Graviton Racing

Started by Demon1Ce, October 22, 2013, 01:07:43 PM

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here, my first map.
this is possible. if you found problem/bug or suggestion, ask me here.

*there screenshot is old version of map

Have length for 20 page.


- Add 'Very Hard' level.
- Add script.
- Make all level have self color.
- Now, you can retry other level when you finished any stage.
- All difficult have reward is 1 trinket(max 4).
- Some stage changed.
- Set map length to (20,5)
- You will see something in last stage of 'Very Hard' level.

- Add 'Hard' level.
- Change some enemy.
- Room name/text fixed.
- Set map length to (20,3)

- Add level selection.
- Add one trinket.(you can get it by play as hardest difficult)
- Add/Remove some enemy.
- Remove some wall.
- Set map length to (20,2)

- Removed some wall.

- Release.

:viridian: :viridian: :viridian: :viridian: :viridian:


I'm just at 3rd stage of "difficult". It's already somewhat hard.....
I must have gotten rusty after a long hiatus without playing VVVVVV.
Also are the frequent grammatical mistakes intended? It doesn't strike me as something very funny to me......


thats rude
what if its just that english isnt his first language
or what if he just isnt good with grammar


Quote from: nicholashin on October 26, 2013, 04:09:22 PM
I'm just at 3rd stage of "difficult". It's already somewhat hard.....
I must have gotten rusty after a long hiatus without playing VVVVVV.
Also are the frequent grammatical mistakes intended? It doesn't strike me as something very funny to me......

Quote from: TheJonyMyster on October 27, 2013, 02:32:19 AM
thats rude
what if its just that english isnt his first language
or what if he just isnt good with grammar

sorry for bad english  :victoria:, i'll fix it in version 1.3


You don't have to feel bad to me. I didn't mean to be rude, but I couldn't resist pointing the mistakes out since they're a bit too many.  :)


Update 1.4
sorry. that i didn't update for long time.

TCP the Leveler

I like the map, good one! Nice straight-forward idea, did you come up with it yourself? After 5 min. of playing, i got to Easy 3.4!
Nice difficulty level selector and changing music for each level!  :viridian:


This is a cool level. Very unique!