555555 - Internal lvl

Started by sv6z2, January 04, 2013, 02:05:26 PM

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Awful internal script level:  :-X


Newer version.
  :viridian:  :victoria:  :vermillion:  :vitellary:  :verdigris:  :violet:


I recorded the massive improvement thing. It's in 3 parts.


Also, where have I seen this before?  :vermillion:


Decent level! I skipped the trinket with heart because I am bad at dodging enemies trapped in a margin continuously :victoria:
Just one thing:

I don't want this to be fixed :viridian:
To reproduce: Enter the room to get first :vermillion: to spawn. Move to the right and the script for reminding players to go back come up. I move to right a bit more and second :vermillion: appears.

BTW, I have grown so much better in Gravitron - I died in the red lab room (including failing to get to checkpoint...) far more than Gravitron :vitellary:


QuoteAlso, where have I seen this before?  :vermillion:



Quote from: nicholashin on January 05, 2013, 04:04:03 AM
Decent level! I skipped the trinket with heart because I am bad at dodging enemies trapped in a margin continuously :victoria:
Just one thing:

I don't want this to be fixed :viridian: I don't think I can fix it.  :viridian:
To reproduce: Enter the room to get first :vermillion: to spawn. Move to the right and the script for reminding players to go back come up. I move to right a bit more and second :vermillion: appears.

BTW, I have grown so much better in Gravitron - I died in the red lab room (including failing to get to checkpoint...) far more than Gravitron :vitellary:


You can edit posts, so you can avoid making 2 posts in a row and put both attachments in the 1st post.

Funny, I actually recently decided to name my (still incomplete) level Dimension 555555, and then changed to 55555 (5x5 instead of 6x5, and it was before you posted your level). Yet, it's still very similar. Do you think I should change it? ... Yes, I will change it. I have got ideas...


I love your bad reaction time Toaster.  :vermillion: