Dimension Open/The Open Level Project v1.1

Started by ToasterApocalypse, May 03, 2013, 03:48:32 PM

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Which level of mine would you like to see after tOLP?

Mission Polar
13 (27.1%)
Rainbow Factory
11 (22.9%)
tOLP 2 (Don't vote for this, I need to get the other two done :victoria: )
24 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 47


Yeah, that's right. tOLP. Dimension Open. After 4 and a half months, IT. IS. HERE! So, just incase you don't know, here's how the idea for tOLP originated. Me, Dav and Doormat were in the drawing room. Then, I came up with the idea for tOLP. Unlike most other open source levels, tOLP has materialized, and has formed this level! In it, Viridian enters a new dimension, and meets new friends, and some old ones!


And someone else! (Hint, she's in SO MANY drawings in the drawing room!)

Viridian goes to a dimension. He meets new friends and old friends. He explores.

People who made this level possible:
ToasterApocalypse - Idea and level design
Dav999 - Scripting and Ideas
FIQ - Scripting
Doormat - Level Design
Uberhacker - Level Design
Crazyal02 - Level Design
Manofperson - Level Design
Roskilla - Nothing
Chillius03 - Nothing (Not in credits)
Luigi700 - Nothing (Not in credits)
aLaserShark - Nothing (Not in credits)
Nicholashin - Chief tester (Found 14 bugs!)
Somnirespiratory Flux - Tester (Found 8 bugs!)



(The file is too big, even in a .ZIP!)

Fixed a bug where all teleporters would become inactive.
The explosion script no longer repeats.
The end script is now guaranteed to work.
Changed some other small things in the end script.
Added some minor things.
Fixed a bug where you could get stuck in Test Of Platforms.
Fixed warp lines in Ribbon Chess
Fixed a tiling error in Ribbon Chess and Lost Code
Fixed a small text box alignment error.

1.01: Removed a debug terminal that a silly dav999 forgot to remove.

1.0 - Release!

Dav's tOLP forum. Go sign up!
© tOLP Industries (WE MADE THAT UP, IT DOESN'T EXIST) 2013



What's the idea of tOLP? A level that everyone makes?

That sounds suspiciously like a thread I saw a while back on here...no idea what it was...I've been a lurker for a while, heh. It wasn't tOLP though

Anyway I'll test.

SomniRespiratory Flux

Hmmm... I said when the project began that I wouldn't really be much help in making the level, and specifically said I'd probably be a better level tester. And now the time has come for testing...
And I have finals next week. :violet:
I think I can work around it a bit. However, there is likely no chance I'll be able to really put much time into this until Monday evening or Tuesday, and even then I have two tests during the rest of the week. So I think I can help if you still need level testers by then, but I'll be working around both test prep and preparing to move out of my dorm completely. So you might have found the worst time to ask me this, but I'll see what I can do. Just PM the link if I'm accepted.


I can definitely be a beta tester. You know I can write wall long posts for feedback :D


Quote from: Super Chillius03 on May 03, 2013, 05:24:37 PM
I'll Beta Test here. just PM link.

You're in because it's only fair since we rejected your r19.

Quote from: aLaserShark on May 03, 2013, 08:49:42 PM
What's the idea of tOLP? A level that everyone makes?

That's what tOLP is, a level made by a select few people who applied back in FEBUARY when the first ever tOLP thread was made.

Quote from: nicholashin on May 04, 2013, 06:16:14 AM
I can definitely be a beta tester. You know I can write wall long posts for feedback :D

Long walls of feedback? Okay you're in.

Quote from: SomniRespiratory Flux on May 03, 2013, 09:56:53 PM
Hmmm... I said when the project began that I wouldn't really be much help in making the level, and specifically said I'd probably be a better level tester. And now the time has come for testing...
And I have finals next week. :violet:
I think I can work around it a bit. However, there is likely no chance I'll be able to really put much time into this until Monday evening or Tuesday, and even then I have two tests during the rest of the week. So I think I can help if you still need level testers by then, but I'll be working around both test prep and preparing to move out of my dorm completely. So you might have found the worst time to ask me this, but I'll see what I can do. Just PM the link if I'm accepted.

Hopefully we can get this out soon!


So, are aLaserShark and SomniRespiratory Flux in too? I have to know so I can edit the home page.


Quote from: Dav999 on May 04, 2013, 11:52:24 AM
So, are aLaserShark and SomniRespiratory Flux in too? I have to know so I can edit the home page.

LaserShark is in, but Flux is only in if he has the time.


Quote from: ToasterApocalypse on May 04, 2013, 12:00:56 PM
Quote from: Dav999 on May 04, 2013, 11:52:24 AM
So, are aLaserShark and SomniRespiratory Flux in too? I have to know so I can edit the home page.

LaserShark is in, but Flux is only in if he has the time.

Okay, the home page is updated! :viridian:


Quote from: ToasterApocalypse on May 03, 2013, 03:48:32 PM
(One person did nothing at all, you know who you are)
- RoskillaHULK!! (Who did absolutely nothing)
Well, so-RYY, but I diddn't know where to start. :-X


Quote from: Hilbert on May 04, 2013, 09:11:59 PM
Quote from: ToasterApocalypse on May 03, 2013, 03:48:32 PM
(One person did nothing at all, you know who you are)
- RoskillaHULK!! (Who did absolutely nothing)
Well, so-RYY, but I diddn't know where to start. :-X

You could still make a version, maybe look at the rooms which are there already there and fix bad things. :)

And of course don't forget to update the changelog...

SomniRespiratory Flux

Quote from: ToasterApocalypse on May 04, 2013, 12:00:56 PM
Quote from: Dav999 on May 04, 2013, 11:52:24 AM
So, are aLaserShark and SomniRespiratory Flux in too? I have to know so I can edit the home page.

LaserShark is in, but Flux is only in if he has the time.
Well, if it helps, I have four tests next week. The first one, Monday morning, should be easy. The one I have Monday evening is the hardest, and I have to do a lot of work between now and then to prepare. Once it's done, I should have a bit more open time. The third test is Wednesday morning-afternoonish, and should be rather tricky, but not extremely so, and I still need to get a solid A on it if I want the same for the semester grade. The last test, though fairly easy, is early Friday morning, after which I'll spend the day moving out. Tuesday, Wednesday afternoon, and Thursday I may have time or not depending on how I end up preparing for those last two tests. (This is East Coast USA, so this message is posted at 5:28 PM my time.)
Tell you what, send me the level, and if I don't have time to do anything with it you can take me out of the testing credits. If I do have time I'll try to message you some of my thoughts on things, so if you don't hear from me assume I didn't have time. Is that reasonable? ???


Quote from: SomniRespiratory Flux on May 04, 2013, 09:28:17 PM
Quote from: ToasterApocalypse on May 04, 2013, 12:00:56 PM
Quote from: Dav999 on May 04, 2013, 11:52:24 AM
So, are aLaserShark and SomniRespiratory Flux in too? I have to know so I can edit the home page.

LaserShark is in, but Flux is only in if he has the time.
Well, if it helps, I have four tests next week. The first one, Monday morning, should be easy. The one I have Monday evening is the hardest, and I have to do a lot of work between now and then to prepare. Once it's done, I should have a bit more open time. The third test is Wednesday morning-afternoonish, and should be rather tricky, but not extremely so, and I still need to get a solid A on it if I want the same for the semester grade. The last test, though fairly easy, is early Friday morning, after which I'll spend the day moving out. Tuesday, Wednesday afternoon, and Thursday I may have time or not depending on how I end up preparing for those last two tests. (This is East Coast USA, so this message is posted at 5:28 PM my time.)
Tell you what, send me the level, and if I don't have time to do anything with it you can take me out of the testing credits. If I do have time I'll try to message you some of my thoughts on things, so if you don't hear from me assume I didn't have time. Is that reasonable? ???

What a wordwall
Anyway yeah okay

SomniRespiratory Flux

>_> I really, really don't mean to be so wordy. I just have this thing where I feel that the less I say, the more people misinterpret what I mean, even if it's really obvious what I'm trying to say. And I really don't like being misunderstood. I can try to hold back on that if you want, it's just how I think things through when I post stuff. :-X


Quote from: Dav999 on May 04, 2013, 09:16:36 PM
Quote from: Hilbert on May 04, 2013, 09:11:59 PM
Quote from: ToasterApocalypse on May 03, 2013, 03:48:32 PM
(One person did nothing at all, you know who you are)
- RoskillaHULK!! (Who did absolutely nothing)
Well, so-RYY, but I diddn't know where to start. :-X

You could still make a version, maybe look at the rooms which are there already there and fix bad things. :)

And of course don't forget to update the changelog...
I'll try to do that. :)
And I might as well test, too. :)