hi here is my map aventiurs of shp

Started by TmanDaCool1, October 22, 2014, 02:39:37 PM

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here is my map


P.S. This level is meant to be bad. I can make much better levels than this.

here is a pikture


Awsme lvl! :viridian:
Me fnd no bgs! :viridian:
Me hav beat it! :viridian:
Me lik surprize ending! :viridian:
Bst lvl evr! :viridian:
10/10 :-*

But seriously...
I had fun playing this level!
I liked all the purposeful gliches!
I was able to get all trinkets and all crew except 2 in pit- :vitellary: and  :victoria: near poisonous spike and the last guy- :viridian:
The constant crashing was great and I loved the horrible level design!
The surprise ending was a great and hilarious. :D
Finally a GOOD use for destroy(platforms). ;D
Even the SCRIPTS had terrible names! :P
Not to mention some of the script commands like poop and say(999).
Best (and only that I have seen) purposefully horrible level yet! :)



This exquisite level is even better than Adventures of V-Stop Man!!


A level that I have yet to try, but that seems the best level with the poor graphics, and I see that there are crashes, huh?  :D


Quote from: Sergione on November 02, 2014, 12:07:23 PM
A level that I have yet to try, but that seems the best level with the poor graphics, and I see that there are crashes, huh?  :D
I don't know what you're talking about, this level is very well designed and has no bugs.

moth ✨

Stop Spamposting VeniVidiVici!

EDIT: Oh yay, he deleted them!


No, no, this level is really bad!  :P


It's the best level ever made! I really can't think of anything bad about it, it's that good. I'm serious. ;D

moth ✨

Quote from: Dav999 on November 05, 2014, 10:24:49 PM
It's the best level ever made! I really can't think of anything bad about it, it's that good. I'm serious. ;D


umg :d it the best lvl evr111!I lv it ok if I  mk a seql 2 it?


Quote from: Epicperson456 on December 04, 2014, 03:43:31 AM
umg :d it the best lvl evr111!I lv it ok if I  mk a seql 2 it?
that migt nt be legal!!!!!! ask permision, orginal lvl, donut steel!



Quote from: crazyal02 on December 04, 2014, 03:51:21 AM
Quote from: Epicperson456 on December 04, 2014, 03:43:31 AM
umg :d it the best lvl evr111!I lv it ok if I  mk a seql 2 it?
that migt nt be legal!!!!!! ask permision, orginal lvl, donut steel!
Just realized this was the 6000th post in the VVVVVV Levels subforum. :o


im nt letting ths topc go off the frst pge!!!  ???