Favorite side item/dialog in game?

Started by A quite MEDICal Derpfish, December 28, 2012, 01:17:47 AM

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Favorite side item in the game?

Virdigris saying he has a crush on Violet
7 (53.8%)
The Elephant
0 (0%)
Secret Lab
0 (0%)
Time Trials
0 (0%)
ND Mode
1 (7.7%)
0 (0%)
The Player Levels
0 (0%)
Level Editor
5 (38.5%)
Flip Mode
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Other (Post Reply)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 13

A quite MEDICal Derpfish

With all the favorite posts running around, I decided to make one.

I was also wondering about this.

I like the Gravitron c:



...You mixed dialogs, items and play modes in the poll, mostly showing play modes...
I like play modes most. Out of those I like the Time Trials, player levels and level editor more, but I'm undecided between those. Those are the modes I've been playing recently in VVVVVV.