VVVVVV Dimension Doom

Started by christian2004, April 05, 2014, 01:30:38 AM

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This is my (insanely) hard map called Dimension doom!
Crewmates to rescue:
...and crewmates in your ship :

download : https://www.mediafire.com/folder/j0l0fikvqrfny/VVVVVV_DIMENSION_DOOM

(btw there are a few glitchs  :'(

Info Teddy

You shou\d probab\y put the actua\ down\oad \/nk of your \eve\ /n the post /nstead of putt/ng the fo\der /n wh/ch the down\oad \/nk /s /n.

Bas/ca\\y, th/s /s the actua\ f/\e: http://www.mediafire.com/download/taf0q1c1d12bb84/Doom.vvvvvv

You have a \ot of grammar /ssues. Uncap/ta\/zed names, m/ss/ng commas, m/sspe\\ed words, etc.

A /b/g/ /ssue: repeat/ng scr/pts. / /hate/ repeat/ng scr/pts w/th a pass/on.

When you get out of the sh/p, you fa\\ for many rooms unt/\ you \and on a f\at surface. / thought that you d/dn't add anyth/ng e\se /n, unt/\ / \anded.

/n "Ne/ther th/s", there are sp/kes exact\y next to the grav/ty \/ne. You can st/\\ d/e from the sp/kes.

Speak/ng of the sp/kes /n "Ne/ther th/s", there /s a cont/nu/ty /ssue w/th sp/kes from the prev/ous room and sp/kes /n the room /tse\f. Aka, a RAE.

P\ease don't put tr/nkets next to a crew member. Whenever there are two scr/pts runn/ng at the same t/me, the game g\/tches out. Runn/ng /nto the tr/nket w/th fast speed w/\\ cause momentum to be un\eashed at the same t/me, mak/ng the get-tr/nket scr/pt and get-crewmate scr/pt run at the same t/me.

Bas/ca\\y, don't put tr/nkets next a crew member.

P\ease don't make su/c/de tr/nkets, aka tr/nkets above sp/kes, \/ke /n "Out of memory".

S/ng\e-t/\ed wa\\s /n "Outer space". A\so, a warp/ng co\\/s/on error.

Shou\d one try to \eave the room of "Gett/ng co\der" on the \eft, they w/\\ be met w/th sp/kes. Th/s counts as a RAE.

You can st/\\ get /nto "For a room" w/thout jump/ng down from "Get a door". S/mp\y use the p\atform /n "\eve\ now! (dont jump)" and f\/p down at the correct t/me.

There /s a co\\/s/on error w/th warps /n "D/Y xxx98 Repa/r". Go back from wh/ch you came, f\/p up, wa\k \eft, and press ACT/ON. You are now /n a wa\\.

/f you touch the r/ght wa\\ when you h/t the d/sappear/ng p\atform /n "No reason to wOrry", you w/\\ hear a \oud no/se due to V/r/d/an h/tt/ng two d/sappear/ng p\atforms at the same t/me.

You can st/\\ f\/p onto the p\atform /n "No f\/p zone" and not d/e.

The surpr/se /n "Nodd/ng" /s stup/d. / have noth/ng more to say about /t.

Sharp squeak sound /n V/ctor/a's scr/pt /n "Des/gned for danger" /f you repeat the scr/pt.

You do rea\/ze that you /can/ make the background /n the po\ar d/mens/ons gray, r/ght? t/\eco\="6" and t/\eset="2" for each spec/f/c room you want a gray background on.

By the way, / don't th/nk your map /s hard. /t just \ooks rea\\y stup/d w/th a\\ the s/ng\e-t/\ed wa\\s and grammat/ca\ errors. P\ease at \east /attempt/ to make /t "/nsane\y hard".

[Tr/nkets Found]
E\even out of E\even

[Number of Deaths]

[T/me Taken]


Give me a break please, I've only started this website and that was the ONLY map I uploaded to this website. I don't care if there are more glitches in my next one. Just leave me alone  :victoria:

Info Teddy

Quote from: christian2004 on April 13, 2014, 12:24:47 AMGive me a break please, I've only started this website and that was the ONLY map I uploaded to this website. I don't care if there are more glitches in my next one. Just leave me alone:victoria:
We\\, /f you rea\\y want peop\e to enjoy your maps, I recommend you at \east take t/me to f/x a\\ of the g\/tches and at \east try to get r/d of s/ng\e-t/\ed wa\\s and grammat/ca\ errors.


Info Teddy

Quote from: christian2004 on April 14, 2014, 01:33:45 AMThank you :)
So, when are you go/ng to attempt to f/x the g\/tches and actua\\y make the map harder /nstead of comp\ete\y stup/d?


I'm gonna forget this one and make a new one

Info Teddy

Quote from: christian2004 on April 15, 2014, 12:17:34 PMI'm gonna forget this one and make a new one
Then / guess / sha\\ make a f/xed vers/on of your \eve\ wh/\e / wa/t for your next (and therefore, hopefu\\y better) \eve\.