hi here is my map aventiurs of shp

Started by TmanDaCool1, October 22, 2014, 02:39:37 PM

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tis matserpeese must net leev da frunt peg!!!!!!


my gaem keeps glitchin wenever i plai levvul but it gud anywai :) BUMP


gt oot!!!! only exsquicset pusters can plai dis! u r a shetpsutar!


Riki the crewmate

That Souleye Crewmate

Dis bezt mapp evah maed i r8 8/8 bro dis veery kewl  :viridian: :viridian: :viridian:

PS: I'm new here. Hi!


Quote from: That Souleye Crewmate on May 05, 2015, 05:36:20 PM
PS: I'm new here. Hi!
ew i hate it when n00bs take interest in somehtgni i lke Welcome to the forum

That Souleye Crewmate

Don't worry, i came to post levels. Im usually on tolp, because this forum is on the tip of dying.


hugh!1!?/!? speek engilsh pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :violet: :violet: :violet: :violet: :violet: :violet: :violet: :violet:

That Souleye Crewmate

soreee am somtiemz so fargetef00l ai meend am her 2 pozt mapps cuz deez foram is on teh tiep of deing. am good on teh opan map projecd.


Quote from: That Souleye Crewmate on May 06, 2015, 10:54:37 AM
soreee am somtiemz so fargetef00l ai meend am her 2 pozt mapps cuz deez foram is on teh tiep of deing. am good on teh opan map projecd.
tanks fro tarnsl34tng .