Smileys, their text and their meanings aren't making sense together

Started by blue626, November 22, 2012, 08:28:46 PM

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I noticed that there are some smileys in which their text (which you need to write to use the smiley) and their meaning (like the abbr, hover the smiley to see it (also works in a post, not just the bar!)) aren't for that smiley. These are those:

:D ;D :-X

I feel like I should say what I wrote before, but I don't know if there's a feature in SMF for changing the texts in previous posts. If there isn't, then changing the text you need to type to use the smiley will make all the previous uses of that smiley turn into text. I don't even know if you can change text of a smiley.

Shlightly related, I've seen people using :D in places where they should have used ;D. This probably because :D's text is :D and that is a happy face, like ;D. It would be a good idea to change :D's text to something like :lol:, wouldn't it? Like I said I don't know if it's possible, but I felt like I should say this.


Quote from: blue626 on November 22, 2012, 08:28:46 PM
I feel like I should say what I wrote before, but I don't know if there's a feature in SMF for changing the texts in previous posts. If there isn't, then changing the text you need to type to use the smiley will make all the previous uses of that smiley turn into text. I don't even know if you can change text of a smiley.

Shlightly related, I've seen people using :D in places where they should have used ;D. This probably because :D's text is :D and that is a happy face, like ;D. It would be a good idea to change :D's text to something like :lol:, wouldn't it? Like I said I don't know if it's possible, but I felt like I should say this.

The old smilies do change back to text: I've been on a forum where they changed some smiley codes once, and all old posts which used that smiley just showed the (old) code of that smiley instead of being converted. Because all smileys have already been used a lot in this forum, it will be a big task to edit all posts that contain those smilies! And if there was a replace all feature, it could still mess up posts. For example, if the ::) smiley would be changed to :roll: for some reason, it would mess up things like this: 'why did you use two colons (::) instead of one?' would be changed to 'why did you use two colons (:roll: instead of one?', even when that post contained a nobbc tag. (that was just an example)

Still, there's the code for >:D = >:D. The code and the smiley don't really look like each other.