Pressing ESC while testing a level

Started by Dav999, October 30, 2012, 09:05:09 PM

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When you test a level in 2.0, and you press ESC, you go to the menu with map settings.

When you test a level in 2.1, and you press ESC, you get the question whether or not you want to quit to the main menu.

Please change this back to how it worked in 2.0. It is a problem for me, because sometimes you get stuck in testing mode. If that happens, the controls don't work for some reason, until you change to windowed mode, after which :viridian: flips. Then you can press ESC, but you can't press enter. In 2.0, pressing ESC would let you go back to the editing mode to save the level and exit VVVVVV to solve the problem. But in 2.1, you can only quit to the main menu, so you lose everything you did after saving the level the last time! :victoria:


You can decline going back to the menu by pressing no then you can press enter to exit testing.


Quote from: RoskillaHULK!! on October 31, 2012, 12:01:05 PM
You can decline going back to the menu by pressing no then you can press enter to exit testing.

No, you can't press enter if it's frozen like that. The only thing you can do is press ESC.


Also, I was used to being able to quickly edit a script after testing the level, by pressing ESC and selecting the second option. Now that means you will quit without saving, instead of going to the script editor! :victoria:


Most likely a regression, I can't see why you would change this behaviour to the one in 2.1.


Most people agree that you should always save before testing, just in case of crashes and control failures. That way, even if it does crash, you've not lost anything.


Quote from: avengah on November 08, 2012, 01:26:05 AM
Most people agree that you should always save before testing, just in case of crashes and control failures. That way, even if it does crash, you've not lost anything.

But it's easy to forget...