Dimension Open/The Open Level Project v1.1

Started by ToasterApocalypse, May 03, 2013, 03:48:32 PM

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Which level of mine would you like to see after tOLP?

Mission Polar
13 (27.1%)
Rainbow Factory
11 (22.9%)
tOLP 2 (Don't vote for this, I need to get the other two done :victoria: )
24 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 47


Of course I can test for your level too :D
Do you want to see those walls of feedback? :P
I am slightly busy now, but I can free some time for this.  :viridian:

SomniRespiratory Flux

OK, big tests are done, and I am happy to say that I should be more than capable of testing this level. I found enough time to put stuff off when I had a lot more to do. Now I should be able to squeeze some VVVVVV into my schedule. Count me in, if you don't already have enough testers. I'm happy to help in any way I can! :viridian:


Apparently a toast is not good at spelling my name in the first post, which is fine by my standard.
Thanks for accepting me as beta tester, though :D


SomniRespiratory Flux

Quote from: ToasterApocalypse on May 03, 2013, 03:48:32 PM
Somni whatever Flux
I don't know why, but that's just hilarious to me. I guess it's my fault for making my user name so stupidly confusing. :D


The beta has been sent out to the testers, so we're no longer accepting new testers!

Testers should PM ToasterApocalypse or me to report bugs (either here on Distractionware or on http://tolp.net16.net/forum) :viridian:


Quote from: ToasterApocalypse on May 03, 2013, 03:48:32 PM
Yeah, that's right. tOLP. Dimension Open. After two, nearly three months, it's actually coming soon! Yes! We're nearly done. We're already in the process of testing the level, and then we'll release it. So, this is the prototype release thread (No download yet!)


And someone else! (Hint, she's in SO MANY drawings in the drawing room!)

Viridian goes to a dimension. He meets new friends and old friends. He explores.

People who made this level possible:
We all did a bit of something (except Roskilla), but here's what we focused on!
ToasterApocalypse - Idea and level design
Dav999 - Scripting and Ideas
FIQ - Scripting
Doormat - Level Design
Uberhacker - Level Design
Crazyal02 - Level Design
Manofperson - Level Design
Roskilla - Nothing
Chillius03 - Tester (And was a designer, but we scrapped his area)
Luigi700 - Tester
aLaserShark - Tester
Nicholashin - Tester
Somnirespiratory Flux - Tester



© tOLP Industries (WE MADE THAT UP, IT DOESN'T EXIST) 2013
This seems like a big game!


Quote from: Piplup1122 on May 15, 2013, 09:36:16 AM
Quote from: ToasterApocalypse on May 03, 2013, 03:48:32 PM
I hate giant quotes  :violet:
This seems like a big game!

I played through the whole thing just recently, and it took about 2 hours - without too much repetition! It's awesome.


I really does seem like an extremely big level. It was already mentioned that it's 20x20, and, if I counted the empty rooms correctly, it has at least 398 rooms!! Nearly (and perhaps really) 400!! This is most likely the biggest level ever (or has other 20x20 level got more?).
I'll play this after I finish D. 333333, if the stable version is already out by then (I don't like playing betas...). I'll comment even when I haven't played everything! I'll just warn that, for several reasons, I might finish this level months from now. :P


So when the sequel is going to start, can I be a part of that :D



Quote from: Luigi700 on May 18, 2013, 03:10:01 AM
I got stuck on The Elevators.

I actually made that easier; it used to have 5 elevator shafts next to each other instead of 3, and when you teleport to the room after that, you would have to react quickly. If you didn't, you would have to do everything again.

If you were playing with invincibility: yes, you WILL get stuck there.

Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
