Time Trial Thread: Post Your Scores!

Started by Wobbles, January 11, 2010, 07:04:50 AM

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Hi folks!  I thought that it would be neat to make a thread cataloging the high scores from the time trial modes.  So post your time and # of deaths, and we can keep track of them here!  We can also discuss ways to get better times :3

Also, since it's possible to get faster times if you intentionally die in certain spots, we'll have separate times for S and V ranks (since you can only get a V if you don't die AND get the trinkets).  So if there's a faster S time than a V time, we'll keep the V time and post the S next to it.  A faster V time, however, obsoletes the S (on account of being just plain better).


Space Station 1: 0:55 Rank V - Wobbles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkwkClDXNVY
                           0:52 Rank S (no trinkets) - TTT

The Laboratory: 2:02 Rank V - Wobbles

The Tower: 1:31 Rank V - Draconis
                   1:29 Rank A - eyf

Space Station 2: 2:25 Rank V - Wobbles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SkSWSIJJpE

The Warp Zone: 1:15 Rank V - Wobbles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw8M4npTdpo

The Final Level: 1:41 Rank V - Wobbles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPsuVQVSc38


Bring your V game, people!


I guess there's not much interest.  I'll just post my times then and see if I can't encourage some competition :)

I got all trinkets in all my runs.

Space Station 1: 0:55 Rank V
The Lab: 2:25 Rank S
The Tower: 1:43 Rank S
Space Station 2: 2:45 Rank S
The Warp Zone: 1:35 Rank S
The Final Level: 2:03 Rank S


Quote from: Wobbles on January 12, 2010, 01:46:30 AM
Space Station 1: 0:55 Rank V

Haven't tried the others yet, but I'm way impressed anyway. I made it in 0:59 with no lives lost, but no trinkets.  :(

I can't see myself getting through the trinket in Trench Warfare and out in less than 12 seconds. How did you do that??


I got 0:55 Rank V on Space Station too! I guess I can't bump you from there...

But I got 1:32 Rank V on The Tower. ;)


Joniho: Yeah, sounds about right!  Can't imagine doing much better than that since it's a scroller.  I got a perfect run through it normally, but then couldn't do it in time trial -_-

Edit: I'd also like to add my Warp Zone time, 1:15 Rank V.  I think it could have been about 1, maybe 2 seconds faster.


Ok, I stickied this thread (and the no death and super gravitron ones). I think there are a few duplicates that I should probably merge into these ones...


Hey, a sticky!  Well, I'll also add my Final Level run -- 1:51 Rank V.  Still working on a good Space Station 2 V run though  :vitellary:


I don't think it's physically feasible to get faster than 1:32 on the Tower, is it? What with the auto-scrolling and all, the only points you could save time at are the start (which I'm pretty sure people going for V rank do perfectly anyway) and the end, by flipping to the exit stretch as quickly as possible. The gain on perfectly sticking the exit strikes me as fairly minute, though, and when I get there in that time, I'm usually close to the end of 1:32 anyway, so any difference perfecting the exit would have wouldn't likely have any impact on the final time.

Feel free to prove me wrong, though.

(oh, and 1:32 is my V rank time for the Tower as well. Hooray trophy.)


Quote from: Kalir on January 25, 2010, 05:10:07 PM
I don't think it's physically feasible to get faster than 1:32 on the Tower, is it?

Physics? You humans, you think in such small minded ways. ;-)

I think shaving another second or two off is possible, if you really optimize it. But rank V is out of reach, alas. (hint!)


Bah. Yeah, I should've appended "when V ranking" or something. Whoops.


How did you manage 1:30 while dying 6 times? :vitellary:


My guess is that he leapt for the checkpoints as soon as they were on screen and then got himself killed if that would scroll the screen up enough.




Thinking inside the box is my specialty. Forced scrolls can work to your advantage as well as disadvantage. ;-)


That "if you hit a checkpoint quickly, the screen scrolls forward when you die" thing was my mortal enemy during my first playthrough.  "Why??"  I would scream at my computer, "why do you think so little of me??"