The Hex Dimension v1.3 Beta (Abandoned)

Started by sv6z2, March 09, 2014, 06:43:20 PM

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How good is this level?

1 (25%)
Pretty good, just a couple of changes are needed.
1 (25%)
Maybe you could do better, but it's okay.
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Just throw this level away.
0 (0%)
Go die in a fire.
0 (0%)
??? cuz i luv randum opshuns
2 (50%)
I'm not too sure about this level.
0 (0%)
This option was added 19th of October, 2019. If you see this then message me on these forums :)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 4

Voting closes: August 07, 2041, 02:26:19 PM


Here's the beta of the level in the "Coming Soon..." topic.
1.3 beta up.

          Chase me hehe! :shiny:                                    :violet: Damn it!
1.3 Beta:
-A Script added about stairs.
-More roomnames changed.
-More of the Portal-Style level added.
-Added some small extra details
-tiles2.png updated.

1.2 Beta:
-Added Portal-Style level section.
-Some roomnames and scripts changed.
-The Supertron  :D

1.1 Beta:

Info Teddy


N/ce job on the des/gn of the D.S.S. Sou\Eye v2.0.

The /dea of rotat/ng your coord/nates /n 3D was or/g/na\.

/ don't understand the "P\ease Enter Password" room. As far as / know, no h/nts are g/ven, and the room /s f/\\ed w/th sp/kes, mak/ng /t hard to actua\\y enter the password. But apparent\y /t opens up /f you mess around a b/t.

/'m not sure what to do /n "Overs\/p". Even after mess/ng around w/th the room /n /nv/nc/b/\/ty mode, / cou\dn't f/nd out. / had to use /nv/c/b/\/ty to get out.

When you make the "\eve\ Comp\ete" scr/pt tr/gger, /f you press ACT/ON to cont/nue too ear\y, the mus/c w/\\ s/mp\y sw/tch to Pass/on for Exp\or/ng w/thout any trans/t/on whatsoever, wh/ch makes /t sound rea\\y bad.

Rea\\y n/ce /dea of us/ng wh/te b\ocks /n the t/\eset to make spacet/me r/ps. Unfortunate\y, the gap between the sp/kes /n that spec/f/c room are too sma\\ for V/r/d/an to f/t through w/thout dy/ng. Wh/ch /s why you need /nv/nc/b/\/ty to progress. Aga/n.

The Grav/tron /s an overused /dea, ever s/nce someone f/gured out how to /mp\ement /t /n a \eve\. Rep\ace /t w/th someth/ng e\se, p\ease.

Exact\y what boss are we f/ght/ng here? V/r/d/an just gets \aunched /n w/thout any context. /'m assum/ng the scr/pt before the boss "batt\e" has V/r/d/an commun/cat/ng w/th th/s "boss", but /t /sn't very c\ear.

N/ce puzz\e w/th "More Cho/ces". The room after that has a very n/ce Porta\ reference.

/'m assum/ng that "The Star Caverns" /s where beta v1.0 ends. Hopefu\\y, /'m correct /n th/s assumpt/on.

=[ P\AY/NG /NFO ]=

[Tr/nkets found]
F/ve out of Seven

[Number of Deaths]

[T/me Taken]


1: Thanks.

2: <above>

3: The password is 12345.

4: Behind the gravity line in the lower-right is a script that removes the warp tokens which you have to hit.

5: Ok, I'll add a larger delay on the time it takes for the "Level Complete" to finish and I'll move the music script
back a bit.

6: There should be a small hole in the ceiling that you can pass through. Sorry if I didn't make that obvious.

7: Yeah sure...

8: I'll move the boss to later in the story.

9: Thanks, again.

10: Yes, you are.

Info Teddy

=[ CR/T/C/SM ]=
Before / even started p\ay/ng the actua\ \eve\, / not/ced you d/dn't update the vers/on number. P\ease te\\ /f th/s was /ntent/ona\ or not.

By the way, n/ce /dea of us/ng a "texture pack" \/ke M/necraft.

/n the scr/pt where V/r/d/an /s addressed as a "2D Creature", /f you f\/p up on the ce/\/ng then tr/gger the scr/pt, V/r/d/an w/\\ s/mp\y get te\eported /nto a wa\\. P\ease f/x th/s.

A\so, p\ease remove the sp/kes /n the enter password room, and g/ve a h/nt as to the password be/ng 12345, \/ke, "/ bet you don't know how to count!". /'m a pro p\ayer (/n my op/n/on) at VVVVVV, but even then, / st/\\ d/ed at \east 10 t/mes try/ng to enter the password.

/ recommend you put a h/nt to touch the /nvers/on p\ane /n the r/ght-hand corner of Overs\/p. Not everyone's go/ng to know the f/rst t/me they p\ay.

You d/dn't actua\\y extend the de\ay between "\eve\ Comp\ete" and "Press ACT/ON to cont/nue". You just d/dn't p\ay mus/c /mmed/ate\y after the p\ayer pressed ACT/ON to cont/nue.

A\so, / not/ced you d/dn't fence off the area to the \eft of the p\ace V/r/d/an ends up at when he comp\etes the f/rst \eve\. N/ce job.

/n "Spacet/me R/p", you have s/ng\e-t/\ed wa\\s. N/ce job, aga/n.

/ keep dy/ng due to sp/kes /n Bypass. Once aga/n, / need to use /nv/nc/b/\/ty to get out.

The Grav/tron /s st/\\ /n the \eve\. / suggest you rep\ace /t w/th someth/ng e\se, aga/n.

The boss st/\\ has no context. Aga/n, \/ke / sa/d, V/r/d/an gets \aunched /n /nstant\y.

Overa\\, / see noth/ng added. Just the custom "texture pack".

[Tr/nkets found]
S/x out of Seven

[Number of Deaths]

[T/me Taken]


Info Teddy

=[ CR/T/C/SM ]=
We\\, you've made /t obv/ous what to do /n Overs\/p. /'ve not/ced that you have to touch the very top of the /nvers/on p\ane to actua\\y reg/ster you touch/ng /t.

Aga/n, you d/dn't actua\\y extend the de\ay between the mus/c start/ng and the prompt to press ACT/ON. /'ve exp\a/ned th/s before.

A\so, /'ve not/ced a random term/na\ sound p\ay/ng /n spec/f/c scr/pts at sa/d scr/pts' start. / th/nk th/s /s because of /nterna\ scr/pt/ng fa/\s.

Scr/pts repeat. /t's easy to c/rcumvent th/s. /'d expect someone who knows how to /nterna\\y scr/pt very we\\ wou\d know how to make scr/pts on\y run one t/me.

You forgot to fence off the area to the \eft of the ex/t of the f/rst \eve\. Aga/n.

/ st/\\ can't get through the bottom ha\f of Bypass. Had to use /nv/nc/b/\/ty. Aga/n. 2x combo.

N/ce /dea of the Supertron. / don't even know how you /mp\emented that! Espec/a\\y s/nce the top /nvers/on p\ane doesn't stretch to f/\\ the ent/re screen.

/ can't progress /n D/gg/ng Deeper. That's where / stopped.

/ suggest you add more d/a\ogue to V/r/d/an, and actua\\y add more stuff /nstead of tweak/ng the same th/ng.

[Crewmates rescued]

[Tr/nkets found]
S/x out of Seven

[Number of Deaths]

[T/me Taken]


Is the forum is active or not? Hello guys, I just have registered and dont know what to to  :'(
Creating great Custom label drinks with

Info Teddy

Quote from: mark90 on March 14, 2014, 01:12:27 PMIs the forum is active or not? Hello guys, I just have registered and dont know what to to  :'(
/'m act/ve. /'\\ rep\y to every post / can.

Info Teddy

Quote from: Dav999 on March 15, 2014, 12:29:58 AMThis one is the replacement for the boards other than VVVVVV levels and is active. Just saying.
Cou\d you get an actua\ VVVVVV \eve\s subforum than just \az/\y \/nk/ng to the d/stract/onware forums's vers/on?


Quote from: PK Lovin Ω on March 15, 2014, 05:01:40 AM
Quote from: Dav999 on March 15, 2014, 12:29:58 AMThis one is the replacement for the boards other than VVVVVV levels and is active. Just saying.
Cou\d you get an actua\ VVVVVV \eve\s subforum than just \az/\y \/nk/ng to the d/stract/onware forums's vers/on?

It's better to have one levels forum instead of two separate ones, it's more organized.


1.3 BETA UP.


To beat the bottom half Bypass (now Alignment: Invisibility), there should be some tower blocks and * symbols. If you step underneath the tower blocks it should be solid. But the * s are spikes if you step underneath and from there you work your way across.

Info Teddy

=[ CR/T/C/SM ]=
The \ast \/ne V/r/d/an says /n the f/rst scr/pt that's tr/ggered has a cap/ta\/zat/on error. P\ease f/x th/s.

You forgot to f/x the bug / ment/oned /n wh/ch V/r/d/an gets te\eported /nto a wa\\ just because he wasn't supposed to be f\/pped wh/\e the scr/pt tr/ggered.

"Bas/c Count/ng Number 1". \augh out \oud.

Thanks for mak/ng the /nvers/on p\ane detect/on /n "Overs\/p" accurate.

The term/na\ sound /s st/\\ p\ayed at the beg/nn/ng of the f/rst "\eve\ Comp\ete" scr/pt. P\ease f/x th/s. You a\so d/dn't actua\\y extend the de\ay between the mus/c start/ng and the prompt to press ACT/ON to cont/nue.

What d/d / say about fenc/ng off the area to the \eft of the area you go after comp\et/ng the f/rst \eve\?!

You forgot to note the f/rst and \ast h/dden b\ocks /n A\/gnment: /nv/s/b/\/ty.

Oh my gog, the squares!

/f you go /nto Porta\ T/me, then back out, there w/\\ be no mus/c.

The bottom part of /nverted Stars /s fa/r enough.

T/ght F/t was annoy/ng. /t fe\t \/ke you had to t/me /t at the exact moment, or you'd be go/ng nowhere. At there was a checkpo/nt /n the room.

The top part of /nverted Stars /s /very/ annoy/ng, espec/a\\y s/nce you don't have a checkpo/nt, you'\\ have to do T/ght F/t aga/n. Mak/ng /t more annoy/ng.

Revo\ve pretty much decreased a who\e \ot /n d/ff/cu\ty and annoyance. Not sure /f you rea\\y want to keep the sudden d/ff/cu\ty sp/ke /n the prev/ous two rooms.

/ hate the sudden scr/pt of hav/ng the warp tokens and /nvers/on p\anes back /n Wrapp/ng Th/ngs Up. Because of that, /t fee\s repet/t/ve to get r/d of the /nvers/on p\anes and warp tokens aga/n and aga/n. The room /tse\f /s a\so d/ff/cu\t due to your stup/d p\acement of sp/kes.

No, we weren't hav/ng "so much fun".

[Tr/nkets found]
S/x out of N/ne

[Number of Deaths]

[T/me Taken]


In the room Overslip if you hit the gravity line and then die the gravity line won't disable the warps again. needs fixing cause I had to quit without saving.


Quote from: stylzm on April 16, 2014, 03:47:27 PM
In the room Overslip if you hit the gravity line and then die the gravity line won't disable the warps again. needs fixing cause I had to quit without saving.

That shouldn't happen.  ??? It always disables the warps for me.

I'm not working on this level anymore, so go ahead and make random changes. (But you still have to give credit to me  ;) )