Dimension Open/The Open Level Project v1.1

Started by ToasterApocalypse, May 03, 2013, 03:48:32 PM

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Which level of mine would you like to see after tOLP?

Mission Polar
13 (27.1%)
Rainbow Factory
11 (22.9%)
tOLP 2 (Don't vote for this, I need to get the other two done :victoria: )
24 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 47

Damn It AL to Hell

Looks quite interesting. I am definitely trying this.


Haven't tried it...

sorry i didn't beta test it. i was too lazy.


So...wanna hear what I have to say as it pops into my head?  Wanna watch someone die multiple times due to idiocy?  Want just a good laugh?  LOOK NO FURTHER!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqJZhwbBqoE  I'm starting up my latest episodic series right here.

And I also have more just floating around my channel all the same: http://www.youtube.com/user/Rioshoa

Just thought I'd put that out there. 


Quote from: Rioshoa on June 17, 2013, 03:12:35 PM
So...wanna hear what I have to say as it pops into my head?  Wanna watch someone die multiple times due to idiocy?  Want just a good laugh?  LOOK NO FURTHER!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqJZhwbBqoE  I'm starting up my latest episodic series right here.

And I also have more just floating around my channel all the same: http://www.youtube.com/user/Rioshoa

Just thought I'd put that out there.



Quote from: crazyal02 on June 17, 2013, 06:41:35 PM
Quote from: Rioshoa on June 17, 2013, 03:12:35 PM
So...wanna hear what I have to say as it pops into my head?  Wanna watch someone die multiple times due to idiocy?  Want just a good laugh?  LOOK NO FURTHER!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqJZhwbBqoE  I'm starting up my latest episodic series right here.

And I also have more just floating around my channel all the same: http://www.youtube.com/user/Rioshoa

Just thought I'd put that out there.


You sir, have placed a big smile on my face.


Quote from: Rioshoa on June 17, 2013, 03:12:35 PM
So...wanna hear what I have to say as it pops into my head?  Wanna watch someone die multiple times due to idiocy?  Want just a good laugh?  LOOK NO FURTHER!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqJZhwbBqoE  I'm starting up my latest episodic series right here.

And I also have more just floating around my channel all the same: http://www.youtube.com/user/Rioshoa

Just thought I'd put that out there.
Spoiler: The polar dimension raped me hard.


Quote from: Rioshoa on June 17, 2013, 03:12:35 PM
So...wanna hear what I have to say as it pops into my head?  Wanna watch someone die multiple times due to idiocy?  Want just a good laugh?  LOOK NO FURTHER!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqJZhwbBqoE  I'm starting up my latest episodic series right here.

And I also have more just floating around my channel all the same: http://www.youtube.com/user/Rioshoa

Just thought I'd put that out there.
Just some kind of warning - You refused to do the hardest trinkets in my level for them being too hard. While I was the designer of those challenges, and that might make me find them easier -- some parts in TOLP, I found harder than in that part.

Just saying! Good luck!


This....is good to know.  Keep in mind, a level can still be filled with lots even if without 100% completion.  I've played many games in my time that I didn't get every nook and cranny but still love.  That being said, I'll attempt it.  I'll weep.  I'll whimper.  You'll laugh.


After ≈56 mins and 530 deaths I have completed the Space Station, got the yellow keycard and collected 7 trinkets.

  • The hardest room so far is most likely the spike-stairway yellow unnamed room in the Open Space (or whatever it's called). It's very hard compared to the other rooms in that area. You should make it easier.
  • There are differences between the keycard scanner terminals. Some, like the diamond one, say "Searching for (DIAMOND) keycard..." (or something like that), while others say "Searching for keycard...". I think some don't have a blank line in the middle of the text box, but I don't remember that well... you should make them all equal.
  • I see you used the terminal teleport system from Back to VVVVVV, adding the red text box with the destination. :)
  • You should maybe put instructions in the teleport system... it's not like everyone that will play this level has played Back to VVVVVV. :P
  • Besides the following (which isn't important), no glitches, so far! :)
  • I think there were some collision errors if you flip in "Tow Places at Once". It doesn't really matter, though, they're not so notcieable. Changing the height of the floor might chnage the room too much.
  • I'm amazed that a level with nearly 400 rooms only has 17 trinkets! :o I've heard of a 5x5 level with 20 trinkets! Adding more now is too late, I guess...


Where the heck is the emerald gate? I can't find it anywhere.  :victoria:
Also, once the teleporters become inactive, you can get stuck in any zone, especially the ruby zone.


Quote from: TheJonyMyster on June 22, 2013, 06:18:05 PM
Where the heck is the emerald gate? I can't find it anywhere.  :victoria:
Also, once the teleporters become inactive, you can get stuck in any zone, especially the ruby zone.

Have you tried taking the path below the red gate yet?

Anyway, tOLP 1.1 has been released! This fixes a number of issues:

Changelog for 1.1:

Fixed a bug where all teleporters would become inactive.
The explosion script no longer repeats.
The end script is now guaranteed to work.
Changed some other small things in the end script.
Added some minor things.
Fixed a bug where you could get stuck in Test Of Platforms.
Fixed warp lines in Ribbon Chess
Fixed a tiling error in Ribbon Chess and Lost Code
Fixed a small text box alignment error.

Download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/6646hejzoxi9c67/open_1.1.vvvvvv

I can't update the first post here though...

If the teleporters are inactive (I found out why) and if you can't update, try touching the big round teleporter. It may fix the bug. Also after updating, you should go into the green area for a few rooms (you don't have to go all the way to the teleporter, just to the room before it, and then back) fixes the problem if you have it from 1.0 or 1.0.1. The bug won't activate at all when you play the level from the beginning in 1.1.


Thanks. But what do I do if I want to get 1.1 but don't want to replay the entire level?


Quote from: TheJonyMyster on June 22, 2013, 11:50:16 PM
Thanks. But what do I do if I want to get 1.1 but don't want to replay the entire level?

I hope the save file is compatible with the new version, so just try renaming it and it should work.


I need a little help.

I'm on my first trip to Deep Space, but I can't seem to find out what to do after getting the "oil" trinket and downloading the yellow card.  Help...?


Continued, didn't finish yet, still with v1.0.1.
Time: ≈1h48m. Deaths: ≈930 Trinkets: 10/17.
Currently in the polar dimension, at the room "Spike Switch", or whatever it's called (didn't try that room yet, just reached it).

  • That yellow room I mentioned earlier is still the hardest so far. Was it supposed to be so hard?
  • I forgot to tell you this the last time, but I thought I needed to do more "swimming in oil" in the apparently empty room before the trinket, took me a bit to realise there was only one way there...
  • I forgot to tell you this the last time too, but I think that those instructions I mentioned need to explain what terminal KE is... that it's not a destination select terminal like the others...
  • I don't see the difficulty of the trinket in "More art"...
  • "Ribbon Chess" is the 2nd hardest room, I think. Sometimes I couldn't jump enough even if falling a bit and then flipping! Was I supposed to to the room above when flipping in the top right? I suppose so... the flip at the start is 5 tiles left and 5 tiles up, that one is 5 tiles left and 4 tiles up. The first one is already hard, that one should be impossible. So, you somehow used Dir. Mode. to make just part of the hole to be the warp line and to make some tiles act like one-way-down tiles (or something like that). Original, if that was intended! One problem, if you go to the left or right edges of the room above, you get collision errors...so was it intended to go up there or not?! Or were those collision errors the ones fixed in 1.1. I suspect there were some in "Ribbon Chess" itself, but I didn't test those...
  • In "Hyperactive square", I collected the trinkat and then died w/o touching the CP! I think you should fix that...
  • The 1st part of the prison is very original! A suggestion: is it possible to make :viridian: teleport to a spike, hiding it by a longer flash(x), so that it's really a death? And I get why the cops were like :vermillion: : "Officer Vermilion". I guess that makes sense...
  • ...Backgrounds in the prison like the ones that wrap around every side when the room actually doesn't... file editing, right? That makes me wonder if the rooms that wrap around and have the lab background (I forgot the keycard collected after that) required file editing too, or just have warp lines...
  • The destabilized ruby zone is original too!... and so is the zone that starts at (14;1). What gotoroom can do... I admit the last was a bit confusing I just went forward, backward, forward, until I reached "True Polar". Same with the room "Lost".
  • In "True Polar": "Teleporter version: 6.9"... ... ... Who made that line? :D
  • In one of the rooms in the Polar dimension (one that's split int various columns and has lots of grav. lines and enemies): Move the 1st CP to the left. Right now it makes the 1st garv. line useless as you don't nneed to flip: you can just touch it. A similar thing happens in other CP of the same room, but that's unfixable. In the same room there's another useless grav. line, it's the last one. You can just flip directly to the exit... or is it to prevent wrapping?

Very good, so far...

Toaster, I think you should remove the map in the OP, it's too spoiler-ish...

Quote from: TwiGav on June 23, 2013, 04:22:25 PM
I need a little help.

I'm on my first trip to Deep Space, but I can't seem to find out what to do after getting the "oil" trinket and downloading the yellow card.  Help...?

Spoiler: Have you tried backtracking?