The ArchiVVVVVVe (Newest Level Archive!)

Started by Fussmatte, March 27, 2013, 09:57:46 AM

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Hi! The ArchiVVVVVVe is an archive of 170 different player levels. There's a lot.
I actually really just threw in a bunch of levels. But yeah anyway.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Also some levels I could not get (All of Insani's levels and most of robloxfan's are an example) :(

Oh and maybe I'll make a version with a fixed Computer Crisis

Levels in the thing:
4 People 4 Paths (Pinkamena Diane Pie)
4D Adventure (gardevoir2040)
100% Original (TheDevilTesla)
A Trip to Nowhere (Bearboy)
A World (Bearboy)
Abandoned (Pinkamena Diane Pie)
Abstract (PJBottomz)
Adventures of Viridian (Hacker4334)
AdVVVVVVenture! (Kley)
AHJSGFAJHG (rleyfield)
Alphabet City (Ciolf)
Antimatter (Vex69)
Apathy (robloxfan1999)
Apocalypse (Taco13)
Ascend (manofperson)
B0unc3 (FCreature)
Back to VVVVVV (FIQ)
Bearboy's Challenges of Death (Bearboy)
Blight (Vex69)
Blue Dimension (scorqyon)
Blue's Adventure (Franz24)
Bounce Mania (Piplup1122)
Burly Fortress (Burly)
Castle Darkdeath (hatless)
CCCCCCCCCC Retold (Whirligig)
Condensed V (manofperson)
Conveyer Vun (nicholashin)
Cyperspace (Vex69)
Deja Verdigris (Ciolf)
Desert Bus (finka)
Devious Dimentions (Ferrety)
Dimension 333333 [Easy Mode] (Sendy)
Dimension 555555 (SolVVVVVVingPuzzles)
Dimension Á (Dav999)
Dimension ABCDEFG (ToasterApocalypse)
Dimension Dimension (Dav999)
Dimension Funland (Flushex)
Dimension Gensokyo (nicholashin)
Dimension of Secrets (Dav999)
Dimension Piplup (Piplup1122)
Dimension Switchback (ToasterApocalypse)
Dimension Vortex (SolVVVVVVingPuzzles)
Dimension WWW (RoskillaHULK!!!)
Dimension WWWWWW (ToasterApocalypse)
Dimension XXXXXX (LucasK)
Dimension.EXE (Kayya)
Dimensional Derping [Demo] (Doormat)
Distant Lands (by 999999)
Distractionware (Doormat)
Distress in Nishigura (jamodawg97)
DiVVVVVVersion Blue Path (robloxfan1999)
DiVVVVVVersion Yellow Warp Path (robloxfan1999)
Dizziness (The Shinobi)
Douleur Tour (LucasK)
DSS Ideal X (CHz)
Endless Loop (vvvvvvon3ds)
Escape From The Past (oposdeo)
Every End Is The Start (SirBryghtside)
Exponential Decay (ThePaSch)
Extra Zone (manofperson)
Factoria (freakboy31)
FFFFFF- (crazyal02)
Fragments (nicholashin)
FRUIT LOOPS (manofperson)
G.M.C. Science Test Program (Evster_13)
Grand Escape! (Vimol)
Help (DensetsuNoKaboom)
Hidden Temple (MarsJenkar)
In Pursuing Design (buzzyrecky)
Inversion Plane (PJBottomz)
Jail Break (YouKnow)
KKKKK (TensaiKashou)
Lab-Cave (Derpfish)
Little Adventure (xTwoTails)
Lookin'! (rleyfield)
Lost in Space (ignika98)
Lost Laboratory (Vex69)
Mineshaft (Kadir)
Mint301 Level 1 (Mint301)
Mirror rorriM (PJBottomz)
Mission Polar (ToasterApocalypse)
No Death Demo (Doormat)
Palace of Peril (Blublu)
Playerz (PJBottomz)
Portal VVVVVV 2 (calstin898)
Portal VVVVVV (calstin898)
Potential (Neurario)
Project K.E.Y. (Bearboy) (forgot to add Bearboy's name in archive  >:( )
PuZZZZZZles (Dav999)
Quantum Tunnel (Martze)
Rainbow Factory (ToasterApocalypse)
Reactor Disaster (Gemini000)
Rescuing Violet (stalefish)
Revenge (Vex69)
Roadtrip to the Moon [PJBottomz Version] (Rox)
RoomerBang (DcTurner)
Schindler's List (increpare)
Scripting Tutorial (PJBottomz)
Seasons (brog)
Ship (PJBottomz)
Ship Invader (Alcrantos)
Sivlandia (sivart0)
Soul Searching (Martze)
Space Station 1 Recreation (PJBottomz)
Space Station XCIV (Danboe)
Spike Hell (Arcatox)
Spikes Are Galore (vvvvvvon3ds)
Spiky Demise (Taco13)
Stairs (nicholashin)
Steriodimensional (crazyal02)
Survivor Type (Flushex)
Tainted Love (samuelsketch)
Temporal Ribbon (Capn Muffin) (Left it as "Temporal Ribbon by"  :-X )
The Cave (thelocalpostman)
The Chamber (xactxx)
The Colour Spiral (SolVVVVVVingPuzzles)
The Computer Crisis (ToasterApocalypse)
The Door (cyber95)
The Forest of Tears (PJBottomz)
The Fun House (MEMgrizzlies7)
The Gemini Twins (Vex69)
The Jaunt (Flushex)
The Lab 2 (Chillius03)
The Lab (PJBottomz)
The Lost Place (PJBottomz)
The Machine (manofperson)
The Maze of Stuff (manofperson)
The Mini Journey (Rapidgame)
The Nasty Drop (Gnome)
The Paradoxian (Maty-Maty)
The RYB Maze (endme)
The Sacred Grounds (Requiem)
The Satellite Base (LucasK)
The Ship 2 (PJBottomz)
The Space Dungeon (Protoman)
The Tower of Power (randomnine)
The Unknown Dimension (Neutralization) (The first time I saw the room "Rainbow Dash" a huge grin formed on my face :D )
The Wide Adventure (Piplup1122)
The Zones (Bearboy)
The Zth Dimension (flarestar)
There and Back Again (QualityJeverage)
This is Portal (PJBottomz)
Tower of Doom (PyNe)
Trials of Emerald (ToasterApocalypse)
Trinket Mines (manofperson)
TriVVVVVVia (Dispensers Heal)
Twisted (stalefish)
Under Wraps (Kurosen)
Unknown Dimensions (Arkatox)
Unnamed Indefinitely (I am Ry)
Update Reaction (Dispensers Heal)
V is for... (Quanyails)
V5V5V (Arkatox)
Verention (Arkatox)
Varying Difficulty (angerkurisu)
V-Asteroid (blowfelt)
Vertical Vehicle (Dorkster)
Vex Returns (Vex69)
Vex's Stronghold (Vex69)
Victuals (Noyb)
Virtual V (Vimol)
Vitriol Pursuit (art begotti)
VR Training (Capn Muffin)
VVVVVV is NP-Hard (Buttons)
VVVVVVVV Prototype Remake (Doormat)
Wallicious (DensetsuNoKaboom)
Warping to Infinity (TackyToe17)
Your Destiny (Gunfire_e)
Zany Protocol (FlamingBanana)
Zany Protocol Two (FlamingBanana)

Yes, I know it's like 3 AM where I live... ::) I have no life.


About 2 of the levels that I made are Demos :P
Project Key was never finished and The world is a demo as well, because I'm still working on it I think.
This is pretty cool, though!

A quite MEDICal Derpfish

Quote from: Doormat on March 27, 2013, 09:57:46 AM

Lab-Cave (Derpfish)

Oh, you.

You know that was a pretty bad level!

Could I work on it to make it a bit better? I need to add a couple scripts to complete it.


Edit: I found WWW :)
Also about this:
Quote from: Doormat on March 27, 2013, 09:57:46 AM
Warping to Infinity (TackyToe17)
Don't know if he's okay with that... I'll ask him then I'll tell you.


Wow....That's great....And I saw my levels too!


Quote from: Doormat on March 27, 2013, 09:57:46 AM
The Computer Crisis (ToasterApocalypse)

CC was just a test of internal scripting

It only works in 2.1 btw


Heh, I saw my (extremely crappy when I think of it) level


You know, I have Insani's levels in my New Levvvvvvel Archive...
Also yay all 7 of my levels are there even the bad ones


Tacky says:
QuoteIt's okay, but WARNING: This is the most r****ded thing ever. :viridian:


Adventures of Viridian (Hacker4334)

Awesome. his map is in this archive!


Quote from: Doormat on March 27, 2013, 09:57:46 AM
Dimension Á (Dav999)
Dimension Dimension (Dav999)
Dimension of Secrets (Dav999)

Yay, my levels are in there too! :viridian:

Quote from: Doormat on March 27, 2013, 09:57:46 AM
PuZZZZZZles (Dav999)

Uh, that was only a small prototype... :P


I didn't include levels because they were good or complete or whatnot.
I just included them.

OT: this is the best mario fangame ever


Quote from: Doormat on March 28, 2013, 10:16:32 AM
I didn't include levels because they were good or complete or whatnot.
I just included them.

OT: this is the best mario fangame ever
I get that, you can't download, read, and play every level.


Bearboy used Quick Reply!
It was super effective!

