Strange glitch related to enemies in level editor

Started by blue626, March 02, 2013, 12:16:42 AM

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I'm using 2.0, but I've never seen anyone reporting this glitch, so I suppose that it also happens in 2.1. beta.
I also know that there computer version of VVVVVV is probably not going to be, but I still think it's a good idea to report this.

While playtesting my level in the level editor I noticed that, after dying (well, at least the first time and in spikes), various (but not all) horizontally moving enemies warped to a certain x position, which was near the center and the same for every enemy that warped; but stayed in the same y position.
I don't know how to reproduce this bug anywhere besides the room I played (didn't try reproducing anywhere else) and I don't know what's needed to reproduce (if the following isn't everything/doesn't need to be as specific as the following). The room wrapped all-around, its position in the level was (12,9), IIRC. Where is that in the main game, if that's important?
I would like if someone with 2.1. beta checked if this happens in that version too, but, like I said, I don't know what's needed to reproduce this glitch. Try doing the same as I did (create a user level and make it big enough. Make room (12,9) wrap around, add a CP, a spike and some horizontally moving enemies in there and then test).

I'm going to try reproducing this glitch in other rooms and other level myself. Strange glitch, isn't it? ???


Tried to reproduce, nothing. Using 2.1 if that helps. This is weird.


12,9 is left-top corner of Elephant room. I've tried reproducing, but nothing. Could you upload your level?


I've been testing, and I discovered that it only happens if the enemies are to the left of the said x coordinate when you die. It also happens to vertical moving enemies and also happens when you hit enemies, not just spikes. It doesn't happen on other room in the same level, but happens in the room with the same coordinates in other (almost empty) level I created (just for testing this).
Also, I was wrong about the coordinates. It's (12,8) not (12,9). If I remember well a world map that I've seen here, that room is Prize for the Reckless! It makes more sense now!
In Prize for the Reckless, the moving platform is teleported to the right of the quicksand block when you die (although it still doesn't move unless the quicksand block has disappeared) unless it's already there! That is related to how you get the trinket... That place's x coordinate is near the middle.
So, I tried adding moving platforms. They behave the same as enemies when you die! Those are probably the only entities that behave like that in (12,8) (I tried others and it didn't happen). Those are the only entities that move, so that makes sense.
I would consider this a major bug. How didn't anyone notice this before? :o
So, does this happen in 2.1. (beta)?