How do I script a terminal?

Started by A quite MEDICal Derpfish, January 27, 2013, 05:33:52 PM

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A quite MEDICal Derpfish

Just need a quick tutorial on how to chat with a terminal to update my lab level.


Quote from: Derpfish on January 27, 2013, 05:33:52 PM
Just need a quick tutorial on how to chat with a terminal to update my lab level.
for terminal type in

for viridian, type

x = how many lines, blablabla is an example. leave a blank line after all say or reply commands.


Use the say(x) command to make a text box of a terminal, x is the number of lines. reply(x) is a text box of :viridian:, and again, x is the number of lines.

For example:

This is a text
box with two lines!

That's great!
This terminal is
really talking to me!

That's right!

If you have 2.1, you can also use different colors for the say command to make other crew members speak.

Vermilion, can you
hear me?

This is Vermilion!
I can hear you!


Some other commands:

happy - :viridian:
sad -
destroy(gravitylines) - removes gravity lines from the room you're in, they get restored again if you enter the room again
destroy(warptokens) - removes warp tokens from the room you're in, they get restored again if you enter the room again
delay(x) - x is how many 'frames' to wait, 30 frames ≈ 1 second
music(x) - changes the music
flash - boom
flag(x,on/off) - turns flag x on/off, x can be a number from 1-99
ifflag(x,script) - if flag x is on, go to script.
iftrinkets(x,script) - if you have x trinkets or more, go to script.

There are also destroy(platforms) and iftrinketsless(x,script), but these don't work like they should.

And I just noticed that RoskillaHULK!! was earlier, but whatever.


Quote from: Dav999 on January 27, 2013, 05:53:37 PM
And I just noticed that RoskillaHULK!! was earlier, but whatever.
Actually, yours is better.

A quite MEDICal Derpfish

Thank you, but is there a way to change music by any chance?


Quote from: Dav999 on January 27, 2013, 05:53:37 PM
music(x) - changes the music

It changes the music to any of these:

0 - Nothing
1 - Pushing onwards
2 - Positive force
3 - Potential for anything
4 - Passion for exploring
5 - Presenting VVVVVV
5a - Cutscene radio
6 - Predestined fate
7 - Popular potpurri
8 - Pipe dream
9 - Pressure cooker
9a - ecroF evitisoP
10 - Paced energy
11 - Piercing the sky

A quite MEDICal Derpfish

Also, how do you have a normal crewmate chat?


Quote from: Derpfish on January 27, 2013, 07:08:02 PM
Also, how do you have a normal crewmate chat?
You need 2.1
You use
say(x,crewname/colour/#) I don't know what number equals what, though.
To use terminal again
This doesn't work, you need to load a new script.


If you want to know about all commands in the editor, see this thread: Script commands index and tips.
I noticed that it's on the 2nd page (if you have the default number of topic per page). You may bump it. I think it should always be on the 1st page.
(Why was I the 1st one to think about linking to that thread? You didn't need to write all that!)
Also, music(x) in which x is 5a or 9a (or other expressions...) are glitch exploits, just a note.


Quote from: Dav999 on January 27, 2013, 06:55:04 PM
Quote from: Dav999 on January 27, 2013, 05:53:37 PM
music(x) - changes the music

It changes the music to any of these:

0 - Nothing
1 - Pushing onwards
2 - Positive force
3 - Potential for anything
4 - Passion for exploring
5 - Presenting VVVVVV
5a - Cutscene radio
6 - Predestined fate
7 - Popular potpurri
8 - Pipe dream
9 - Pressure cooker
9a - ecroF evitisoP
10 - Paced energy
11 - Piercing the sky
0a - Level Complete
7a - Game Complete


Quote from: FIQ on January 28, 2013, 08:12:55 PM
Quote from: Dav999 on January 27, 2013, 06:55:04 PM
Quote from: Dav999 on January 27, 2013, 05:53:37 PM
music(x) - changes the music

It changes the music to any of these:

0 - Nothing
1 - Pushing onwards
2 - Positive force
3 - Potential for anything
4 - Passion for exploring
5 - Presenting VVVVVV
5a - Cutscene radio
6 - Predestined fate
7 - Popular potpurri
8 - Pipe dream
9 - Pressure cooker
9a - ecroF evitisoP
10 - Paced energy
11 - Piercing the sky
0a - Level Complete
7a - Game Complete

Yes, but those two are more like sound effects than songs.