Let's Brainstorm Room Names!

Started by Lollipop, January 02, 2015, 03:17:55 AM

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That Souleye Crewmate

moth ✨


Bruce Michez

In light of the recent argument about double-posting, I have decided to delete my previous posts in this thread.  You will find all of my suggestions so far in this post instead, plus one new one.

Viridian in the Sky with Diamonds - for a room with those direct-mode diamond-shaped double spikes and/or square enemies
AVada KedaVra - for a green room with a large number of enemies.  belated edit: this one's been used by VVVVVVCrewmate7 in Mission Warp.
Get Out of Jail V - for a room that looks difficult but actually "plays itself"
Jean Michel Jarre's Laser Harp - for a room with lots of vertical gravity lines.  edit: green Lab tileset would make the room look most like the actual instrument.
Waterfall and Don't Stop - for a pair of rooms in which one is a mirror image of the other.
And Viridian Knew the Name of the King - for a dark, scary and/or difficult room
Careful with That Axe, Viridian - likewise
Songs in the Key of V - for a jukebox room, or any room in which the music changes a lot.
MMMMMM... Forbidden Donuts - for a room with the ring-shaped enemies
Shine On You Crazy Trinket - obvious
'Scuse Me While I Pierce the Sky - for the first room in a very vertical section where the music is "Piercing the Sky".
Viva Las Vegas - for a multicoloured room with coin enemies, perhaps using the lab tileset with the rainbow background ("tilecol=6").

edit: I would like to be credited, though I don't insist on it.

That Souleye Crewmate

Ahem, you don't have to do it like that...
We were just saying to NOT doublepost. I'm not going to delete all my replies and put them into one post  :vitellary:

i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts

The're coming... - For a room with not many enemies
...RUN! - For the next room after 'They're coming', with lots of enemies
Incredibly... - For a room that plays itself
...HARD!!! - For a room in following after Incredibly which looks like it plays itself but is actually hard.
Sinister Corridor - For a room which looks impossible but is like 'Illusions' from Dimension Switchback
Not-So-Sinister Corridor - Following 'Sinister Corridor'

shape worrior t

Stop, Drop, and Roll and variations - for whatever fits.

i don't use this site anymore, please don't look at my posts

Alpha - For an easy room.
Beta - For a medium room.
Delta - For a hard room.
Omega - For an extreme room.

That Souleye Crewmate

Press R for a challenge! - Automatic room
You chose... death - you went the wrong way.
UltramegagreatatoKillerthing 9000 - Impossible room, beaten by going left/right/whatever way was the previous room.


You Cannot Grasp the True Form - A room with a picture of Terry Cavanagh (implemented with custom tiles)

That Souleye Crewmate

LOOK AWAY - hideous/funny/epileptic/scary picture from custom tiles.
All Death Mode - you have to die A LOT to pass.



SAY NO FOR ONCE!!!!!!--A room where the yes men appear in random places acordding to your location used with crateentity


jesus christ this thread is almost a year old

a room where you post shitty room names in a thread that is almost a year old



Who hates @kreator I know he's banned on tolp
True story.