The Adventures of the VVVVVV Crew! [NSFW at Start]

Started by A quite MEDICal Derpfish, February 04, 2013, 12:11:21 AM

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A quite MEDICal Derpfish

And when  :vermillion: slid his cock into Swagland, the Great Portal opened, and the other 5 crewmen/women ran through it to get to Aperture Laboratories, to fight Cave Johnson and his evil science minions! But, before they reached CJ's lair, they came face-to-face with the evil assasin Rainbow Dash! They had to fight her, as she was going to assassinate Derpfish, the king of the dimension they were in! They defeated her, and went into Cave Johnson's lair! But, it was a trap! Spikes started coming up from the floor, but they all flipped upwards, with  :violet: holding  :verdigris: 's hand, which they both secretly liked, but never told each other. Cave Johnson was furious of this, so he sent his evil science minions to kill them! But,  :victoria: had a minigun when trading with the Heavy from Team Fortress 2, and shot the minions down with her new awesome strength, which she got when she munched on a power taco! Cave Johnson decided he had to kill  :viridian: and his epic friends himself! He got in his mecha suit and shot evil science rockets at the crewmen! They all dodged, or rather stood there and watched the rockets miss, but  :victoria: was out of minigun bullets! So  :vitellary: got a Swiss Army Knife and stabbed the mecha suit in the groin, which it then exploded, and severely damaged  :vitellary:. Cave Johnson was dead, Derpfish's kingdom was safe, and  :vitellary: eventually healed.  :violet: then confessed to  :verdigris: about her love for him, and then they became a couple so cute, ugly people's eyes would FRIGGIN EXPLODE!

And that, is my story.

A quite MEDICal Derpfish

I tried to cram every bit of stupidness in the universe into a couple paragraphs of a story.

A quite MEDICal Derpfish

A quite MEDICal Derpfish

Quote from: A Yellow Person on February 04, 2013, 01:34:00 AM


no means yes

learn ur english  :vermillion:  :vermillion:  :vermillion:  :vermillion:  :vermillion:  :vermillion:  :vermillion:  :vermillion:  :vermillion:

A quite MEDICal Derpfish

So, when  :vermillion: went back to his living quarters, little did he know, Swagland's powrs made CLONES of himself! There's now like 20 Vermillions running around the ship! So,  :vermillion: "Got" a shotgun from  :violet: 's secret gun collection and shot all the clones. When the rest got back from their hero ceremonial thing, they all gawked (Like this!  :vitellary:) at the dead  :vermillion: s lying on the floor, with  :viridian: dropping all the prize trinkets he got. But  :vermillion: explained everything, and it was all okay. They then decided, they need another adventurous adventure to go on! So they went to...

this forum.


-To Be Continued  :viridian: -

A quite MEDICal Derpfish

And then they saw the Viridian Time thread.

And then they laughed and went back to the ship.