ??? Editing the 1st post in the other one and bumping it would be better.

That thread was clogged with stuff and things.

I'm going to bugfix stuff, release 1.2 and then work on Ch.2





Quote from: Dav999 on November 10, 2012, 02:44:33 PM
Quote from: ToasterApocalypse on November 10, 2012, 02:41:06 PM
Quote from: Dav999 on November 10, 2012, 02:35:52 PM
Is it 2.0 compatible?


Commence operation: Have Dav999 make this 2.0

No problem. :)

Alright. In the meantime, I'm working on chapter 2, so have fun doing it ALL again when it's released!


But seriously, after I release Ch.2 I'm going to wait for the 2.0 version to save you a bit of trouble.

It isn't trouble right?


Quote from: ToasterApocalypse on November 10, 2012, 02:57:20 PM
It isn't trouble right?

No, it's not a problem. :) I'm done converting the level and I sent you a PM.

I'm still wondering what went wrong with all the scripts that have a capitalized name, which have a say command at the end. ??? How did that happen?


Quote from: Dav999 on November 10, 2012, 08:28:52 PM
Quote from: ToasterApocalypse on November 10, 2012, 02:57:20 PM
It isn't trouble right?

No, it's not a problem. :) I'm done converting the level and I sent you a PM.

I'm still wondering what went wrong with all the scripts that have a capitalized name, which have a say command at the end. ??? How did that happen?

I don't know, but I figured out how to delete scripts (accidentally by deleting all the important ones. luckily I saved!) and deleted them.

How it happened, I don't know. But they were in a script and somehow broke free.


Quote from: ToasterApocalypse on November 10, 2012, 08:33:26 PM
Quote from: Dav999 on November 10, 2012, 08:28:52 PM
Quote from: ToasterApocalypse on November 10, 2012, 02:57:20 PM
It isn't trouble right?

No, it's not a problem. :) I'm done converting the level and I sent you a PM.

I'm still wondering what went wrong with all the scripts that have a capitalized name, which have a say command at the end. ??? How did that happen?

I don't know, but I figured out how to delete scripts (accidentally by deleting all the important ones. luckily I saved!) and deleted them.

How it happened, I don't know. But they were in a script and somehow broke free.

Maybe you wrote a : in a script, because then it sees everything on that line as a script name.


Quote from: Dav999 on November 10, 2012, 08:39:22 PM
Quote from: ToasterApocalypse on November 10, 2012, 08:33:26 PM
Quote from: Dav999 on November 10, 2012, 08:28:52 PM
Quote from: ToasterApocalypse on November 10, 2012, 02:57:20 PM
It isn't trouble right?

No, it's not a problem. :) I'm done converting the level and I sent you a PM.

I'm still wondering what went wrong with all the scripts that have a capitalized name, which have a say command at the end. ??? How did that happen?

I don't know, but I figured out how to delete scripts (accidentally by deleting all the important ones. luckily I saved!) and deleted them.

How it happened, I don't know. But they were in a script and somehow broke free.

Maybe you wrote a : in a script, because then it sees everything on that line as a script name.

(used : in every line of the script)



Just curious, but why is this level 2.1 only? Does it use high-valued say commands or something?